๑۩๑ House of the Iron Dragon ๑۩๑

I brought this up in game and wanted to know if the Iron Dragons have done any guild lockdown games? I thought it would make a good bounding experience for the member. what do you guys think?

i think it is a good idea cuz i wan to
se more multiplayer in the guild so we have something to do
instead of just sitting on the stairs in haven 3 and talknihg about random stuff XD
anyway ruby-rhod you can change your forum picture at forum preferences next to the serch bar
if you want to so we easier can se that it's you who posted that comment :)
it's dark and cold here in Sweden but that wont keep us frome punching gremlins!

we have 11ce and 1727 cr!
donations are so be sent to sphiro or directly traded with my alt
shadow keys or bust!
sphiro out.

The Iron Dragon Guild Welcomes a potential Dragoness into the Ranks: Wymion
Good Luck and i hope you grow as an Iron Dragon. xD
*Gentlemen, please treat this Knight Honorably and Respectfully.

Fimi, please send me a Friend Request in-game if you are still interested in joining Iron Dragon.

Trust No One!
We will be doing random runs that will be calling Chaos Runs. These runs consist of trying your hardest to kill your fellow party members or aid in their death. Everything from locking them in caged areas with difficult enemies by way of switches, to shield-bumping swinging Lumbers into the other party members, can be expected. There are also a few other tricks that people may have up their sleeve. So if you want a challenge on a dungeon run besides just the regular monsters, like having your fellow party members become the enemies and obstacles as well...listen up for when we call out that we are doing a Chaos Run.
If a party member can kill a fellow party member on a Chaos Run with me, by exploding a block to kill the other Knight, i will pay that party member 1000 crowns as a reward.(must be an actual kill, and not a farm-from-Jumpy scam or easy set-up)

Bring it on i say im ready to take your ''tricks'' ima prew! so i will survive :D
seriusly that sounds really fun, im in as many times as possible and this time i punch you
and leave the gremlins alone!
so will this be 'chaosy' verision of the survival runs?
and the twins will be hard everyone will just flip switches like mad! trapping
you into corners and at the end with the lazers! let's not talk about that.
anyway really good idea i like to take some chalenges but i dont want to be
your test dummy for the lumbers them bastards are pissing me off.

Let's Welcome our newest Recruit, who has decided to take on the challenge of becoming a part of Iron Dragon! xD
Welcome Zan-Zan!
Good Luck Knight, i hope you do well and rise within our ranks by a good show of Loyalty and Leadership.

