Well, a way to explain would be, I dunno, that the Order forgave him, but they stripped him of his duty as a CO as a punishment? And if he messes up again, he could possibly be facing a dishonourable discharge. I'll change it if you think the forgivness thing is far-fetched. Plus, let's say the unit getting killed was early on Cradle and they didn't know the layout. And the power plant thing, the Order never found out about the civies, and that mission was a do anything-at-any-cost kinda mission. Oh, and the Overall thing, the Order thinks he is redeemable as a operative, rather than a foot soldier.
Roleplaying Community Project
@Tiide Yeah, it mentions Isora during the new intro missions (Having remade my character for a fresh start after being absent for a while the new intro and missions are really good, and some of the lore is great. I want to know more about the Morai since it mentions battles with them.)
@Zydrate-Academy Alright, I didn't know. I guess there still isn't a 'canon' name for the Spiral Knights yet?

It seems that whenever I am on, Zydrate and Tiide aren't. :/
Perhaps what might be good to do would be to establish times when we roleplay - that way, we might be able to get some more accomplished.
I live in the United States, and my time zone is in Central Standard Time (GMT - 6:00). I'm guessing that this most likely contributes to why I am not seeing you guys online at the same time as myself.

@Frostrex: All you need to do is add an extra sentence or two, or however many you need to get the point across that he wasn't completely forgiven. And he either will never reach a commanding rank ever again, OR it's his goal to reach it very carefully by not screwing anything else up. That could be a focus of his roleplay.
@Baldhart: Not yet. Until there is one, the community has been using "Spiralians". It's all we got, and it doesn't sound too stupid :P
@Kanoka: I'm on EST US, I think I'm -6 or -5 or something. Strangely, we're not far off and I'm online most of the day. Do you work?

Well I'm usually on at different times everyday :o So my schedule could be somewhat random.
Also I should add that your actual in-game rank shouldn't HAVE to be your IC rank, I role play a regular knight when I'm actually a Defender :D
Btw if you catch me on and want to role play even if I'm in the clockworks, go ahead and poke me, When I finish I'l be glad to RP :)
Hey hey Zydrate, should I make that post regarding Bio things? Like your Dossiers :o
Or still put that off? o-o

Ok now i know how to make my dossier better, so here goes.
Dossier, bla bla: Ieyasu (Yasu for short)
Rank: Defender Elite
Assignment: mostly a strategist, but can still hold his own as a striker.
Note: Hes a boy with an extremely and unusually high intellect, but otherwise, hes just an ordinary knight. He passed his exams on Isora to get onto the Skylark and was one of those who crash-landed on Cradle. Even though he was mostly ordinary, the other knights bullied him because he was weaker than them. Even some of the officials like Feron ridicule him in public. Still, hes pretty obedient, but inside, like all people who are bullied, he hates being pushed around. Even so, he is polite and kind to others. Hes by no means perfect, because he used to be a merciless and cold brat. He still retains some of that malicious nature even now and if given the chance, will rip apart anyone in his way.
Overall: an extremely gifted and smart boy who can sometimes be a bit snobby, but is mostly courteous and has average fighting skills.
Addendum: has been making slow but steady progress fighting wise and gearwise.

Biographies were mostly covered in the 101 thread. However if you want to give some kind of rundown regarding the "Dossier" style, then go right ahead. I have no real thoughts on the matter, so you're welcome to make a post on that.
Remember to bolden the fact that it's not an application for anything. Just a style of background that we in particular began using.
Frankly the whole "statistics" style of character profiling annoys me. Age? Gender? Birthplace? Sexuality? Likes? Dislikes? These are all things that can be found out ingame, and most have no place in a militarized dossier.
Sorry for the venting, there. I've perused Gaia Online too long.

There's a lot of problems with that. So much.
"dossier bla bla?" A commanding officer would not write like this. We're not ten year olds.
Neither would they comment on his bullies or refer to him as a brat. It's also a contradiction to say that he's nice and obedient but has some kind of inner berserk button.
And write what you know. You are clearly not of "supreme intelligence", so roleplaying one of such intellect would be impossible. Because of your rampant typos and contradictions, our characters would just end up pointing this out.
Frankly, I think you're projecting some of your own life into this. The whole bio just screams "Young! They're young!" to me. The dossier is written like a kid, and the whole Spiralian race is very militaristic. (IE: Not kids)
I'm sorry. I understand everyone has to begin somewhere but I challenge you to actually -think-.
The only good thing I have to say is that you're not Godmoding it up; you note that your character is an average fighter. That's a fair balance, you're not falling into the trap that most kids do: by making them good at nearly everything.

