When I first started playing this game and was choosing what gear to make I saw this when viewing the magic cloak:
A wondrous robe worn by apprentices in the art of spells and sorcery.
That description alone sold me. I thought "MAGIC! I'm totally going that way." But over a year later still no magic of any kind even though we have tons of things alluding to magic for instance the Candlestick Keep. Also there is an item that alludes to future magic use, the wrench wand, but still no magic. But after thinking long and hard about it I think I have a pretty good suggestion for a fun, not game breaking series that would add a little magic to the game. I introduce the Wrench wand series.
The alchemy would have two paths utilizing the only two spells used by the gremlins in the clockworks, in order to have continuity with the game and the world its set in. The first path would be a fire path and the second, to the hopes and demands of some players would be a mender(healing) path.
On top of the introduction of these two items I also have suggestions for how to obtain said items which would encourage future CE use outside of crafting and encourage people to head down into the clockworks, 2 things the players and the devs would both like to happen I think.
Please read all before flat out rejection or hate
Without further ado my idea. fire first then mender:
Ember Bolt Wand
Basic Attack: A three swing combo; right, left (backhanded), right. Player remains stationary for the first attack, but moves forwards a short
distance on the second and third.
Charge Attack: Charge attack produces a small Ember bolt which deals fire dmg
Greater Ember Bolt Wand
Basic Attack: A three swing combo; right, left (backhanded), right. Player remains stationary for the first attack, but moves forwards a short distance on the second and third.
Charge Attack: Charge attack produces a large Ember bolt which deals fire dmg
Scorcher Wand
Basic Attack: A three swing combo; right, left (backhanded), right. Player remains stationary for the first attack, but moves forwards a short distance on the second and third.
Charge Attack: Charge attack throws a stream of flames (or the wave of flames) like a flame thrower dealing fire dmg and can set enemies and oil patches aflame. lasts only a short duration, like a bomb
....and now for what some are waiting for:
Tenderfoot Wand
Basic Attack: A three swing combo; right, left (backhanded), right. Player remains stationary for the first attack, but moves forwards a short distance on the second and third. Wand does very little dmg in comparison to its counterpart
Charge Attack: Charge attack mends casting player (x) amount of health. Here is what I leave open to the devs to figure out for balancing sake. I was thinking 1-3 pips of health and in order to really limit the abuse of this item make it have the longest charge time of any weapon. I'm talking even with Max CTR it takes less time to charge a Gran Faust. Player makes a Gremlin noise sometimes when casting
Ironclaw Wand
Basic Attack: A three swing combo; right, left (backhanded), right. Player remains stationary for the first attack, but moves forwards a short distance on the second and third. Wand does very little dmg in comparison to its counterpart
Charge Attack: Charge attack mends casting player and allies (x) amount of health. Here is what I leave open to the devs to figure out for balancing sake. I was thinking 1-3 pips of health and in order to really limit the abuse of this item make it have the longest charge time of any weapon. I'm talking even with Max CTR it takes less time to charge a Gran Faust. Player makes a Gremlin noise sometimes when casting
Darkfang Wand
Basic Attack: A one swing attack which does no dmg but does do a knock back attack
Charge Attack: Charge attack does area mend spell casting a mending rune on the floor which heals any member of party standing on it. Here is what I leave open to the devs to figure out for balancing sake. I was thinking 1-3 pips of health per second for 5-10 seconds and in order to really limit the abuse of this item make it have the longest charge time of any weapon. I'm talking even with Max CTR it takes less time to charge a Gran Faust. Player makes a Gremlin noise sometimes when casting
So there are the Wand ideas and now for what it takes to make and get these wands. I believe one problem right now is that players not only have no reason to go into the clockworks but also have no reason to spend ce on anything at all. I propose tackling both these things in one fail swoop while introducing these new items. First ce spending. The crafting cost will still be the same BUT! instead of crafting from normal alchemy machines players can only craft these wands with the Sanctuary Alchemy machine. Also to encourage more CE spending the items should require one or more of the shadow mats (preferably the gremlin one from the Red Twins) to craft all 3 stages of the item. Now some see this and check out thinking its a bad idea but c'mon we get SO much for cheap heaven forbid there is a little cost and challenge to get these items
Now for the clockworks. In order to get more players going into the clockworks not only are the recipes for these items not available in the Hall of Heroes but basil doesn't carry them either. Instead there should be a hidden or bonus area (like the cake or pumpkin king) that randomly and not all too but somewhat rarely spawns with in the clockworks. In this area is a Gremlin or one of the Order or the Owlite who after fleeing the destruction of the Owlite Order has hidden himself in the ever changing Clockworks in order to teach young brave knights how to craft the wands of the Gremlins. He will be the sole source of the wand recipes aside from, of course, the AH.
So...... thats my idea. I put a lot of thought into it since I started playing over a year ago. I hope some or all of you like it but more importantly I hope you devs at OOO like and work to incorporate it into the game. I think it would be a fun, novel, and interesting addition to the game. Personally I would get the items just to have 2 functioning wands for my look, since i ended up crafting all 3 trees of the magic series, and would not really bother with finding any practical use for them, though in my time inventing this idea I have thought of many practical uses for them and also an interesting LD match up using them. I hope this falls on open and receptive ears, gets some love and support from the community, and may one day be an annoying update that shuts down the game for a day while the bugs are worked out. LOL JK on the last part, except for one day seeing it in use.
Thank you for your time and consideration
Though I appreciate the effort, there are two major problems here:
Flamethrowers have already been proposed and healing weapons are bad. The bullet version of the flamethrower has also been proposed already.
For the bullet/flamethrower line in the current thread the basic attack is essentially Calibur/Brandish and the charge attack further overshadows Winmillion until 5* where it completely dominates it as well as overpowering Agni.
For the second line the basic attack is the exact same as the previous, copying Calibur/Brandish again. Each charge bonus is about half a second (+6 charge ~ -3 seconds to charge) and Gran Faust has an approximate base charge time of ten seconds. It has been agreed that if a healing weapon were to exist it would not be on a charge attack because the user could just stand in an empty area and spam it for infinite health regardless of charge time lengths.
"Here is what I leave open to the devs to figure out for balancing sake"
It is your job to determine how this would be balanced. It is not the responsibility of Three Rings to make your suggestion for you. I notice you copy-pasted parts of your proposal creating several redundancies.