Only a True Iron Dragon will have mastered these Skills. This is what i look for and this is what it takes to wear and continue wearing Iron Dragon guild-tags:
1. Be aware of your Health while in the dungeons.(make tactical adjustments depending on how much Health you have at all times)
2. Be aware of the entire party's Health Meters and help to keep them balanced by way of sharing and distributing Health Meter Increase Vitapods, as well as sharing Health Capsules.(when they are not going to just be wasted on somebody who dies frequently of course)
3. Understand how to work as a Team with the rest of the Party(this means sometimes taking a backseat and letting others or somebody else lead...especially if it is not your Party and you were invited or joined somebody else's Party. or, if it is your Party, then take a Leadership role and call out Strategies). i am not interested in who goes through doorways 1st or who gets on the button 1st or who is fastest across the map. i AM interested in who helps the Party succeed.
4. Know when to Kite with Guns and when to attack and finish with Swords.
5. Know the proper order to kill enemies when multiple types are on the field at the same time. i.e Gun Puppies > Healers(Wings and Menders) > Fiend Family > Kats > Lichen Colony/Giant Lichen Colony > Wolvers > Lumbers > Construct Family > etc...
6. Know the direction of the Knockback effect of your weapon, so you do not push monsters into your party members.
7. Have the ability to use your Shield for desired Knockback effect to place monsters where you want them on the field.
8. Understand your party members' play-styles so you can lend useful support at critical times, as well as in general.
9. Know to pick up all the Shinies and Loot only after all the monsters in the area are defeated.
10. Knowledge and usage of the Gate Map before entering each Elevator.
11. Being able to run around for an undisclosed amount of time without firing on or attacking the monsters at all. This skill will help you learn to get to open areas of the field and it will also let you see just how easy it is to not take damage.
12. Know when to Fallback to gain a better position to attack the monsters from.
13. Have enough sense to blow up Explosive Blocks first, when entering a room or area.
14. Have enough sense to not stand near Explosive Blocks while in an area.
15. Run in the same direction as the rest of the Party while fighting in Arenas.
16. Use the dungeon's own Materials and Features for tactical advantages.
17. Know when to stay dead and not revive, so as to save your Energy for later in the Gate run and also maybe make it easier on the surviving party members to finish the area.(sometimes after an area, there is health pads so it is better to let somebody finish the area and then revive you and go to the health pads. also, all dead Knights are revived if 1 person makes it to the Elevator)
18. The ability to stay alive, lose very little Health, and to use up minimal amounts of Energy.
19. Know your Strengths and Weaknesses.
20. Work to improve your Weaknesses.
As you can see, none of these Skills require the 'best' equipment. These skills cannot be bought or faked. If running head-first into a room with your sword swinging gets you killed or causes you to take unnecessary damage which jeapordizes the end-goal of defeating the Boss level...then what good is that really? Understanding this is essential to your longevity in the Iron Dragon Guild. Iron Dragon will happily recruit -0- star players who are rocking proto gear, if that player shows promise of being an elite-fighter. I'm going to be real honest with you, i do not enjoy kicking it with noobie gamers who waste my time dying for giggles. i prefer to be around a squad that can get it done and knows what the heck they are doing. Now i'm not saying to be serious all the time and to not have any fun, but i do have an agenda and goals in this game that i am trying to achieve and i am looking for fellow gamers who are similar minded. If this is too hard for you and you cannot hang, then go join the Pandas and Kittens Guild or the Cupcake Cuties Guild. Iron Dragon is looking for Warriors.

Having the best equipment or being the best player is not what i look for when i am considering people for promotion in the Guild. i am looking for people who show outstanding and unwaivering Loyalty and Commitment to the Iron Dragon Guild. I also look for Leadership skills and the ability to give the right amount of Guidance when the situation calls for it, without being too overbearing about it.
Our Veterans and Officers will have demonstrated these qualities to me enough so that i have 100% Confidence in their decision-making abilities.
On the flip-side, you CAN be Demoted if you consistantly play poorly in the dungeons. If you cannot stay alive while roaming the dungeons, then you should not be wearing Iron Dragon guild-tags. I know this may sound harsh and extreme, but it is what it is. There is no reason for you to be dieing when you are doing a Tier 2 run with me.
Rise as an Iron Dragon, or be the meal upon which we feast. - Jumpy, Guild Master of the Iron Dragon

These Runs will consist of People in the Party being kicked out of the Party when they die, to be replaced by the next in the waiting line. If i die, then i will pay each Knight in the Party 100-500 crowns, depending on the magnitude of my death and my current crown situation. I will start on T1 if there is T1 or low star(0-2*) Guild-Mates on or somebody who is trying to get their Dauntless Delver Achievement, and proceed to play until the Core. The Goal: do not die and be kicked in shame. Try to ride the Survival Train for as long as possible.
By doing this run in the middle of the week, this gives you time to save some CE after the weekend runs. This is also a great opportunity to get the Dauntless Delver Achievement under your belt. Good Luck, let's see how long you can Survive! xD
Any Knight who accomplishes the Dauntless Delver Achievement while doing a Survival Run with me, will also be rewarded an additional 100 CE and 5000 crowns.

Trust No One!
I will be doing random runs that i will be calling Chaos Runs. These runs consist of trying your hardest to kill your fellow party members or aid in their death. Everything from locking them in caged areas with difficult enemies by way of switches, to shield-bumping swinging Lumbers, into the other party members can be expected. i also have a few other tricks up my sleeve. So if you want a challenge on a dungeon run besides just the regular monsters, like having your fellow party members become the enemies and obstacles as well...listen up for when i call out that i am doing a Chaos Run.
If a party member can kill a fellow party member by exploding a block to kill the other Knight, i will pay that party member 1000 crowns as a reward.(must be an actual kill, and not a farm-from-Jumpy scam or easy set-up)

