we all know it's coming. for $10, you can get 3500 ce and this useless accessory that you'll immediately sell for as much as possible. wings, love auras, more wings, hats and candles (seriously? this was beyond awful), even entire costumes like rose regalia and sonic.
and since we all know that its coming, why not prevent the next party blowout from entering the game and suggest an accessory?
sidearms. think of it. we have parrying blades and side blades. we even have bomb bandoliers and a pumpkin bomb bandolier (everyone got one!). why can't the gunslingers have a gun at their side, ready to whip out in a moments notice? (and perhaps give the front accessory back to gunslinger gear).
give me the model of a blackhawk or silversix to put on my knight, at the hip (where a parrying blade would go). and because such things already exist, the 'divine' sidearm can be a silversix at your side. a 'shadow' sidearm can be a blackhawk ready to poke holes in those annoying beggars. the rest: cool, regal, etc. can all follow form and look spectacular at your side. and maybe, just maybe, those gunslingers won't feel so left out.
and since we're talking about guns, why not add an ammo belt, or an ammo aura? who wouldn't want .308 bullets slung over their shoulders, or dropping to the ground around them in an aura? ( http://accurateshooter.net/pix/bhills175x250.jpg ) the ammo belt would certainly come in a variety of colors. think of it. adding a shadow bullet belt to your snarbolax coat, for the ultimate badassery. or even better, take a page from that dreadful birthday celebration and release both in the same patch! $10 gets you one of 11 ammo belts, the adventure pack now comes with a free ammo aura.
OOO, we know it's coming. we know you're going to tempt us with trinkets and accessories to get us to pay you money to keep this game running. Please don't reward us with birthday candles and party blowouts. give us something shiny and pimpin. give me a gun at my side, or bullets dropping to the floor around me.
since we all know that its coming, why not prevent the next duplicate thread from entering the forums and click through the first few pages or use the search bar?
accessories. think of it. we have eyeballs and brains. we even have internet-capable devices and a way to interact with them (everyone's got one!). why can't people have a decency to look at the next page or use the search bar, ready to build on what's already been suggested and conceptualized? (and perhaps give the front page a thread worth looking at).
give me the link of a piece of artwork or at least a suggestion that isn't worded in an entirely selfish way to put on my mind, at the front (where a logical thought process would go). and because such things already exist, the 'existing' link can be a thread already on my mind. a 'not-selfish' wording can be a nice bit of flavor text ready to put a little more personality those existing suggestions. the rest: arrogant, ignorant, etc. can all follow form and look silly by my caustic parodying. and maybe, just maybe, those people won't feel so silly next time they don't use the resources available to them.