Tell me what your prefferences are in Lockdow like Striker, Recon, or Guardian. And/or Swordsman, Gunner, or Bomber. And if possible please say why.
Tell me what your prefferences are in Lockdow like Striker, Recon, or Guardian. And/or Swordsman, Gunner, or Bomber. And if possible please say why.
I am a Striker Swordsman because it is really easy to dodge the enemy's attacks and hit them quickly. And Its easy to get to a capture. And if an enemy is running you can catch up to them and kill him/her. I like being a swordsman because swords do a lot of Damage.
However, remember that high damage is not always the way to go.
There will be times in the game where you need to fall back, and bombs/guns are good for covering your retreat. They're also good for tactile situations, like hazing enemy spawn points before allowing them to spawn (in the clockworks) or distracting them with gunfire, like a Trojan by shooting his shield so you catch his attention, allowing your allies to take it out.
Just go with whatever suits you. I'm a hybrid myself, using any two of the three weapon classes preferably.
I'm that guy who ran straight into a sealed sword and stopped playing forever.
I recall swinging my sealed sword, batting a striker away who was dashing, who continued do dash forward, ending up running into the second swing combo of my sword.
Was that you? :P
No, I tried to boost through a group of guys, got screened and got several concussions sustained from the impact of blunt objects as a result.
I play Recon almost exclusively, with some Guardian in GvG.
I run a Toothpick (Swift Flourish in T2, Barbarous Thorn Blade in T3) with a gun (Cryotech Alchemer Mk II in T2, Polaris in T3).
As to why? I'm too slow to play Striker, don't really understand how Guardian works, and enjoy Recon's mindgames.
I like to play as Guardian, but how well I do as a Guardian depends mostly on my team mates - if they're not interested in capping or using the shield I'm trying to provide for them I'll switch to Recon.
Carry 2 swords and 2 guns - BTB, GF, Polaris, Senteza. As a Guardian I use mostly the Gran Faust (with max ASI it's fast enough to counter most people who do a full combo against my shield), as Recon I use mostly the BTB (swing, cloak, swing, cloak, etc. It's quite potent once you get the timing down). Polaris is good for softening up big groups, Senteza for taking down people trying to run away.
I used to play recon gunner and I got pretty good it. Now I striker gunner because storm driver ruins all mobs, recons, guardians, and all but the best of strikers. Still play recon every now and then on some larger boards.
I strike exclusively in T2, which is pretty much the only tier I play in anyway. I've stuck to striking since LD was first introduced, and I've actually been using exactly the same gear since then. Twisted Snarble barb and Sealed Sword. I got a Kilowatt Pulsar a while back that I wanted to add to my gameplay, given how much other people have thwarted me with it. Only used it once though; I realised how hopeless I was at switching between three weapons quickly, and I wasn't willing to sacrifice the precision of the barb or the AOE of the sealed.
I'm a horrible Recon/Guardian, which is fine by me, since I don't enjoy playing them as much anyway. I guess I just like the versatility and fast kills that the Striker class offers :3
I almost always play as a Striker, usually T2. Striker because it allows me to play a very aggressive opening, maximum killing power and the boost allows me to avoid hits (like a ninja =D) and respond to a situation anywhere in the map quickly. Depending on how the game is going, I'd keep up with the same aggressiveness I'd usually have in the opening or switch to a tactical defense trying to keep whatever points we have.
As a guardian, I generally end up alone in random T3, which means I spend a ton of time dead.
So I guess to answer your question, I am a dead sword using guardian, waiting for that 20 second timer to finish its countdown so I can go die a lonely death once more.............
I am a striker bomber, why? because i like to cause chaos.(for the other team)
I share your pain. It's always me alone with a gunner or two shooting at me, forever out of reach.
Striker + FF/BTB + Sealed sword = standard tier 3 lockdown loadout.
But who am I to say that? I use that loadout too!
