If you've read Severage's megathread, you would have noticed that those threads, images and ideas have already been merged into it.
You'll notice 3 lines down on that thread is this link.
If you've read Severage's megathread, you would have noticed that those threads, images and ideas have already been merged into it.
You'll notice 3 lines down on that thread is this link.
Ok as I see Eurydice is in the mood to communicate.
The problem I see is all the new updates involve players having to put down riduculous amounts of money (each update) to stay on par among some of the lucky/rich players, which most do.. But come on it is getting old, for everyone to keep dumping money into this game to be up-to-date with the latest accesories.. which seem to come out ever so often.
I dont want to whine and complain, because I am sure that will turn the GMs off about the posts but please we crave for new content
PS- Ive myself been a fan of this game for almost a year now and absolutely love it, but I just cant help but feel that every new accessory update ruins this game, and with all these expensive accessory updates, it is definately adding up.
Simple request- Pls just focus on releasing new content in-place of the accessories, IF the new content cant support the story of SK, then i suggest change the story itself, many of us will understand, we just want new things about the game itself and not just looks..(the rich people can't stop the urge to ignore the new accessories, and like to have it all, thus the only way for them to break that bad habit is to quit altogether, so hopefuly it won't come to that, although it has)
I feel like this game is becoming like a Barbie Doll dress up game, we need to put an end to this, please.
I am really actually tearing out my hair. YES, I think I fell a bald spot coming on.
Why in the world have moster pets come out? I personally agree with Jen, Guild hall updates and weapon balances are in much more need.
Hopefully Guild Hall update will come soon and settle this, lol. I hope you mean that it is being worked on. Everything is a hope though, :P
@Eurydice and developers
Prolly just best if you ignore all the rage posts. There's always something to be unhappy about, it's the best part of a selfish attitude (me being guilty as well raging about toothpick latency). A lot of people are glad to have a game like this. Hell I was actually making a game using Construct that allowed this style of play before I found SK, saved me lots of time! :).
Keep in mind how much unaccountability the internet has when people rage about virtual nothingness. So much easier to sit back and criticize those in charge rather then take up the challenge of organizing a game themselves (or anything important for that matter). I see it in the work force, but it's always much worse here. There's always a sense of entitlement to something they really have no ownership of.
Keep the updates coming and don't spare the quality! That last graphical update made every level very playable on my PC, good stuff!
Hi jen. While I can't answer from OOO's perspective, I know the feeling from the development side lol.
My question is this, why wasn't it there from the very beginning when guilds were introduced to the game? From the experience that the developers have with the games through sega, through other three ring games, or through games they play on their own outside of work one thing that should become apparent and important is the communication of a clan, guild, team or whatever it may be. How important it is to get messages out to your guild as a whole so you can collectively group together and see the same things is important. I don't know the reasoning in not putting a notification/announcement board for guilds wasn't there from the beginning, but it should have been there from the beginning.
Why wasn't it there from the beginning?
- Because it wasn't thought of in the original design?
- Because they're working on other things and, to get them done well/on time, can't be splitting up the development work?
I can't imagine the stress I'd have if while developing something on my own, decided to release a few finished features and got yelled at for not doing anything else lol.
It's as if some people believe that when a patch is released, it means that's the only thing they've been working on.
I mean, it's not like they've forgotten about things like this because they finished something else earlier @__@.
"Ignore all the rage posts" he says..
Peeps tryn to put in their opinions as nicely as possible, to try to improve the game, hav all become ragers and worthy to be ignored as a whole, /Applaud Blueflood.
Previous post was not directed at you or anyone in the player game community, that was more to the devs. Those above us usually have 10 people discouraging them to the 1 who encourages. I like the game and don't want them to be discouraged, but it comes with the territory.
You can rage about me all ya want, and I'll prolly do the same to you on an equal player base. When that happens it's time to take a break or beat up some monsters in the clockworks. Those that meet me in LD please remind me of this :).