This is a Run which starts in the dungeons of Tier 2 or higher. The participants can only use proto equipment for their defensive measures, helm, armor, shield. The participants' weapons are allowed to be as high as 2*, to add some variety to the Runs. Good Luck Knights! xD
Depth: Tier 2 or higher
Helm: proto only
Armor: proto only
Shield: proto only
Sword: 0-2*
Handgun: 0-2*
Bomb: 0-2*
Trinket Slot: 0-2*
Anything else: 0-2*

Where Are You....
and where do you aspire to be, in the Iron Dragon Guild?
Do you just want to be a Member and stay in the shadow of the Iron Dragon, or do you want to rise and feel the full force and effect of being in a Guild? Here are some questions each of you should ask yourselves, so you can see, where you are at in the Iron Dragon Guild:
1. Recruiting: Do you help to bring in new Recruits? Do you make friends, then see if they are made of Iron Dragon material, and then refer them to either the GM or an Officer of the Guild?
2. Development: Do you help to develop the Recruits and Knights who are already in the Guild, so that they may become successful, prosperous and able to assist others themselves as you should be doing? Do you take them on dungeon runs to help give them experience in the different levels? Do you help your Guild-Mates out with useful tips and explanations, rather than just say 'Do this.' Do you help in making elite squads of Iron Dragon Warriors who can conquer any level that this game throws at us?
3. Behavior/Skills: Are you a good example of what makes a Great Iron Dragon? Are you able to roam the dungeons and not die? Do you do whatever it takes to stay alive and defeat the swarms of monsters within the Depths? Are you Honorable?
4. Growth: Are you a selfish player who is only interested in their own success and fortune? Or do your interests include those around you? Are you most successful when those around you succeed?
These are questions you should be asking yourself, especially if you want the full experience of being in a Guild. It is not neccessary to move out of the shadows and into the front, but i want you to know, i do watch for certain things from you guys, and also know that, my interests and experiences in this game include you guys. Do not sit back on your hindlegs......go out and grab your Glory, your piece of the Guild. Become invested and you shall feel the power of Ownership within this Guild. This should help guide you through the Hierarchy of Iron Dragon.

•MONDAY: open (JK farming, Vanaduke, Chaos Runs, PvP, Snarby, Proto Runs, Shadow Lair, Twins, whatever you want!)
•TUESDAY: open (JK farming, Vanaduke, Chaos Runs, PvP, Snarby, Proto Runs, Shadow Lair, Twins, whatever you want!)
•WEDNESDAY: open (JK farming, Vanaduke, Chaos Runs, PvP, Snarby, Proto Runs, Shadow Lair, Twins, whatever you want!)
•THURSDAY: Iron Dragon Survival Run led by Jumpy (every other Thursday)
•FRIDAY: open (JK farming, Vanaduke, Chaos Runs, PvP, Snarby, Proto Runs, Shadow Lair, Twins, whatever you want!)
•SATURDAY: open (JK farming, Vanaduke, Chaos Runs, PvP, Snarby, Proto Runs, Shadow Lair, Twins, whatever you want!)
•SUNDAY: Firestorm Citadel-Vanaduke Run led by Jumpy
Happy New Year and here is a look at the Iron Dragon Weekly Schedule! Hopefully, there is something in there for everyone. The week starts out 'open' to give people a chance to do whatever runs they feel like and this is also a great time to save up on Crowns and Crystal Energy. Later in the week i shall be leading a die-and-be-kicked-from-the-party style run, which will be going from T1-T3 to see who can Survive the longest. Iron Dragon Weekends include runs to both the Roarmulus Twins and Lord Vanaduke, so hopefully you all can have some fun with this! Let me know your thoughts and give me feedback by way of in-game mails, messages, or posted up here. Have fun, smell ya later! - Jumpy

1: not really... i do get lots of friends but none of em are really iron dragon material....
2:yes... (why do you think i started doing guild twins runs? =-P )
3: depends.... i have no shadow defense and elemental weps... my ultimate enemy would be a shadow alpha wolver....
4: no im am nowhere near selfish... i will gladly lend ppl cr and i contribute to the guild shadow lair funds more often than all of u.. =-P
sphiro out

my wireless router died.... i found a way to keep it going for a few more days.. will be getting a new one soon
all guild funds donations are to be sent to sphiro-forums (my 2nd alt) instead of sphiro

your seat will be waiting for you when you return. hurry up and get that new router! xD
EDIT: All recipes gained.
Thanks to all who helped.
Hey. I wouldlike to join the guild :). Names Toonlinky in-game.