Zydrate, that post was actually really rude. Perhaps it was the tone, perhaps it was the way you assumed he WANTED a critique on his bio posting technique, and perhaps it was the way you implied that Kaiju wasn't actually thinking, but this kind of attitude may lose you some roleplayers in the future.
I don't want to start an internet fight, so I'm not going to say anything else on the matter. I just don't like to see people insulting my friends like that, which you did. So much.

@Tev: thanks for defending me, but i gave him permission to criticque it. You dont have to worry. I admit that hes right, but i am a novice to this, so hey? Its what youd expect.
With that aside, Arigato gozaimasu, Tev-chan. Thats just japanese for thank you very much Tev.
@Zy: thanks for the input. But im not a ten year old, and i just so happen to be in vector classes, so you didnt have to say that at least... But otherwise, im grateful for the input. Besides, technically speaking, are we not homo sapiens? Our very name screams "thinking man" so you shouldnt say that people dont think, even if theyre not in your opinion, because technically youre wrong. Sorry bout that scientific rant, just had to say it. Oh, And how could someone even come up with ANYTHING of a dossier or anything else at all unless they are thinking, even if its only a bit. Now heres the "emotion" part: you dont really know anythin about me, so dont say i cant think, most ppl are hurt by that. This is the internet and i dont even know you either, so it doesnt feel that hurtful, but really, treat others the way you wanna be treated. So, zydrate, Please take all of those into consideration. If i were someone like HIM, (every veteran member of the forums knows of the troll who must not be named) then id be talking trash about you right now and acting like Attilla the hun or Marie Antoinnete, yes, if i were like that, i would be ordering your death just cause i wanna. I wont stoop down to the level of some people, i (and almost all other Japanese, yes im japanese) have that much self respect and integrity. So please, the golden rule: treat others the way YOU want to be treated...
Sorry bout that mini rampage, like i said it had to come out. And Tev, thanks, youre a real friend for saying that. You have my gratitude and admiration.
Ok i gtg for today, ill be back in a few hours. Idt i can play SK today though maybe tommorow.

I only gave my impression. I'm perfectly aware that my statements have the potential to be wrong.
And I'm impressed by your post. However as a writer, I still find it difficult to roleplay with people who can't type properly. That's NOT a slam on you, it's a self-imposed quirk from being on the internet too long and having to deal with the barrage of textspeak. Again, that isn't your fault.
All you can do is work on your typing and you could be a great roleplayer :D
@Tev: He gave me permission. I noted that on the subject line.
By "think" I meant look over and outline the character. The whole dossier just seemed like it was a one-and-done thing.

Though I haven't made one myself, I would just like put it out there that peoples characters -usually- don't have incredible traits and if they do, their weakness better be pretty open.
Ex. Your character is Extremely talented at swinging his sword, he's clearly well trained and all in all, Is an exceptional swordsman,
He better suck with everything else OR not be the smartest tool in to tool box (I don't mean make him an idiot but think about it)
Though this Swordsman isn't a marry sue (Perfect) character, You gotta give everyone else time to shine For example, my knight is extremely shy, nervous, and Extremely far form persistent, but in the field he can hold himself strong, (mainly defensively) and under his shell he's quite smart though he may not know it.
That is a small portion of my character but already you see can see his ups and downs
Ups: A skilled Defensive knight, Smart.
Downs: One could assume since I only put he was defensive, he's not great offensively, He can't hold himself in a conversation, And more then likely is alone.
There you go, 2 for each.
Now another thing I wanted to add, You character should follow lore, Kaiju, You seem like you really want to try RP, which is great, welcome! though I think you should critique your character and follow lore as close as you can, go outside and try to find a skilled 10 year old Police officer that has rank and honor, you probably won't eh? maybe a 10 year old who's very smart or talented, but is still to young to hold a place in society aside from Youth. Knights in this game appear to be very intellectual (for the most part) as almost all the npcs talk with wit.
I think you can keep the whole being smart thing just adjust his age, and make it appropriate, I'm only telling you all this cause I don't want your character to get ignored, When I first started RP my character was along the lines of special, then I Realized I no one would RP with me! so I tweaked and tweaked until now (in WoW) My character has an extensive history.
Just be creative! I'm here to help if anyone wants help as well as Zydrate is! feel free to pst me or post here asking for me!

