What is up with the todays new guilds xD
Cool Video below...
What is up with the todays new guilds xD
Cool Video below...
Whitelancer, I agree.
What has become of guilds?
But seriously, that is one of the worst guild ideas I've seen in a while.
No Divine Avenger, Fang of Vog, and Warmaster hammer charge attacks?
Might as well put a sign on Vanaduke's face saying "WARNING. OVERPOWERED."
I'm not surprised the population of the guild is 3...
Obviously the guild master must be new to random partying I presume.
I see that there is no mention of the blaster line or the pepperbox line at all.
And what of the Proto Bomb, Firecracker, Cold Snap, Static Flash, Proto Gun, Zapper, Frost Gun, Proto Sword, Hatchet, and Heavy Hatchet?
Not to mention the massive knockback potential of the oh-so-dangerous stun vial.
Tut Tut.
*Wonders what's wrong with guild.*
*Open guild page.*
*Reads first line.*
*Promptly closes the page.*
....How do you die to knockback? I understand weapons with visual annoyances like the Polaris but if you die to something getting knocked into you then I have nothing to say. I'm near the guild founder in Haven right now and he's an Apprentice with a Valkyrie Helm.
Wow, I think I saw the alligator twitching a bit while it was getting eaten.
Someone could have not bothered to do the missions.
It's possible but doing the missions provides easy access to boss levels and to the Hall of Heroes so I see no reason to not do them. I think he's an older player who came back after the mission system was implemented.
EDIT: The area is getting kind of crowded...
Someone just isn't good with playing the game... Needs more practice at "DODGING".
I find it funny that the founder did not mention the brandish lines.
Fail guild.
Time to join dat guild and shield bump every monster into those nubz
I solemnly swear that I am up to no goo... er, sorry, to use my Polaris if I find any members of that guild in my party.
#Lamilton! TAESHAWN!
I guess I can't use the Antigua line's charge attack either in that guild.
I feel very sorry for that guild.
Now there needs to be a guild that only accepts people who use nothing but knockback.
But shields can do knockback too!!! This is discrimination! Shields must be forbidden too!!! Roooaaaawwrr!
Tell me I'm not the only one tempted to apply bearing some combination of blast bombs and polaris...
I met a couple of people from the guild. When I saw them, I quickly switched to my blast bomb and electron vortex. None seemed particularly proud to be in the guild. A conversation of me and one of them:
Me: "Hey, I heard about your guild"
Them: "It's not MY guild"
Me: "Sorry, the guild you're in"
Them: "Mmhm"
And forbid the last hit of all heavy swords. And forbid Shields. And forbid stun vials. And forbid Pepperbox charges. And forbid fun.
But apparently Electron Charge is okay, it's not on the list.
ALSO: Could someone please, please, please, please apply, preferably T3 with a flashy costume and 10k+ prestige, and troll the ever-living daylights out of them?
Bet they use the Striker Dash.
But seriously. They complained about VORTEX? That's their fault most likely, a 4 year old could avoid standing in a Vortex with a little instruction. Honestly, SHIELDS cause knockback.
Imma go out on a whim and say, atleast I won't have any Levi spammers.... Polaris spammers.... Whut else is spammy? Oh yeah! Nitro spammers... The rest of the bloomin' massive bomb spammers.... You get whut I mean, I hate people who abuse high knock back, I would never join the guild but putting down a guild and even going to the extent of even saying you will purposfully try and kill them or annoy them if you meet them in game is sadistic and cruel. You are the people who should be looking at yourself and judging, just because poeple have different likes/dislikes does not mean you can go about and be [Buckers] towards them. Seriously... I thought you guys would know that.
Like I said, I would not join the guild personally, I love a number of those weapons but that does not mean I will be mean to them. It is not like you guys have to really follow what they are doing is it? Well? Ask yourself that next time, I am disgraced at you guys... Although I had low expectations of you already my respect for forum goers has just dissapeared. It saddens me to think that people such as yourselves play such a wonderful game when you don't even deserve it.