Friend Request sent. Thank you for reading the Iron Dragon Guild Recruitment thread.

Hey guys I just wanted to suggest we do as a mini game Danger rooms
I think it would be fun to challenge ourselves to something we usually try
to avoid we could do all tiers I personal will bee doing some tier 3 ones.
Also i would like to get races into the guild I tried a race with Sphiro
(who just blazed thou) there would have to be some rules thoe well
up to jumpy.
peace out

nice idea dude! we'll see if we can bang out some rules and a description for Iron Dragon Races....with a nice Reward for the winner! xD

The House of the Iron Dragon welcomes a few Knights to try their hand at becoming Warriors for Iron Dragon:
Good Luck to you Knights! I expect to see some Effort and Dedication if you wish to grow in this Guild. xD
Hey guild. I've been away for a while. Passing to say that I'll have to study for some exams in the next month so I won't be able to play the game :/
Maybe I'll pass by to say hi or something but I'm not gonna make the runs. Just to know I'm not leaving the game :)
So, depending on how things work here I'll be playing again soon.
See u later dragons O/

Minoda, good to hear from you. Thanks for keeping us informed. Good Luck on exams and we see you when we see you! xD

i have not been on lately mostly because of scool.
but i may be on tomorrow on the run
or maybe not i really have lots of homework.
anyway cya on the battlefield
-Azathor ''Punch dem gremlins!''

Iron Dragon Welcomes its newest Recruit: Alusin!
Glad to see you aboard ....finally! xD

Welcome to the guild Alusin!!!
I'm glad you made it and hope you work hard.
It's always great to hear from you man. I hope all is well and everything goes well with the exams.
Hope to see you back here soon.
The one and only, Guardianknight.
Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild.

1 vs 1: Start from the beginning of the Tier: D0, D8-Moorcroft Manor, or D18-Emberlight and race to either the Terminal lvl or the end of that Tier, depending on if you agree upon a 1/2 Race or a Full Race. Whoever shows up in Social that they are at the Terminal or the next Town first, wins the Race. You will need a Witness who is not participating in the Race, to keep watch for the Winner(s) and to concur with the others as to who has won the Race. An icon of 'still descending' in Elevator is not a win. The winner(s) must be found in the Social Tab clearly showing, and to be on, the designated and agreed upon Win Level.
Group Party Races: The competing parties must have the same amount of participants in each of them. There must be a Witness who is not partcipating in the Race. The competing parties must all agree upon whether it is a 1/2 Race or Full Race. Start from the beginning of the Tier: D0, D8-Moorcroft Manor, or D18-Emberlight and race to either the Terminal lvl or the end of that Tier, depending on if you agree upon a 1/2 Race or a Full Race. The winning party must be clearly shown in Social as being on the Win Level, to be agreed upon with the Witness.
Start Levels: D0, D8, D18. The Race begins when the Witness counts down from '3-2-1 and says Go!' The competing Parties will then all step on the Elevator so that it descends. If a Party starts early, they are disqualified and must still pay the Reward/Bonus to the Winner(s). This is to be watched and kept track of by the Witness, to ensure a Fair and Proper start to each Race. So, if it is 1 vs 1, do not stand on the elevator until the word 'Go!' is clearly on screen from the Witness. If it is a Group Party Race, make sure the last person is not on the elevator platform while the others are on it and waiting for the countdown. The last person will then step on the elevator when the word 'Go!' is clearly on screen from the Witness.
Win Levels: D4-Terminal(1/2 race), D8-Moorcroft Manor(full race), D13-Terminal(1/2 race), D18-Emberlight(full race), D23-Terminal(1/2 race), D29-The Core(full race)
The Witness: This is to be a neutral person in the Guild who is not in the Race. The responsibilty of the Witness is to call out the Start of the Race, '3-2-1 Go!'. The Witness must also pay attention to the levels that the participating Knights and Parties are on. The Witness will call out the Winner of the Race when they see that the Winner has successfully arrived on the Win Level. When everybody is in agreement about who has won the Race, the Reward/Bonus shall be paid to the Winner(s) by the Loser(s).
Pre-Race Preparation:
1. grab a Witness from within the Guild
2. along with the Witness and the other Guild Participants in the Race, Decide on: A.the Gate B.the Tier C.1/2 race(to Terminal) or Full Race(next Town)
3. descend in chosen Gate to either D0, D8, or D18 and wait on platform near elevator(do not stand in elevator)
4. everybody in each Race Party is too stand on the Elevator ...EXCEPT FOR 1 PERSON
5. the Leader of each party of racers is to Report to the Witness via Guild Chat when everybody in their Party is ready to start the Race
6. the Witness will acknowledge that everybody is ready and warn of the Countdown to Start the Race
7. the Witness will countdown '3', '2', '1' ....then say 'Go!' in Guild Chat
8. the remaining person in each Party who has not been standing in the Elevator, will then step into the Elevator, and the Race begins.
**any false starts will be cause for Disqualification and Forfeiture of the Race, and the Losing Party Member(s) will still be held accountable for all Bonuses and Rewards due to the Winner(s)....so wait until the Witness clearly types 'Go!' in Guild Chat before the last person steps into the Elevator!**
1 vs 1: 5,000 crowns for 1/2 Race ; 10,000 crowns for Full Race
Group Party Race:
1/2 Race: 5,000 crowns to each member of the winning party paid by the losing party members. Each loser will pay 5,000 crowns to a different member of the winning party than their fellow losing party members. But, if four parties are Racing, then the winning party members will each make 5,000 crowns x 3. three losing teams = alot of profit for one winning team's members!!
Full Race: 8,000 crowns to each winner, paid to them individually and seperately by each of the members of the losing party or parties.
Each member in a losing party is to pay crowns to a seperate individual in the winning party. All losing parties must pay the winners.
Please play Honorably and report any acts of unsportsmanlike conduct to me, thank you. Good Luck, and let the Races begin!! xD
Helo everyone and thanks for the invite. Looking forward to being in the guild and getting to know you all. Here's to meeting up in game!