Mixed Recon in T1, Toothpick Guardian in T2, Bomber Guardian in T3.
Bombing in T3 is funniest when up against someone who doesn't think about where they're moving ahead of time, and you can bully them around by trapping them in a corner with haze or chase them all the way back to their team gates.
As a guardian, I generally end up alone in random T3, which means I spend a ton of time dead.
This is why I try to find a competent Recon I can stick by, because they're a lot less likely to wander off alone chasing glory like the Strikers are prone to doing.
I am forever recon.
I'm probably the ultimate hybrid: I rolled an ASI High DA forever ago and that's since become my main sword, but of my weapons right now, storm driver and valiance get just as much or maybe even more use.
I also tend to carry Electron Vortex with me.
I use the Fallen set, because it gives me ASI for all weapons (works with my gun>sword combos) and it's my PVE gear lol, but since my playstyle varies between guns, I have different loadouts switching gun damage and sword damage trinkets, depending on what kind of players are on the other team.
But I hate LD.
I prefer Blast Network.
I'm usually playing BN at this time.
love playing with everything that doesn't involve op cookie cutter clone outfits. will someone else join me in the quest to find maybe a 2nd loadout that can dominate? hahahha
Chaos set complete, watch out LD!
Lately i've been doing striker hybrid - triglav and sentenza my only weapons. mega fun
I used to play as a Striker and I enjoyed it a lot. Then, health pendants came out and because of my
epic poorness, I was forced to go up against others with much more health then me which resulted in me
spending most of my time dead only to go out and die again :(
I now play as a Guardian so I can have a fighting chance against those who seek to kill me.
I'm not complaining about pendants; I don't use them but I can afford them now so maybe I'll try my
hand and Striker sometime in the near future.
The one and only,
Striker dusker, Swift flourish, thats about it. my attack is mostly random, but it depends on who i'm fighting, i can also be a gunner :P
I'm mainly a tier one player, for reasons which seem to baffle peoples minds. But let's not get caught up on that.
I play as a Recon/Bomber because I like to see people go boom! (I use both a firecracker, CTR VH and a Cold Snap, CTR L, although I use my firecracker more :3) Obviously I have a off hand too (so I can deal with those pesky hammers) and that is a Static Edge (ASI L).
I also use the stereotypical Fractured Seerus Mask (I got a fire res low UV on my first craft of this xD Win.) and Circuit Breaker Armour (Low elemental)
I really enjoy spinning around and placing a bazillion firecrackers/cold snaps on a point, then seeing the 'cool' strikers boost straight into them ^^
It amuses me :)
I ain't too good with my sword in PvP though, which is funny since I'm mainly a swordsman in PvE, I guess the adrenaline just gets to meh D:
~The Mighty WeeGee
Reconning is my trade and artform. Decoy is my primary function in t2. I'm that annoying guy who spams up your public chat with information pertaining to my capturing of your unmanned CPs.
However, I'm a multi-class person. I strike, I recon, I also run around with a flag on my back, occasionally yelling "LOOK AT ME, I'M BIG AND TASTEH!!!" (don't last long as a guardian more often than not)
My most productive fun is had as a recon though. Mindgames are fun. And playing decoy gets easy when I have a gun in hand. Not to mention I never stop at just one set of weapons... Cloak and Dagger a calibur charge into some strikers ganging on a teammate, when I die I come back and spam some sun shards into battle as a guardian. (My CTR med. UV provides me leeway on the shards.)
I've never touched t3... and don't expect me to ever come knocking on that door.
I'm one of those incredibly rare players known as "Guardians." I know! Who would have guessed it? "Guardian" is an actual class in Lockdown that you can play instead of Striker! Can you believe it? There are actually TWO OTHER CLASSES besides Striker in Lockdown! Amazing!