Leave these guys to do what they want to, it does not affect you in any way.
The guild is not of the norm, so what? Are we? I know I am not considered what you guys would call 'normal'.
Disgusting.... Absolutely disgusting.
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee
Wow. I wasn't aware I was that harsh. I criticized their strategy, and posted a meme that's in the process of being invented, but I really don't think I was that harsh.
I was half asleep and not thinking straight when I saw this, but that's no excuse if I was being legitimately mean. If that's the case, I'm sorry.
meh, didn't see your reply in time.
also, FYI I put that picture on a thread in TV.
2nd page, find my first post.
As soon already mentioned why are shields not banned, they have to be the best way to troll party members, as it is all to easy to bump a jelly even better a lumber into your party to steal their heat!
yeah, that's the food chain for you, i did see a funny shirt yesterday though, it said "I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain......TO EAT VEGETABLES!" made my day xD
I wasn't addressing just you, I meant the majority of posts that have been... Posted.... Anyways, I just feel the whole vibe of this thread is to not only mock, but even go to the extent of insult them, I'd say bullying but alas they are not here and most probably haven't read this rubbish.
What you guys are doing may be criticizing but it ain't constructive, you're judging upon a guild without any interaction with them, I'll admit I haven't been on a run with them either, although I have met the GM on several occasions, even before she/he made the guild. (We took over Haven by making people into cakes... But that's a story for another time...).
Maybe it was me who overreacted, if I hurt your feelings, I apologize but by the time I got to your posts I was already ticked. I just don't understand all this hate, yes hate, you honestly can't call the rubbish that's been posted as trolling, it's too malicious. They're not affecting us in anyway, I believe you should respect them just as they respect you, because oh guess what? None of them are in here saying you spammy knock back users need to learn how to play the game, or are part of a 'Fail guild', I find it pathetic.
As I said, if your personally hurt I apologize, but I wasn't thinking of the individuals when I posted in this thread, I was thinking of the whole thread in general.
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee
I am really irked ATM. Well, I am always agressive in general. I had similar experiences, even now,
Don't blame yourself.
AA, Swordies, Discrimination on classes, toothpicks, ect.
Infact, even you yourself would likely agree with me. The whole community is at each others' throats, even to devs at one point.
Sooooo..... If you realize that why are you allowing yourself to do it too? Sure you're aggressive?.... that's not really a great reason to be mean now is it? Is it? Because I could could just go about and be mean to people too, it's simple really, an easy way to live. I think I'm missing something, if so, tell me.
And of course 'rage' (I don't see much rage here) isn't just isolated here, I stated I had low expectations of you guys already (and as a forum goer myself, I count myself within that too), one reason is because of the whole rage thing, I think I've made my opinion upon that issue abundantly clear in the past. But again I really don't see why you have to bring something such as a guild page from the wiki, just to what? Constructively criticize what they are doing, don't make me laugh. This topic didn't have to be made, it was. You guys could have just dismissed it and 'meh, let them do their own thing', you didn't. Heck they don't even have a recruitment thread in the 'Guild Recruitment' forums for dogs sake! If you guys went and criticized there at least then they could defend themselves and give you reasons why they are doing what they are doing.
I've been on the forums for a LONG time now, I know how much rage goes on and heck, I've even given up trying to reason with you guys, but this... I have no words, like I said, my respect has totally fizzled out.
~The Mighty Cheese Knight; WeeGee
I have Management as well. I don't let myself.
I never had respect anyway. No one should have expectations. Especially since the suggestions have gone to heck in several similar events.
And that we all B*itch and moan.
And a rising % of us are underage.
And it's kinda suprising you had hope in us. I admit I don't trust myself at times and the fact that as a long time forumer, you know that these threads will go to ridicule people.
... Why did I click this thread.