What weapons are strikers weak too? Or what are a strikers weakness??
LD, Whats a strikers weakness??

It just depends on their armor, which for the most part will be full Skolver.

Anything that screws over their mobility or ability to attack.
In average games, Voltaic Tempest does this. In GvG games, Staggering Storm is a bit more reliable, and Venom Veiler is surprisingly effective.

- Mist bombs are a good general block. Haze/Capacitor lines are the most commonly used ones.
- Vortex eats strikers who rush to cap points or "ambush" a group of people standing on a point. Mitezuss has at least an 80% chance of running straight into my vortex at beginning of matches when we're on opposing teams. That aside, Vortex also gets people who think they're so cool with their UV immunities.
- Shock is great. No UV's will protect from storm driver's shot.
- I did hear once (and only once, and I remember it because of this) that Recon is good against Striker (because Recon can take advantage of low health by getting a first hit in). Of course, said Recon should probably be geared to fight them correctly. Gun recon gives the class a much-needed boost in mobility, and if you have a storm driver, you can even get a chance of opening with shock before you slash/stab/shoot them to death. Arguably, you can abuse autoaimers' reliance on autoaim and force them to completely mis-lead your movement if you cloak and step well. Of course, you can also get mauled to death if you lose your shield.

The bulk of people who play strikers are turbocharged attack monkeys. Their biggest strategic weakness is a tendency to ignore capture points- as a guardian, I've taken many a capture point by staying on task while my striker opponents zipped around and watched (or tried to attack me. Same thing.)
Occasionally, you get a really good player as striker, and they can't be easily ignored. Remember: strikers depend on mobility. The suggestions about status effect bombs are good ones, and of course, the Polaris deals shock even to people with high shock resistance. But more broadly, do anything that denies your opponent freedom of movement: that's why gun spamming is so popular. Also, try to fight in corners or near walls, against which you can use your body to trap your opponent in a killing field they'll never escape (teammates can be helpful). If there are blocks or other obstacles, DON'T get OCD about clearing more than the bare minimum. Slow moving recons and guardians will have fewer problems avoiding obstacles, because their lack of movement speed translates into a longer time to notice the obstacle and react. I enjoy leading my opponents into shock traps and lava pits, too. But if you're outnumbered, damaged, and without shield, don't waste your time running. Swing like a lunatic and hope that your final stand does enough damage for your teammates to make short work of what's left.
Also, remember that the striker boost is a short bonus, yet the general class of player will burn speed like there's no tomorrow. Dodge as much as possible while watching for the shield to break... hit your opponent when their primary advantage is gone. If your opponents choose a mix of different roles, you're really in luck. Figure out where the striker speed bonus will run out, lie in wait, and pick off the strikers when they've zipped too far away for their teammates to provide support. Divide and conquer works both ways, after all.

Recon vs Striker is a weird matchup. Basically, whoever runs out of shield first will loose. Nervous Strikers waste their boost quickly, while bold Recons have their cloak broken as punishment. Once again, the best way a Recon counters a Striker is via bombing. A well placed VT can screw over a swordsman (just got to watch our for the most likely Polaris return volley).
A better striker.
Otherwise area denial and/or lots of capping.

No love for Guardians?
As a counter-attack class, Guardian can be quite good for a 1v1 match, if the enemy striker doesn't return to base to heal(which usually happens). They're also good for counter-attacking auto-aim spammers, which you could shield their initial attacks and swing where they'll popp up next. Some strikers try to catch enemies off guard by dashing into them early, stay on guard and be ready to swing at all times. I'd recommend dodging Polaris bullets if you're playing Guardian, they're slow enough for that purpose. One of the ways the Striker class is used to close the distance between enemies quickly, or to have high mobility. This means that if you're playing as Striker, you'll usually have to outskill them with the strengths of Striker, and try to take advantage of their weaknesses while covering your own. If you're playing as Guardian or Recon, keep in mind to play to the strengths of those classes, e.g. baiting Striker attacks as Guardian and waiting for Strikers to lower their guard as Recon.

Always the bombs.
If they start shooting at you, Cloak and Move in for the kill.

