Hey everyone, I'm here to talk to you all about something. And no, I'm not whining
I've recently started playing again, I had a bunch of crowns to buy some pretty nice 3* equipment (Dusker set, Arc Razor, horned owlite shield, and gunslinger set as a costume) to help me stay alive since my 2* equipment wasn't so helpful like before. But it doesn't seem effective anymore, because for some reason, my friends and I are getting slaughtered throughout the depths. I recently helped my friend with a tier 2 mission, and one of the frog like enimies, who was a tier 2 enemy, took half my health without any effort, and I died very fast because a bunch of them shot me from the distance and then hoarded my friend. I don't even lag, and I'm pretty aware of who and what is close to me. I would expect such from a Lumber (tree like enimies), but not from a frog. It also happens to me with jellies, they also seem to eat my shield in 3 to 4 hits, and I get slaughtered half the time. Even my friends in great 5* equipment have been slaughtered, and they weren't even in a danger room. The enimies also seem to have a tendency to hoard you instead of spliting up and attacking seperately, so I get caught in a group of 4 Mecha Knights and end up dying within seconds and not having a chance to break away, and the shield bash doesn't work in that kind of sitiuation, as well as it happens to all of my friends too.
So if you don't feel like reading that chunk, then I'm simply going to ask it like this, Do you think the AI/enimies in Tiers (mostly tier 2 for me since I can only acsess that tier) are a bit too aggressive and more powerful then they should be, or do you think they're fine and I need a bunch of equipment to fit all depths requirements.
This game is not just spamclick you know ?
I went through T2 without problems.
Maybe use more your shield, and shieldblocking.