I wrote all that before even noticing Kaiju's more recent Dossier...hmm
It's not bad, it has strengths and weaknesses!
It could use some tweaking but none the less You have a basis, now if you want to avoid that whole idea of being to young to even be a knight might want to change Boy to Knight.
Another thing, Not many people appreciate the "Will rip apart anyone in his way." that makes him sound like he's...TOO strong, but I did see where you were trying to go, And I think you did a fairly good job! especially from your other post no offense.
Now remember what I said above about balance. Your character has to be able to fit in the ranks, his offensive nature do to his bullying is understandable and makes perfect sense as a real person would harness those feelings, but (not sure if you put in there) instead of saying if mad he will tear you apart you should write that to compensate for his weakness he trained as much as he could (not surpassing the best) meeting Par with most of the knights, Which should leave you at being Good enough to fight and win but not stronger then the top line knights, You also added that he's smart, maybe to replace the 'training' you could say he uses his wit to out think his opponent making him still physically incapable but at the right angle, the right trajectory he can still win.
I'm just trying to help you out bud! if you need help again, I'm here!

@Zydrate: I'm actually an adolescent, so I've still got a year until I'm able to get a job. ^_^ I'm not on most of the day because I like to go on in the early morning, and my sister usually wants a turn in midday.
Also, should I attempt to make a dossier? I have a two-page compilation of my character's details, based on the 101 Zydrate made...haha. If so, it should give me some practice with my summary skills. :/

Well age doesn't matter all to much, but Yeah It's good to know what times your on :p
Aside from that, your Dossier should be a brief summary! :)
Though having a 2 page compilation is great on getting your character moving (Though I usually just say, 'this character will be funny' then make him funny and let his actual personality grow, then I write my summary, but that's preference :) )
Me and Zydrate would be more then happy to help you with your summary or Dossier, I have fun with critiquing, so It won't be a problem :)

That is the one thing I need help with in my writing - once I create gigantic backgrounds, I have difficulty creating summaries because I already know the whole story...I tend to forget what information is most or least important, because I made the entire thing and consider everything to be pertinent info! :) I'll go with a simple rough draft then, and I can add/subtract as needed. Any type of criticism is welcome with me, as this is an area I need vast improvement with!
Dossier: Kanoka
Rank: Soldier
Kanoka has always had a strong aptitude for strategy – when he was young and living on the Skylark with his father, he was often left to himself because his father worked as a scientist for the Spiral Order. This gave him much time to play with figurines of his own making, and he devised many battle plans that, with the proper revision, are used in the present.
However, he is no longer the young child he once was. After his mother died on a scientific excursion by a Blast Cube explosion during the Skylark’s travels, Kanoka’s father left his work as a scientist and became a technician. Kanoka, now an adult, became an apprentice under his father in order to prevent similar flaws in other knights’ armor that caused his mother’s death. He has found that both he and his father have a knack for this work, but their curious nature leads them to create modifications and innovations that have made Spiral Armor Tech much stronger. The Spiral Order, in gratitude, has given the two of them Tier 3 Clearance for the purpose of assisting knights with tech issues. Any attempts to misuse this clearance permit it to cease.
Kanoka has become a proficient soldier, both in terms of rank and of skill, because of his meticulous nature. He has learned the weak spots in monsters, dealing large amounts of damage, but has a very difficult time against large masses of them (more than 4 at a time). He has also learned where his own weaknesses are, and uses the armor he and his father create to compensate what he can.
Despite all the difficulty that Kanoka endured in his past, he is fairly fond of it. He is very passionate, determined, and intelligent…but also solitary. His work prevents him from interacting with others too much, so most of his life revolves around his work and his knowledge.
He hasn’t really considered the thought of companions, as he is usually content with his clients or his figurines.

For a character story, I approve, though I must point out a few things,
Starting with this, It sounds like your character is some sort of Main character, in the sense that he and his father invented such technology, you may want to change it something more like (and this is a simplified version)
'Taking apprenticeship under his father, The two, followed by a team of researchers managed to figure out how to fortify knight armor to better protect them. Fueled by their loss, they both worked tirelessly possibly even more then many of the other Techs.'
Again that's just a simplified version, you could elaborate much more but you see how I made it seem like they both aren't incredible, their normal people who have something inside them, pushing them to do what they did.
I do like how you described his personality but keep in mind, your a knight with a story, your not a pro/antagonist so try to build less on me me me and more about Who I am.
Aside from that I feel it's well written.
oh! something I want to pick at as well, You said he's become proficient in combat due to his nature, and the way he is, this is a good point however you need to remember we all cannot be good at everything. Aside from being Smart and Strategic you also need to give him a weakness aside from being solitary, maybe he's not that strong but because he's smart and strategic, he strikes at open spots, maybe knowing several ways on how to get the edge on his opponent, For example, I still don't have a Dossier but My character (in combat) is smart and defensive, he doesn't hit hard and in a sword fight he can probably be over powered, but he has a strong stance and can defend himself and his teammates appropriately.
Think along those terms :)

