Okay this really isn't all about bank features it's more about guildhall additions but the title catches your attention. right?
as the title says sk needs a bank function where you can deposit, withdraw, and apply for a loan (every 10 days) but it'll be based in the guild so you have to be a guild member to use it
the guildhall also needs a mini auction house so u can sell stuff to guild mates cheap
it also needs a way to get there from haven
liek the empty door at the end of the arcade
also a bulletin board only editable by guild masters and officers would be boss!
wut would also be cool is like being able to put scenery but that's a long way away
(also make a mass pm function to all guild mates)
rite now the guildhall is drab and boring plz do sumthin to improve it!
Banks were already suggested. And in the correct forum.