How about fighting against pro striker in random LD? any tips on a striker that:
- Have good or better UV eg. med-vh asi swords and guns
- Kill your teammate quickly; the one who got an average of >12k dmg per game
- Cap decently ex: minimal 2 but defend a lot
- A gunner hybrid, it means they abuse valiance and sentenza in accordance to their final flourish and gran faust to rapidly close distance and hit then back off and repeat or when your low health just combo to take you out either using gran faust or final flourish.
- Polaris groups and ambush capping people using Gran Faust Combo
- Polaris + sentenza/valiance to kill bomber by spamming shots and not reloading
- Spam 1 hit swing and use boost efficiently and sometimes use combo to kill people depending on the situation
- Immune to some bombs by armor switching eg. max shock skolver set, divine veil with high shock, high stun Ice queen mail
- Know what key target to take out and know how to retreat if he's overwhelmed
Any tips on how to face people like that? eg. Thrillhaus, Namewithnumbers, Mittezeus, Opod
Class and tactics recommendation that is good on them in random accounting for the fact that its hard to get a teamwork going.
(I can somewhat play all 3 class decently but i'm kinda confused on how to deal them efficiently at the moment since they usually got double the dmg i got and maintaining decent cap while our team cannot even get 10k dmg in or cap cause they got rushed).

Can you guys post what types of tactics you can think of? (Dont include the ones from wiki)

We HAVE posted a lot of tactics, actually. There's another thread focused on how to play the recon class, which is worth searching for. Your question is vague, though: we don't know what you're good at, how you like to play, or even what equipment is available for you to use.
In general: if you're facing an absolute top-notch striker, don't fight their strengths. Look for their weaknesses, try a different class, or manipulate the situation and terrain to keep them from doing what they excel at. If the entire opposing team attacks you solo, congratulations- you've given your teammates a chance to score some easy captures! That's one example of turning a skill (fighting) into a liability (not capturing); in the right circumstances, you can neutralize your opponents without landing a single hit.
Remember that lockdown is a team event, where different players will have different weaknesses. Keep a diverse mix of weapons, armors, and bonuses that will allow you to adapt. If everyone you see is immune to freeze, switch your loadout in the locker room (during the match!!) to equip a different bomb, like shock or stun.
Weapon and trinket slots are expensive, but they may confer advantages. It depends on your class and style of play.

Strikers want to go fast. All the time. The time between Dash bar regen is something they tolerate only with great effort.
Therefore stunning / freezing them causes immense psychological pain, leaving them distracted and open to your crushing deathblows.

I would say (if this hasn't been said already, I haven't read the previous comments) when they're out of their "jetpack" boost health. They then have to walk around until their boost has regenerated. And if their health still has a little bit left, whenever they use it, the time to regenerate resets.
>Does anyone know how long it takes for a striker to regain their boost health?

4 or 5 seconds without use, I think.

Well as i see it wolver line has no weakness and is the most over powered gear (with that striker mod) in ld here are my reasons
So the wolver line has that Db and when you mix it with striker mod it makes you fast and when you have heavy sword it makes you fast and easy to kill giving large amount of damage and making it hard for other mods hard to hit with there mobility.
As you all suggested use bombs that weakens there mobility,well as you guys know like the rich guilds and the ld gears has varaints and probably have maximum on status effects making them invincble with there max stun and such, (but only rich ld pros have this stuff) So i am looking for a weak point for this im also researching armors that might be as good as wolver line.
So this is what i found in my research:
This will be for recons maybe strikers:
Recon: mercurial demo giving that movement increase possibly making it easier to run also maybe add ctr varaiants and bomb db variants.
Striker: mercurial mail giving movement increase and that percing defend (flourish line) also has defend against shock,also maybe add shock variants
(must be 5 star mercurial to get that movement increase)
For gun strikers:
Get any of those sash line to 5 star add some uv (depends on what it lacks asi or db) if you weild polaris i suggest get asi so that polaris shots are harder to dodge.
I will post more tomorow.......gtg to sleep x(

