And for f2p players, new content this year was Roarmulus Twins aaaaaaaand that is it. Even if you take the "new" price of Shadow Keys, it isn't worth it.
Oh, and "butchered Arcade", Mission Mode. With a new boss that doesn't even have a dungeon (why the hell isn't the Statuary a dungeon instead of having 2 Clockwork levels before? Potential misused again). And that Candlestick level in Arcade... or Mission Mode...
Accesory-wise, we can buy 3 basic eyes, 2 heights and maedates from Auction House, woo. Excitement. Lots. And changing our color, don't forget.
I could care about PvP, but I am a PvE player btw. : P
Back to grinding Vanaduke I go~ *Insert going to mine typical song*
It seems all the impatient ragers are at the top of the thread (have left due to boredem/wishing to get back to the game) while patient people who are cool and collected are still posting on the thread. Or the ragers have calmed down and are now cool and collectevlely posting on the thread :P