"Why in the world have moster pets come out?"
Quite simple. Because some people in the SK community wants them.
But I don't get it, why are people arguing when they're the ones who showed OOO how much they love and want pet snipes :/
Yeah although we need guild announcement boards and etc, maybe OOO wants to release all the new guild hall features in 1 simple patch. It'll be lame if there was only 1 guild hall feature added.
Overall: Most important thing :|
The devs actually reads our suggestions, show your love ♥ c:
Hex, I've read every one of those threads. I've seen it all. I've participated in outside discussion about it and send people to those threads to read and support. I am a frequent forum poster, and I hope I don't come off completely illogical here. I don't consider myself completely illogical, I have my moments though. lol. I am up to date on all those. There are things I don't like and don't care for that are suggested in those threads. I've mentioned before I'm not for guild banks I think they're silly. I'm not for guild flags or emblems. I'm not even for a huge customization of the guild halls. It would be neat to stick things in them and dress them up, yes.
Guilds need more of a meaning. This is a big social game. Guilds are important. If you lose the closeness and the interaction, then you're gonna lose players. You won't have the dedicated following that puzzle pirates has because of how well it is to communicate to each other in that game. I know spiral knights is not puzzle pirates and I'm sure the coding is way different and much more complicated.
Honestly, I would be happy just to maybe hear from the developers about their thoughts on guilds and guild halls. Maybe see a post listing some features they are considering and looking for. THAT alone would be better than what we we are really hearing now which is "I promise they're working on OTHER things with releases" to me that is just as bad as saying nothing, SOMETIMES. I know you guys see our posts. Can we hear something about it? It doesn't have to be a promised update, it doesn't have to have a date... just a post of things that are being considered, thought about. That would satisfy me for the time being. It's just right now I'm hearing the same thing I heard a year ago, all of us are.
I'm normally very silent about stuff like this, and I'll support the developers, game masters, and others involved. I, like many others, love this game and have put money in the game to show our support and to help the game to continue being awesome. I wish to continue to do this.
I can't help but to laugh. All the other releases are easier for one reason: very little coding is needed to make them. Most of them are graphics, or changing one value. Other changes could require 100 lines of code, or more. Even if the system seems very simple, such as a guild board, like many of you want, may need a large block of code, or maybe it would be incompatible with the other 1000 lines of code that are related, meaning you need to rewrite them all. What may appear to be simple on the surface, may be a deeply rooted mess and a nightmare of bugs. Unless you work at OOO, you can't know how hard it could be to implement this or that.
If you guys let me, I will personally program the guild hall updates that Dancinjen wants for free. I'm not a professional, and I don't have a degree, but I do know a good bit of java and feel somewhat confident that I could do such a thing. I've worked with LWJGL before (which I know this game to use). I'd also be willing to produce new models and textures for the game under the only stipulation that you will look at them and then MAYBE decide to put them into the game, although I'd have to learn some modeling (textures don't seem that hard; and I know how to do pixel art rather well). 100% free of charge with your purchase of 9.95$ worth of CE. Kidding, no purchase necessary.
First off, I would probably integrate it into the news feed, and create a new icon type thing for 'guild announcments'. Said 'guild announcement' would be created by a guild leader by clicking on the tab marked guild, and then scrolling down. It would only be available to the guild master. This would create it as 'by the guild master', and it would then be checked along with the 800000 crowns that your friend earned to come out on top when displaying it. Beside it where the "join" button usually is, there would be an "acknowledge" button. The object (I'm guessing that announcements are objects) would have a list of player ids (presuming players have an id), that would decide who had checked the option of "acknowledge" already. Upon pressing such an option, the button would go away. Seems simple enough to me, although I don't expect to know exactly what I'd be dealing with. I haven't exactly decompiled the game and found out. Nor could I, as I don't have direct access to the server and it's files. And if I do have access to the server related files, then I wouldn't know this yet because I haven't tried to find out as that is against the ToS :P
They already have the event feed thing, how hard is it to just to just tack a Guild Announcement to the top of that?