As you can probably tell, I always end up trying to protect my whole team of 4* Strikers who seem more intent on slapping people with toothpicks than fulfilling the actual goal of the game. The fact that I don't have the benefit of a 5* toothpick and instead have a slow-as-molasses-in-winter DA makes it necessary for them to protect me as much as I protect them, but they never seem to be able to grasp that concept... And of course nobody ever listens when I tell them we need at least one more Guardian to help everyone heal.
Depends on my mood...
Recon Swordsman
Recon Swordsman + Bombs
Guardian Swordsman
Guardian Swordsman + Bombs
Striker Gunner
Strangely, I'm incapable of being a Striker and using swords well.
I love playing every class!
Recon, Guardian, and Striker. I usually play Striker though and I sometimes use swords or my gun loadouts.
Lately though, I've just been having fun playing with a hybrid class of Mercurial set and Flourish/Valiance.
I like to be versatile so I change my class depending on the other team.
For T1, if against a mass of strikers and guards. I'll be a Guardian and focus on one point while my team gets the others. If against a bunch of strikers and recons, I'll be a striker so I can deal with them swiftly before ambushing another groups. If against a bunch of guards and recons, I'll be a recon to deathmark them and make them easier to kill. I use two main loadouts, one with three different swords and a gun and one with 2 swords, a bomb, and a gun.
For T2, I'll be striker on random team to dash in, kill, cap, dash out. For Guild, I'm a guard so I can bomb decently while covering my teammates. I'm not too good as recon in T2 but I'll use it when I want to play around. I currently use a toothpick, hammer, bomb, and pulsar.
For T3, I've not got a good set yet so I either go Striker Swordie (With trollaris) or Striker/recon sword/gun hybrid.
I aways play as guardian...
And aways mobbed by a group of 3 or more Strikers with Gran faust.
I'm a point capper. I don't go for damage, as you'll see if you play Lockdown with me. I tend to end with near the most, or the most, captures in the average game. Anyways:
-Striker (Acheron, Final Flourish) This is my "get to points quick and eliminate enemies fast". It's more of a speed point capper.
-Recon (Warmaster Rocket Hammer, Biohazard) This is more of a defensive, yet offensive, class.
So it seams that there is more Recon then anything but just barely more then strikers and diwn the road aways is our friends the guardians.
In T1, I use Fractured Mask of Seerus/Circuit Breaker Striker+Rocket Hammer. Fast & Deadly. Deserves to be Bumped up to 2* like the Shadow Bomb, though. I feel Bad for using it against Non-OCH Owners, but as long as it gets me Koins, I'll keep using it.(Still need about 500KK...)
In T2, I use Quicksilver Recon+Rocket Hammer. Pretty Deadly if you can Combo enemies at the right time & angle. I don't think it's OP. After all, the Duskers forced everyone to use Pierce-Resistant Gear & Weapons. Not my fault they don't go Full Drake Scale.
I played T3 for the first time Yesterday(Got Dragged in by my Guild). Never doing it again. It was just plain awful. Why anyone would want to play T3 is beyond me.
Because my only T2 loadout was upgraded to my T3 loadout i.e. It was the only useful armour set I had, the others being the freebies.
T1 to me was like trying to break out of a cardboard box with a wet noodle. Unsatisfying, slow, and difficult because I could only do like 1.5 pips of damage if I landed a direct charge shot.
T2 I skipped over because I was too busy getting my first gunner gear at the time and didn't need a Plague Needle.
T3 punches you in the face, kicks you in the gut, then throws you out a window. And you know what? That's a good thing in my books. The more difficult the challenge, the more satisfying the rewards are. Makes me feel like there is always a goal marker for me to work for.
I used Be a Dusker Clone with toothpicks and 2 tri- heart pendants = instant win(That's not the reason, I want to participate in the Clone wars..)
