Alright so, guys, I'm gonna assume you were all brought up brilliantly (I'm sure you all were) and ask you a simple question.
When you was a child, and you wanted something from the supermarket, or you wanted something you saw in an advert and you were told no, did you rage? I know I did, I'd cry, stomp about and whine and whine and WHINE!
Did that change my parents decision. No.
So let's look at the situation at hand. You guys ask for something. You don't get it, and get something you don't want. Now, you rage. If you look at the pattern above, you will see the pattern and guess what will come next. You are all acting like spoiled children, and you know you are, each and every individual who is raging about the new update is old enough to know that how they are going about telling OOO that this update is bad, is wrong.
So let me make a proposal, I personally cannot make you do anything, nor can I guarantee any result, but. Can you not put all your rage into one thread. Like, make a thread about why you guys don't like the new update. Please. I know not everyone is raging, and I have read some valid points brought up by people who don't like the update but have not let their 'wants' - because that's what your all essentially saying, I know some of you are like 'We need this, we need that.' But at the end of the day, no, you do not. You want it. - take over their minds (I admire that), but this is getting ridiculous and I'm sure you know it is. I see this every time a new update comes out. Every. Time. I see no reason why a huge 'This update is less than stella OOO, this is why!' thread cannot be made, heck, this could be it for all I care, but I see no reasonable explanation to why you guys feel the need to clog up friggin' general discussion with you 'we are teh most important' threads. I am at the moment (I feel) being very reasonable. I mean you guys do petitions do you not? A huge thread showing OOO that you guys want a certain thing to happen. Isn't what you guys are saying just the same. Yes.
I'm not gonna try defend OOO because in rage come determination, and one that no reason can stop (mostly). But if you guys made a huge thread, explaining why this update is bad, being reasonable and expressing your opinion, without clawing each others throats out, I'm sure a GM will at least notice it. Actually I'm certain they will.
So there, rage at me if you will, I will welcome it with a smile upon my face. But please allow us more content forum goers to carry on with our lives instead of having to read all this rage.
TL;DR: Make one thread for raging and reasonable explanations as to why the update is bad.
~The Mighty WeeGee
i agree with you man, but people believe that they do not care about the players. HEAD OVER TO THIS SUGGESTION I SUPPORT IT--if you dont like something give the devs ideas/suggestions
i think this is what this game needs-