Hey guys, sorry for not playing recently, important year for me as it is my streaming year, had to study, but I will be on soon, maybe tomorrow? This is just a heads up.
Hope to see you guys soon!

Hello Iron Dragon.
IGN- Alertninja requesting to join this guild.
Seems nice.

Hello Alertninja, thank you for reading the Iron Dragon recruitment thread. I will send you a Friend Request so we can meet up and discuss Recruiting you into Iron Dragon.

Congratulations to Daxuss for earning his Dauntless Delver Achievement on this last Thursday's Survival Run.
Cheers and great job!

Dauntless Delver..
I've still got a lot to learn. D:

today's twins run (4th Feb) will be a chaos run ( look at Fri, 01/20/2012 - 06:05 for more details) switches will be your friend... but also your nemesis.
take advantage of the bigger blast radius of the boom boxes and missiles.. have fun!
Great Dauntless Delver run with Jumpy. Managed to achieve Cradle and All and Gold survior at the same time.
Time to level up some new gear ready to see if i can make it again :)

I made a topic :D and it's cool.
it's about what i really wanted to see in this game it's just a cool thing it may have been mentioned before but now I really want this and
I hope that togeather we can achieve this plz comment on the topic for sugestions not here.
LINK: New sealed sword enjoy :D

aza owes me 60k
(the-cr-guardian is my bank alt)
sphiro out

OK here it is.... they may looks like SK pictures.. but when you load em up... you get tanks! (that's how it appears on my screen anyway)
(now confirmed to work!)

Hey guys, I wasn't able to play lately because my steam kept crashing, I am trying to fix it. Sorry

ok bro, stuff like that happens. thanks for posting up and keeping us informed of your situation, appreciate that.

sooooo......where do y'all live, what country?
i'm in U.S.A.

Yo im From ENGLAND
Hiromons' place of origin!!!

I am currently in Virginia.

im from London (England)
currently in rainham (where it rains ham?)
Kunju please send me, Jumpy, or my Officer, Guardianknight, a Friend Request so we can meet up with you. Thank you for reading our Guild's Recruitment thread. xD