It's like OOO doesn't know what they're doing.
"You need to build a bigger lair for your creatures."
~The Mentor
Dancinjen wrote, "It doesn't have to be a promised update, it doesn't have to have a date... just a post of things that are being considered, thought about."
My thoughts: This could be invaluable to both players and developers.
Reviewing Nick's "What's in Development" threads (Nov 2011, Jan 2012, April 2012), he detailed additions to the game that were added very soon after. Perhaps, though, we need to be looking 3 months down the road.
Personally, I'm delighted with the Missions, OCH, some of the weapon balancing and the graphics improvements.
I realize that pocket pets and reskinned accessories (ie. Valkrie/Dragon Wings, Party stuffs, etc.) are promotions designed to create revenue - and are perhaps necessary to meet sales quotas implemented by those who look after Three Rings/Sega financial affairs. I get it and I get to choose if I want to participate in those or not.
For me, this is a casual game. So participating in any aspect is never "grinding" to me. I am delighted that I get to meet and play with great players every day.
While ragequitters most often strike me as narcissitic and desperate cries for attention and validation, it has been my experience that the biggest threat (to MMOs) are the players that slip away quietly. The ones that you see on your friend list, and you remember great runs you had together...but the player hasn't returned for 2-3 months.
These are the players that may benefit from a little foreshadowing, where longer term content is concerned.
Why not use a blog template? So much more text, add pictures, less loading time in-game, etc...
Thanks Manta, I know when I find a game that I enjoy I have every intention of sticking around long-term. I do enjoy the mission update, that was very needed in the game but also offers up an entire way to add new content to the game. I know of a bunch of people who have left quietly. I have lost some amazing members in my guild, I know of a bunch of people from finesse who have left, people from apathy, and slowly people in the bigger guilds I have noticed are becoming more active on other games and less active on spiral knights. People are slipping, and I wouldn't be saying something otherwise.
Also, I am totally for making an in site announcement board and not in the game, like the blog function that is suggested. It would be easier to have a poll function for the guild to vote on it and what not.
I was thinking tumblr or blogger or the stuff. After all, we don't want to add more weight to their servers. ._.
No, I have a guild site and no one uses it because a lot of them don't want to have to register on another site and have something else to keep up with outside of a game.
When you have people that play multiple games and are in other groups as well that also require outsite sites, that's a lot to keep up with. It's better to have an in game function or something easily accessible.
Hex, I have posted about guild updates in the forums in various places. I mostly talk in game about it. I sent one message to the game masters release asking about it. I have seen that thread. I want to point out something and make this very clear... there are some amazing and awesome ideas they have in that monster of a guild hall thread. notice... it says GUILD HALL... it's a customization thread. All I care about is an announcement board of sorts. I don't care if it's an actual board that you have to go up to or if it's in the hub I just want SOMETHING to communicate with my guild better. I don't care about any of the other stuff, even though it would be nice and great to have. All I want is a way to communicate with my guild as a whole IN THE GAME.
Eury, I hope you and three rings now how much I love you all. I know NOTHING of coding. lol. I don't know if putting something like that in the game is hard or not. My question is this, why wasn't it there from the very beginning when guilds were introduced to the game? From the experience that the developers have with the games through sega, through other three ring games, or through games they play on their own outside of work one thing that should become apparent and important is the communication of a clan, guild, team or whatever it may be. How important it is to get messages out to your guild as a whole so you can collectively group together and see the same things is important. I don't know the reasoning in not putting a notification/announcement board for guilds wasn't there from the beginning, but it should have been there from the beginning.
To everyone in this thread:
I don't want this to be a bash and hate three rings thread. That is NOT the goal or the want of my original post, my posts since then, and my posts from here on out. I ask in respect of that please do share your thoughts but I do not support or codone bashing of three rings as I love them dearly. If you want your opinions to be heard the best way is to do it logically and in a nice manner. Thank You.