Then suddenly I totally got.. like not used being a swordie(Probably the hipster in me ACTIVATED!!!) and now use the not trendy equipment in T2.. Like being a gunner...(I don't see gunners in T2, and I think T3 has more variety [Nah, probably skolver clone wars])
Sometimes, Guardian(the class I'm most comfortable with) :)
Banking on the amount of haze bombs spammed, i tend to go with my divine veil/mantel, as to walk through without issue.
I'm a recon player, and the warmaster rocket hammer is my main armament. Secondary weapon is one of the four brandishes, and finally barbarous thorn blade. (useless because of the skolver hordes)
I stick to fighting the swordie based skolvers, knowing they don't exactly have the best elemental defense, for a pure elemental hammer. But when a gunner comes up, it's striker and toothpick.
Guardian. Healing is an important thing to keep the team going.
Edit: Mostly opening shields on points and spam bombs to keep it clear.
I played Recon for a whole 5 matches when LD first came out, but quickly switched to Guardian. Too much Polaris for Recons, it's hard enough with a Striker Polaris-user as a Guardian.
Why Guardian?
1: Shield-cancelling is the only way I can compete with ASI UVs.
2: I've never used any trinkets in LD, particularly HP trinkets.
3: Stated in second sentence; too many Polari for Recon (I hated being hopeless without my cloaking device!)
4: Because Guardians simply look the best.
Storm Trooper set-up. I'm crazy enough to not use trinkets or UVs, but not crazy enough to not use Skolver.
Skolver Head/Armor. Final Flourish and Argent Peacemaker.
Well I Play some styles but my prefered is the classic Skolver Strike
My styles:
Skolver Stryker: Give me some lag relantyce when face 2, 3 or more players at the same time I think it is my processor, But 1 vs 1 it is ok, only have to take care of being killed from a enemy who hits me from 50000 milles away.
Recon - Flourish: It is efetive but slowly, Lately i have wrong time (latency) and my fast hits dont take damage in others.
Gunner - striker: all variants, with flourish, only alchemers, alchemers + valiance, argent or callahan. It is okey, whit combo alchemers i am letal, but with my latency I fails to much the bullets and strikers easy gets me and kills me.
Gunner - Guard: Doesnt work for me latency.
Pure Bomber: It is ok but the same, with my latency strikers easy get me and kills me.
Bomber - Guardian - flourish: It is efective but with my latency Shield dosent work and strikers easy kills me so i use the bombs for more protection range.
Pure Guardian: It is ok, never play like this for my latency Shield dosent work and strikers easy kills me
I think the guardian role is underappreciated- and because of that, almost no one actually understands what to do when they see a giant shield dome. In my last few matches, I've started out as striker to grab points fast, followed by moving to guardian to hold contested points.
The most common way that people play a guardian is by shielding momentarily (like in the clockworks). But that misses out on... almost all of what a guardian's shield can do. Used properly, a guardian shield allows you to heal and protect allies over a huge area, greatly increasing the effectiveness of your allies- and in the process, the shield will confuse the living daylights out of your opponents.
Most people end up attacking empty air (thinking they're attacking the shield) or focusing their attacks on the guardian. Either of those responses means sacrificing mobility, making my opponents easy targets for allies. Worse, I can drop the shield at will to launch a surprise attack- and in a standup slashing match, guardians have far more health (+12) than a striker who just sacrificed the advantage of mobility.
...Though of course, a guardian is really only effective this way if there are allies nearby to support, like at hotly contested control points. It's not a great role at the start of the match, or when you're the only person standing.
I ran with fused demo, lightning capacitor, magnus, nightblade and sealed sword. (Med pierce on the demo set, med ASI on swords.) Mostly, I ran as a guardian and was pretty unstoppable. I had 2* heart trinkets at the time, before the enamorock update. I still play really well as a guardian but I have discarded bombs entirely. I may try them again, I don't know.
Currently, I play mostly as a striker. In T2 I do the standard dusker set with med asi flourish and sealed sword. In T3 I have been using a med asi Gran Faust, low asi BTB and a normal Argent Peacemaker. My armor set is Fallen, like Seiran. Max ASI on GF as a striker is pretty awesome. I still switch back to being a guardian when things get really rough.