Wolver gear- even if you mix sets- will never provide a complete defensive solution. It will leave the wearer completely unprotected against piercing, elemental, or shadow damage, depending on what you're wearing. Learn what the armors look like and choose weapons accordingly.
Likewise, most people with armor UVs don't have every possible status effect covered. With freeze, shock, and stun bombs on the market, you'll find something to hamper anyone.
And of course, the polaris is a good way to provide team cover: the giant expanding bullets serve to deny strikers movement while dealing elemental damage (which skolver and snarbolax wearers are totally unprotected against!). The bullets also sometimes inflict shock, even on highly resistant armor UVs.
Lastly: the important thing is to not give up hope. I beat strikers all the time, and I'm a total klutz. (They beat me too, but that's ok, because lockdown isn't about hitting people.)

Striker boost recharges after exactly 3 seconds.
I know, I run around wasting it all the time just before the match starts.
...Imma T2 lockdowner, so I know nothing about T3.
In T2, everyones a Dusker!
For T2, to kill strikers, you just be a professional Gunner. Kilowatt/alchemer spam works fine. (It kills me alot D:)
Spam ALL the brandish charges!
Not cautery or the brandish itself. Obviously.
and theres the bomber who spams shock or stun bombs, and the occasional vortex, and shards.
The usual Strikers weapons are twisted snarble barb\swift flourish,
Sealed Sword/ Troika line
Then they have a kilowatt supporting them.
And some also spam brandishes, be careful.

Striker's simple weakness
They're screwed when they ran out of boost
Bomb them (does not apply to shock and stun maxes)
If those doesn't work,Then go striker!

Is there any Armor set that can surpass the wolver line???
(in ld)

Wolver gear doesn't help gunners and bombers. The status resistances are also quite bad.
My advice is to look around during your next match and see what other people are wearing. See if you can figure out the advantages and disadvantages of each item. The best way to get good at lockdown is to avoid hero worship of the few skolvers you see topping the damage charts (which is what it sounds like when all your questions are about how unfair that armor is). Expose yourself to other ideas and styles through hands on experience.
And if you really want to focus only on armor, those questions have probably been answered repeatedly in the arsenal forum. Use the search function, but don't put all your faith in gear.

You're outa luck. Just hope you can do what they do but better.
I would say travel with at least another striker and hope you can get some conducive teamwork going (as in, you don't block each other's damage and you don't bunch, allowing yourselves to both get hit by the same swing.)

Oh, mitezuss?
Vortex --> 90% mitezuss will run into it
I cope with everyone who is better than me by going for the storm driver shock --> melee finish lol.

Gunning with skolver and trueshot trinks is a legit strategy. You play like a gunner because you keep distance but are also fearsome up close. You should be able to make up the health distance by gunning them a few times and finish them with FF when they move in. The other option is shadowsun and keep your heart trinkets which is basically like putting on a big bullseye for FF users

As a strikers point of view; always wait for them to make the first move. You have a better chance of counter-striking or dodging them if you just have some patience. Different classes have their different way of dealing with strikers.

I am one of the tier 2 strikers and i dont use any pendants and here is my Weakness......
Haze/Freezing/Static lines, they get so annoying when you have to kill the bomber, my kilowatt is basically useless and when my strike boost is down,i am one dead man!

Thats a very nice necro of a 4 month old tread you did there sir.

Sorry to say this, but the majority of Strikers think they are invincible. If you can a) get a LOT of health off them (DM + toothpick) or b) get them to walk into a haze, then they are [not nail-ed].
Friendly advice.

Lure them into tight spaces and either lay a VT or spam a polaris. :)

Striker beats Guardian
Guardian beats Recon
Recon beats Striker
Here is the LD triangle is now
Try hard pro Striker beats Guardian Recon and Average Striker with no weakness at all
Guardian beats Recon

Striker? Weakness? Ha.
The best bombers, swordies and gunners are strikers. Why be a recon gunner when you can be a striker with max UVs and move faster w/o that pesky breakable power? Why be a guardian when your shield breaks in two hits, but you can boost around people like crazy?
Fact is that strikers have the most benefit right now with a power that can't be broken by other players, while recon is ridiculously easy to leave defenceless and guardians get no bonuses to speak of and a shield that breaks in two hits if you're lucky. When striker boosters can be broken by hitting them mid-boost, then we'll talk about weakness.

