There have been some great suggested features that could be added to the game for Guild play over in Suggestions.
For people that are getting bored of the game or interested in quitting, would having vastly improved Guild functions convince you to stay? For instance, the ability to have a built-in game forum in the Guild Hall
or even a new quest-line built around saving the Guild Hall (really just repeating some of the great ideas brought up in Suggestions).
For me, this would be an amazing update. I'm sure they are working on something like this, but I would take improved Guild Functions over any update that has previously come out.
Missions were great and a nice touch, but incomparable to the lasting effect that this potential update could have. People enjoy the interaction with their friends. I know plenty of people that spend more time just hanging around in the game rather than actually being in Clockworks.
Obviously OOO doesn't like to spoil their future updates, but some indication about whether or not this update is being worked on (plus, during Beta, some of these functions did exist!) and a potential on when we could see its release would do wonders for quelling some of the rebellious attitude some knights have had.
Anyway, sorry for ranting and any grammar mistakes. English is not my first language.
If you could get ONE update guaranteed, what would it be? Obviously, mine would be guild functions :p
The possibility to communicate with other guilds would also be handy, something like a lobby or something.
Because arranging Guild Lockdown matches is a pain like this...