Many of the things that you pointed out were points that I considered while I was writing this - I do appreciate how you noticed that I wrote it very much like a protaganist bio of sorts, I hadn't seen it that way but now am very much aware of it.
Also, along the side of weaknesses (this is where I was having the most trouble...it is much easier to picture a knight who is good at everything!): I was trying to think of what types of weaknesses to give him. I want to focus mostly on giving him weaknesses in his personality, as I figure that battle will not be what he truly strives for. It's almost a..."fights when needed to" type of thing. Originally, I had it in my mind that Kanoka was "drafted" into the Spiral Order, simply due to need for knights, and that he is actually quite proficient.
Otherwise, I'll take all of those things into consideration. If you have any more imput, feel free to share it! I do appreciate the criticism. With this specifically, I need to work on how to create this summary from the "roleplay" type of view, rather than from the "I'm reading a story about so-and-so" type of view.

Well weakness vary and like Zydrate already stated, all characters need balance,
another example
My character.
Out of combat he's shy and kept in to himself, basically a social weakness.
He's smart though, quick witted and for sure a bright knight, his social strong point
Now IN combat
His strength is Defense, He can take a hit, hard to tell from his feeble structure but he can hold his stance
His weakness is Offense, he's not physically strong but again he can still fight and win using his wits.
So basically my character there has Passive and Active weaknesses and strengths, it's like in real life, Think of RP as your a normal, not-so-normal person, weird to say but in the sense that you are as good as all of us, just your character has depth.
It's a hard thought really, maybe I just can't put it better myself but, I think you may get the point.

Amazingly, I think what you mean to say is coming along clearly. Obviously, we can't be "specifically" better than others because the real in-game knights have generic damage and armor and weapons. However, we are developing the character with the differences because we want them to be more realistic than just pixels on a computer screen with lots of numbers.
Looking over all this, I definitely see where I might need improvement - I always like to have a nice, extensive history for the character, add some prominently amazing piece of history, and then just leave it at that. What I need to do is specifically show how these events affected my character and show how they've developed his or her weaknesses and strengths.
I may take what you stated about him not being necessarily strong, but his strategy is able to compensate for that weakness. Social weaknesses I may work on are the opposite extremes of his traits - determination can turn to stubbornness, and intelligence can lead to disregarding other's opinions - to give him some more that may help. The passion aspect I gave him was more so fuel for his determination, so maybe it could be a joint strength-weakness of his.
I do need some work, that's for sure. I'll work more on it this morning and hopefully should be able to post a revised dossier in a half-an-hour. ^_^

Dossier: Kanoka
Rank: Soldier
Kanoka has always had a strong aptitude for strategy – when he was young and living on the Skylark with his parents, he was often left to himself because both his father and mother worked as scientists for the Spiral Order. This gave him much time to play with figurines of his own making, and he devised many battle plans that, with the proper revision, are used in the present.
However, he is no longer the young child he once was, and since crashing on Cradle has grown much. After his mother died on a scientific excursion by a Blast Cube explosion during the Skylark’s travels, Kanoka’s father left his work as a scientist and became a technician. Kanoka, now an adult, took apprenticeship under his father so that they could, together, strive to find a way to fortify knight armor to better protect them. Fueled by their loss, they both worked tirelessly to achieve this goal. Alongside a group of other technicians and scientists, Kanoka and his father were able to develop better armor tech.
Kanoka has become a proficient soldier, both in terms of rank and of skill, because of the meticulous nature that comes of strategizing. He has learned the weak spots in monsters, knowing their vulnerabilities and utilizing that in battle, and then uses the tech he and his father developed to strengthen his defense. His only hindrance in battle comes from an intense fear of jellies, to the point of which his strategies become ineffective and he enters a panicked state.
Despite all the difficulty that Kanoka endured in his past, he looks back on it with no regrets. He is very passionate, determined, and intelligent…but these traits also come in other extremes, and these natures can cause him to be both stubborn and selfish at times when striving for a specific goal in mind. He also has a very solitary nature, as his work prevents him from interacting with others too much.
There's still many issues with this one - I spent an hour trying to get into Kanoka's mind, figuring how he felt with certain circumstances, and I came up with this. There's still a lot more with his personality that I'll need to roleplay out before I can truly specifically state it.