Strikers weakness? Walking past them in recon cloak and capping. T2

Please don't ever say Strikers are OP . I noticed last weeks that the strikers are getting owned in many ways ( I am a striker myself :/ ) . I will divide the tips depending on situation .
First : 1 vs 1 situation
If you are left alone against a striker , first of all , you have to know if he/she is one of the "good" strikers or just a newbie rushing with it . If he/she is a newbie ( you can see it actually by the way he/she attacks and move ) you have many ways to kill him/her :
[1] Bomber ( Guardian Class , Recon Bomber is easy to kill if the opponent is striker )
As people above me stated , you can use and spam haze bombs especially : Voltaic and Stagger , after the enemy is affected , you can do either of 2 things
* Finish him with a heavy weapon : Warmaster Seerus Hammer ( it's destructive especially against Skolvers and Snarbies ) DA , GF .
* Stick to spamming so he/she is stuck in their place then finishing them as above ^^^
[2] Recon ( Swordie is recommended for not experienced players with guns , unless you are good at switching technique )
Recon is the best class to counter Strikers . Why ? Because their cloak give them a very good advantage against the rushy Strikers . First of all , try to exhaust your pursuer ( Which means , let his/her boost ends ) . Then attack him once with a fast sword > Hide > Heavy Sword > Hide > Heavy Sword .
Until then , the boost will be recovered or the striker is dead . If the striker survives the first wave , make sure to do the same pattern again and again .
Note that you have to follow a good pattern of moving , so the enemy doesn't know where you will move or attack next .
For Gunners , it is actually hard ( For me it is , but for others I am not sure :s ) you can do the switching technique , and the preferred guns are :
* Hail Driver
*Storm Driver
*Umbra Driver
You should do it on this pattern : Exhaust the pursuer > Attack with Hail > Hide & Switch > Storm Driver > Hide & Switch > Umbra Driver , do this until the enemy is dead , and make sure you inflict the Freeze or shock status , because if you don't you are dead meat . Note that if the strikers runs directly to you in the front , don't tremble , just make sure you switch very fast and you should cancel his/her attacks .
If the striker is one of the good ones , then all you have to do is be more careful with what weapons to choose ( See if they have Immunity to something , or if they are super duper fast ) , and make sure if you are a guardian don't let them get behind you . And if you are a Recon make sure they don't speculate your moves and counter you . And these ways I stated above , can be used on both Newbies and Good Strikers .
Second : Teams vs Teams ( ??? vs Strikers team )
If you know your teammates , or you can communicate with them well , convince them to be full Recon team . I actually found out that a full Recon team is more OP and annoying than a team full of Strikers with VH asi and Max Resistance . If your aim is damage ( Killing ) then all you have to do , is moving together as one body . So if one striker rushes through your recon wall , he/she will be CRUSHED . I forgot to mention above in Recon Swordie guide which swords to use .
First of all :
1 ) if the enemy is wearing Skolver then you have to with either :
* Brandish Line for Fast Sword ( you can use Flourish and Barb lines if you are sure you can perform it perfect [ Attack > Shield Cancel ] )
* GF or DA or Hammer for Heavy Sword ( I prefer Hammer , but sadly I don't have it :( , so not sure how it works , but it owns me well o_o )
2 ) If the enemy is wearing Vog :
* Acheron for Fast Sword
* GF for Heavy Sword ( you can use Hammer if you don't have asi on your GF )
3 ) If the enemy is wearing Snarbolax :
* Brandish line except Acheron for Fast Sword
* DA or Hammer is the best ( again Hammer is preferable )
4 ) If the enemy is Hybrid , then you can mix on your opinion .
Don't forget to spam Haze bombs ( Voltaic and Stagger is preferable , but as one above me stated that Venom Veiler is actually decent , AoA is good but not that much in my opinion , Shiver is good against Vog only or Hybrid with Vog )
This is all the tips that came to my mind right now , hope it helps you :D
Oh wait... I am giving tips for people to beat me D:

tl;dr but saying to just "keep spammi'n haze bombs to stop a striker" is just not conducive of this discussion. Good strikers will be able to get you anyways, either by catching you near the edge with a teethpick, by rushing in to zerg kill you then take the haze hit, by having max resistance gear (and lets face it; shock immunity is a widely used one, as is freeze with skolver) or by just whippin' out his trollaris.
Sure recons/guardians can do it too with guns, but they tend to take longer. Strikers just have the ability to get to you faster.
Strikers are OP, there's no doubt about that, but just because you see good recons compared to bad players in strker doesnea mean that they're not off-balance. Put the best of each up next to each other and you'll find that a lot of the badassest gunners do it as striker as well, because the recon bonuses just don't compare to that booster.

i should really upload a LD FoV montage....

"and lets face it; shock immunity is a widely used one, as is freeze with skolver) or by just whippin' out his trollaris."
Actually , most of the people don't have shock immunity . How ? The wolver coat with shock max costs "atleast" 500k , although I think it reaches 800k sometimes . And very very few people have Shock MAX Stun MAX Fire or any other stats on same piece . And for polaris , again , it is EASY to dodge . Unless a full team is using it , it will be hard , but one person it is dodgeable , the bullets are slow and you can even go between 2 bullets ( Like a boss :D )
"Strikers are OP, there's no doubt about that"
Please don't say they are OP :( , if you do the things I listed above ( Which you didn't read ) you have a BIG chance to top a Striker . Rather than whining and saying that Strikers are OP , go find or try things that can beat it . ( I know you don't whine and that you try hard , but try more :D )
"but just because you see good recons compared to bad players in strker doesnea mean that they're not off-balance"
To be honest , the recons I played with was medicore players , but when they did their job well and did it perfectly , they owned most Strikers in our team . Although non of them was bad players as you said . If did correctly , all classes are strong and can fight each other depending on each class .
"Put the best of each up next to each other and you'll find that a lot of the badassest gunners do it as striker as well, because the recon bonuses just don't compare to that booster"
I am not sure about this , but from what I know , there is alot of good gunners that play as recon . If you want an example I remember 3 names actually : Tpmuser , Zave , Meedow . But you have a point in it , because guns can find Recons quickly + Striker's ability make it faster . But if you put a full of team of Recon Gunners against Swordie Strikers , I think they will do better than full team of Striker Gunners ( It's an opinion :D ) . And for the booster , it's right that the booster is more benefit , but the cloak gives more safety actually.
@ Canine-Valdmir
Yeah the FoV is pretty strong and destructive , but you have to control it very well + Use a good fire resistance armor :D

It can be rock paper scissors. So here is the chain and yes, I know it's silly :p
Striker -> Guardian
Guardian -> Recon
Recon -> Striker
So striker cannot go well against guardian, unless you go from side to side. Guardians can kill strikers once they are in cooldown. Then the guardian hates recons because once the recon gets in their range, the guardian will not notice and not shield. Sometimes recons will pop out of nowhere. Recons will be able to attack without the guardian having defense. Then the recon doesn't go well against striker because strikers can have a big chance in finding them with their own sense. They can also hit everywhere, and catch up with them while recon power is out by being hit.
So here is how the chain should be:
Striker = Paper
Guardian = Rock
Recon = Scissors
They beat each other. Except on the other chain, it shows what it cannot go well against. So if you were to play RPS (Rock, paper, scissors), you would do the chain like this:
Guardian -> Recon
Recon -> Striker
Striker -> Guardian
It could be the same, but the name of it isn't.