In fact, having good ASI is pretty much the name of the game. Practice doesn't hurt.
I've played a little as a recon, and it is fun, but I'm not very good at it.
I'm almost always a recon. It's just fun to deathmark people and watch them run around, trying to figure out where the hell I am. xD Plus you get to assassinate people! You just gotta be unpredictable, which not a lot of people are good at (that's why it's called being unpredictable, right?). As much as I love reconning, though, I've tried using Guardian lately, and it is a lot more fun than I would've thought (Oh, and @Pauling, apparently Guardians are extremely rare so people don't know what to do. At one point in a match, I put up my shield, and a Skolver clone ACTUALLY ran away in fear. XD It was hilarious!). So, yeah. I'm the opposite of what most people do, I guess, cause I suck as a striker. It's just not my style or something, cause I'd barely get 1k damage as one (I got killed so fast.....). I mostly use a Grand Flourish and Giga Pulsar, even though I almost never touch the Pulsar. I have a Shiver if I ever run across no Skolvers (which is rare, but TONS of fun when it does happen).
I used to be a recon but I'm a striker, swordsman and gunslinger. I changed to Striker due to the attack speed increase and damage bonus but trust me, I'm not one of the strikers who just brawl randomly everywhere. I try capturing and defending.
I like to charge up my voltedge and unleash charge attacks on people. If it's not a direct hit the opponent can get shocked and my teamates and I can destroy him/her. I am a striker because strikers can flee quickly and recover health in the base.
I'm a LAG-KING! NO ONE IS AS LAG AS I'M! 1 red dot ! CYBT? XD
Emmm...K...this is my style in T2 LD, I don't play T3 LD COS 4 stabs and people die >_>....while T1 LD need to wait for hours to start...
My 1st style: Pure damage striker gunner
My 2nd style:Troll Status striker gunner
My 3rd style: Annoying snipiping recon gunner
My 4th style: Typical clone guardian
My 5th style: Sword striker status gunner
My 6th style: Typical clone striker
My 7th style:Hybrid recon bomber
I play T2, so I usually go for striker or recon with a sword/gun hybrid. Why? Because I love to harass and frustrate people while my team caps. With recon I freak people out by marking them and then pop out of some random corner, take a potshot, disappear, and repeat until something exciting happens (like me dying or running away laughing at their failure). I've kept an entire team chasing after shadows for a good 30 seconds, all of which were used by my team to take the lead.
I use striker similarly, but I use the boost to dodge in tiny bursts while *pew pew*-ing with my gun and every once in a while rush in with a nightblade to deal some nice damage (yes I use a nightblade. Deal with it.) Basically, I usually don't end up with an incredible number of caps or a lot of damage, but I have fun and help my team :D
Am an experimenter!
Most of my fun in T3 LD is testing out new class/gear combinations with the lofty goal of one day finding a fair and unique load out that bests the current skolver/penta/striker pandemic that plagues PvP in this game.
My favorite so far has been a DVS/Recon mix, but I'm currently working on a Callahan/Guardian load out that functions like some kind of heavy artillery platform.
Sadly, none of them really work, but the constant adjustments, gear changes, and trinket tweaking gives me something to do. Otherwise, I would have quit SK long ago.
TL;DR: I end up doing whatever I think will be interesting.
I used to go striker, because I used swords heavily in PvP. A Sealed Sword and a Twisted Snarble Barb in conjunction with each other.
I could bat someone away with the Sealed then stab them on their return with the barb.
I wasn't half bad back then.
Now I'm more likely to go Recon, using the cloak to launch surprise attacks on enemies with something heavy.
But always, I usually try and give tactical advice to the team, telling of threats and possible tactical solutions to the current problem. However, not many people cared to listen.