Thank you for keeping the thread alive. Family visited on the 4th so I wasn't on for basically the entire day.
Also, just crafted two 4* items (Ash Tail outfit) so I'm broke in crowns, mist, and energy.
I will however, try logging on occasionally. Give my friends a poke and so on. (And do an RJP run when I hit over 30 mist)

Kanoka, that was is for sure, much better then your first one.
I can't see many issues with it, You gave him a back-story, a strength a weakness and so on.
I say well done, any other tweaks can really only be made by the writer, being that you may add or remove things as you play him and his history comes out. On the bright side you know what you're playing and you clearly know how he should act.
I like how you took my advice literally :) giving him a fear as well as a weakness, and it make sense to fear jellies after what happned to his mother, as many kids and adults would be as well, though to give the fear more placement (you don't have to add it in your Dossier) unless i overlooked it, you may wanted to add that he witnessed his mothers death by a blast cube, giving him more of a reason to fear, since as kids we generate phobias much quicker then we do as adults. I also like how you said it drives him into a panic, it makes it truely seem that he's scared, and more of that it's a phobia.
All in all good work Kanoka, you really improved and took my critique to heart, glad to help yah improve!

I thank you for your constructive criticism, Tiide. It certainly helped me develop the dossier...it's funny to me, though, that I can't even remember what I meant by "issues" this morning. :P I'm guessing that I was upset that I couldn't put in every single piece of information that I wanted...I greatly enjoying putting in tons of detail, even if it is unnecessary.
Hopefully, with this done, we should be able to commence in some RP! :)

Yikes, 3 days.
Anyone do any RP's lately?
I've been plopping through some arcades ever since I went bankrupt. When I mist runs out, I usually plop online once every hour or so to check in with buds.
Otherwise, Tumblr has consumed me D:

The most recent RP I've had was with you, Zydrate - I've been inactive for most of this weekend, got to spend some nice quality family time. Hopefully we can get some more accomplished this week. ^_^

So, I'm new to the forums (hello world), and and avid roleplayer both online and off, and I happened upon this project during a routine google search. Personally, I've really been wanting to try out roleplay on Spiral Knights, but the game isn't exactly conducive to the process of locating fellow roleplayers.. So obviously, this is sort of a windfall for me. Sadly, it looks like I've stumbled onto this entire thing about three months late, and am only posting here in the hope that anyone who has posted here previously might see the update and chat me up. So tell me, is this project still active? Do any of you folks still roleplay? Or am I just beating a dead thread here?
Regardless, anyone who sees this and wants to roleplay, please feel free to friend me on my main, Calebos.

Hello, Calebos! Pleasure to meet you, even at this later time.
It's been a while since I've seen this thread - many of the roleplayers here haven't returned back, or at least I haven't heard from them. I'm guessing that their lives are busy (since I know mine is...high school definitely takes up much of my day), and they haven' t been able to log on.
For me personally, I've been offline as of middle of August due to school. Perhaps, though, by you dredging up this old thread, we can get a new group of people started and roleplaying?
~ Kanoka

It's a real shame that I've only just now found the thread (I've been looking for roleplayers since SK's launch D: ), but IRL obligations always take precedence over things like this. Still, it's pleasant to see a reply! I'd been rather disheartened by the thread's apparent inactivity, but perhaps you're right; posting here might just help revive the project? Who knows?
In any case, if you or anyone else felt like roleplaying at some point, I generally get on at least once a day to stalk auctions for accessories, being the vain creature that I am.. So coordinating here, or just hitting me up in-game with a tell or something will always be welcomed. In the meantime, I might just try filling out a dossier for Calebos. Biographies are always fun!