Actually , most of the people don't have shock immunity
I said that it's a common resistance, not that most people are immune. Never played a match where you see people with quicksilver or merc demo? Even one part of it, or Divine Veil, trinkies etc. It may not come up much in the normal play, but spend a while annoying people by hazing everywhere and you'll see a lot more folk whippin' out their shockwalker sets. I can tell you now, it's more common than you'd think if you never hazed.
Please don't say they are OP
I'm using the word literally. I'm not saying that they're unstoppable, or so good that no one wants anythin' else, or so broken that any noob can be pro as a striker, I'm sayin' that they're overpowered. More so than the other classes. The hp bonuses don't count for much one way or the other, as most kills come down to a few hits on any class. The weapon bonuses strikers get is a good and relevant +4. Recons get +6, but that's spread across 2 weapon types and doesn't include damage and Guardians get a pathetic +2, so let's not even claim that they're balanced in that sense.
As for powers; both Guardian and Recon powers can be broken by other players, while Strikers power lasts based entirely on the user, which is a massive difference, I cannot stress enough how vital that is. If striker boosters could be broken the same way recons cloaks can, there'd be a fairly dramatic shift in damage numbers from strikers as they all started dyin' when they realised they couldn't escape at a moments notice. Whereas Guardians and Recons can be broken and left utterly defenceless to be killed by someone that will always be able to outrun them. That is one class being powered over the other two: OP. It's not a question.
The cloak may grant security, but it's purely pre-emptive. Maintaining a cloak for defence is a lot more trouble than, say, boosting around. Strikers who can catch up with you cloaked and have a variety of wide swings and guns, as well as handy AA, can fairly easily break a cloak.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not tryin' to say that recon gunners aren't as good; I know firsthand of plenty of excellent recon gunners. What I'm sayin' though, is that amongst all the best gunners; there'll be a handful of striker gunners. And striker swordies. And striker bombers. Amonsgt all the best players, half of them are strikers; whatever weapon they use. Not often you see award-winning guardian gunners, though. There's a reason that so many of the best players wind up UVing up and taking to striker. Again though, I reckon that'd balance off a bit if cloaks worked like boosters, or vice versa.

I concur with Darkbrady. Strikers are definitely the best class to play imo.
I don't use trinkets, so I used to play Guardian. I'd average a meager 7k a game. As a Striker without trinkets (That means I almost get one-shot by anything), I've gotten more than double that without a Polaris, GF, DA, or WRH. A Toothpick and a Peacemaker without trinks got me twice my avg as a Guardian. I'd say that's definitely evidence that Striker is better overall.
On topic:
Almost every Striker has pentas, banking on the fact they have low health isn't a good idea. Some do, most don't. They have less health than other classes with pentas, but they don't really have "low health" if they use pentas.
My favorite way to kill Strikers are when they're sloppy enough to miss consecutively with DA/GF 2nd attacks. They leave a huge opening that lasts for like two whole seconds. Even as a slower class you can get a free hit in.
It's psychology really; the non-pro Strikers will use their 2nd attacks more often when they're low health to try and get their opponent to back away. They usually don't realize they leave themselves even more vulnerable.
The other way to kill them, if you are a Striker yourself, is to use the Camera Advantage. Most strikers lack the reflexes to stop a boosting Striker coming from below; it's a good way to get a 1st-hit in with a GF or DA or other heavy weapon.
Finally, non-pro Strikers will lose their boost frequently and in inconvenient times. Use this to your advantage. A striker without his boost is like a Recon without his cloaking. They're immobile and easy targets. Beware of Storm Drivers or Polaris' though, they might start spamming firearms in their panic-mode. It should be easy enough to loop around them with your own boost and finish them off though.

wall...? whenever they're trap in the corner....they're dead

I have a Stun: High UV on my Cold Iron vanq, and my armor (wolver line clone, just not telling you guys which one) decreases charge time. Luv that guardian fun.

Well came back to tier 2 and noticed.....people combo spam fkourish or weapons no one shield cancels and they complain about everything....
I maybe wrong there are still some great players in t2 LD but mose have bad attitude to losing.....also the flourosh debuff did make a difference to how strikers are now....

I'm with Darkbrady - strikers are pretty darn powerful. I'm one of a (very) few striker bombers in t3ld; all of the previous points about the usefulness of the speed boost are quite valid. He's also right in that there're a bunch more shock-resistant players than you might think if you don't bomb; play enough and they'll come out of the woodworks.
The way I play Striker is pretty distinct from the way a lot of people play it, I think, so I'll go over it briefly and try to highlight what sorts of things have historically been good at defeating me (and those like me).
As a bomber, the way I tend to use the speed boost is for capping and avoidance rather than attack; any time spent harassing enemy characters is probably time spent not capping or dropping haze bombs. In addition, because we're trying to balance out the CTR VH penalty, we're likely not to have as much health as other strikers (less room for hp trinkets). Bomber strikers excel at getting to points before you and dropping some status bomb to cover a point; I think just about all of us will carry a big heavy sword like the Gran Faust in case other players get feisty.
Counter strategies: carry a gun. If you have a gun, I have to decide whether to dodge you and try to cap (and risk death) or go full offense and try to take you out quickly (and risk not capping the point). Alchemer charges are great, especially with the ricochets. An AP or Sentenza charge is wide enough to nearly cover a point from wing to wing; this isn't used much but the few times I've faced it it's been excellent at forcing me to leave my comfortable death-cloud.
Beyond that, or UV resists, you're best off charging in and taking the hit after I'm dead. That's how to deal with striker bombers in t3, as far as I can tell. Good luck!
(also, no matter WHICH archetype we're playing, if you don't target bombers first you're probably making a big mistake.)

"It may not come up much in the normal play, but spend a while annoying people by hazing everywhere and you'll see a lot more folk whippin' out their shockwalker sets"
This is what I wanted you to say . If people see that the haze bombs are surrounding them every match ( We will talk about VT here for example ) they will tend to use Shockwalker sets as you said . So if they did that , They will lose the : Damage Bonus ( Because people that can't afford Max UVs , will get Quicksilver Merc etc.. ) and they will lose the Freeze resistance . These 2 things give you advantage again to use Shivermist , which can work well against enemies .
TL;DR : Bombs can inflict many stats , so change your bombs depending on the enemy . VT isn't the only bomb out there :D
I agree that without Pentas ( Or let's say Heart Trinkets ) , playing Striker would be hard actually . I remember before I started playing LD , that I didn't have any Heart Trinkets , I always got oneshotted as you said with either DA or GF or a full combo of FF/BTB , and I averaged between 3k-5k dmg , but after I got 4* Trinkets , I jumped to 15k-20k and 30k sometimes . I think , to make LD more balanced ( Which is probably suggested and said before ) is to remove the Heart Trinkets for all classes , because Guardian can become a holy tank with Heart Trinkets and Ancient Set , and Recon would take forever to kill , and Striker won't be a glass cannon as it should be . If they remove the Heart trinkets , I don't think that the striker will be OP for you anymore , right ? I feel that the only problem for you guys and many others , is the heart trinkets .
TL;DR : Playing Striker without Heart Trinkets is dangerous and hard , to make LD more balanced , removing Heart Trinkets would limit the power of the Striker class , and make it more equal to other classes ( Although I still think that Striker isn't OP )
Your chain works if Heart trinkets didn't exist . ( Again I still think striker with trinkets can be overcomed and isn't OP , If ! the people do their job well )
How the hell did you get Stun High on your Cold Iron Vanquisher O_o ? And there is no Wolver line that decreases Charge Time ( Increase Charge Time Reduction ) . Your comment is confusing :s
"He's also right in that there're a bunch more shock-resistant players than you might think if you don't bomb; play enough and they'll come out of the woodworks."
My answer is the same of Darkbrady above ^^^

I'm seeing a lot of comments about how Strikers become 'weak' when they run out of boost. This won't always be the case so don't get over confident and charge towards them trying to get the kill. You also need to be unpredictable as they could just turn around and double swing you with GF or bring out a gun and get a few hearts of damage on you until they recharge. I agree with the best tactic for taking out a striker is another striker, speed kills.

Striker weakness .
> Walking past them while cloaking.
> See their reaction at the safe distance.
If the striker is pro* it has no weakness he/she can kill whole team but when striker lose striker boost he is in deep .... annd this is only weaknes striker has. i am talking about pros.. noob strikers are wery easy to kill
The average striker has low health. Also, once they lose their shield, they're screwed.
The pro striker has heart pendants. Good luck.
Weapon wise, status bombs such as Stagger Storm (stun) and Voltaic Tempest (shock) work the best since they restrict striker's movement. Again, many pro strikers have UV resistance, so they may be able to waltz straight through, but the rest of the time the bombs will be effective.