Dossier: Calebos
Evaluating Officer: Cort
As an opening statement for this knight's quarterly evaluation, I would like to state that Knight Calebos is far and away one of the most skilled swordsmen operating under my command at present, and has yet to fail an assigned task to this date; however, I would make it known that despite these accolades, his current mental state is of great concern to myself and may or may not disqualify him from certain assignments in the future. For a full record of Calebos' mental and medical history, please see 'Document [REDACTED]'.
To my knowledge, Knight Calebos originated on Isora and was deemed a suitable candidate for service on-board the Skylark, where he served dutifully with little to distinguish his service from that of most other knights and no live combat experience. After the Skylark's crash, he was presumed dead for a number of weeks before resurfacing rather suddenly at a medical station in Haven with a severe wound to the head, the origin of which is unknown at the time of this report. Though dazed, his wounds were treated and after a brief psychiatric evaluation, Calebos was deemed fit for service and immediately placed under my command.
It was at this point that his mental health began to degrade, much to my concern. Upon returning from a successful foray into the Clockworks, Calebos began to display signs of an emergent personality disorder (this is covered in detail in the attached document), the cause of which I can only assume to be the wound he received in the Skylark's crash. Contrary to the negative connotations associated with this type of disorder, Calebos has not exhibited any forms of hostility to other knights or the denizens of Haven, and is surprisingly good-natured. The shift in personality has included a drastic change in speech patterns to a more archaic, anachronistic form of speech, though a majority of the terms used are often misused by the knight in question. In addition, Calebos has rapidly developed an almost preternatural skill with the sword.. And a predisposition towards blind heroics and bravado.
As this 'alternate' Calebos has come to be the dominant personality, having entirely subsumed the previously docile, obedient persona, Calebos has repeatedly endangered squads he has been assigned to, and as such he is no longer permitted to operate with knights lacking the experience to compensate for his bullheadedness and complete disregard for protocol.
In closing, I would like to state that while Calebos is very much a competent swordarm and a loyal member of the Order, his brash nature and degrading mental health should disqualify him from promotion to a command position for the time being, and it is my recommendation that he be given a full psychiatric workup as soon as possible. End report.
So yeah, I hope this isn't too much. I tend to ramble on when composing biographies and the like.

Well, I've always been a very big fan of RP, and do it in every game if I get the chance. For instance, I even try to stick to my character (Rintos) as an RP while normally playing the game. So, I would like to join, and I guess I'll... uhh... make a RP profile?

As far as I could tell from the earlier posts, the profile things aren't required. I just really enjoy writing them. >.>
Also, hello! It's a pleasure to meet you.

Name: Rintos
Rank: Knight
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Battle Tactics: Good strategist, ranging from solving puzzles to grabbing keys and minerals on the go so he doesn't get caught up in the battle. yet there are some situations where he is a bit slow and tends to repeat some ideas others may have just organized. Not much of an up-front fighter, for he can never find the right armor and tends to get knocked down a lot. Acts as a medic, running around trying to revive his friends A.S.A.P.
Personality: Rintos is a very loyal friend who tends to be a bit mischievous from time to time, but will always put his friends first. His personal color is Amber, and his most prized possessions are his Glasses, Jacket, and Scarf. He has very selective hearing and is very oblivious to most things, (tending to get him into some pretty awkward or funny situations) and also is not the strongest fighter around, yet he tries his best. He has very strong emotions too, and this tends to help or work against him in certain situations.
Journal Entry (Background/RP Starter):=Entry One= After the crash of the Skylark... I didn't remember much, but I knew one thing: I needed to find a safe place to recover. While rummaging through my bag to get my supplies, I noticed that the land around was much more... different than I was used to. I later discovered that the planet we're on... it's made of many spiraling gears and floors heading towards the center. When I made it safely to the rescue camp I was filled on in all the details: The planet is called Cradle, and underneath us is the Clockworks. It turns out the recon soldiers and mechanics discovered there was a powerful energy source in the center, probably strong enough to fix the Skylark. Just to let you know, this was at least a year ago. As of now, I've come a long way since then, and have discovered something else: We weren't the first ones here. I've made many friends since then, and continue to search for a way to the core. I now reside in Haven, where I tend to see my friends from time to time, and we always get together to have some fun. I hope to make many more friends, and whatever happens, stick by their side no matter what.
=Entry Finish=

Oh, really? Well, I like doing that sort of stuff too. Sorry I didn't reply earlier, I was busy typing away :3

If guys ever need any help with anything on this thread, let me know. I usually try to check the forums daily - however, I can't log on right now just due to my time schedule this weekend.
I guess that as of right now, I'm the remaining RP member on SK. Let's see if we can get this started up again! ^_^

Great Idea, and since you said help with "anything"... Could you please explain to me how to get my picture to pop-up where my name is? ._. And if it's already working then this is awkward because it doesn't show up on my laptop. Sorry :3

Oooh, go to the top of the screen, select Forum Preferences > Edit > Change Picture.
That's a shame, Kanoka, but hopefully you'll be able hop on sometime soon? Really looking forward to getting more people involved with the roleplay community.. Or rather, having a proper community again!

I'm just getting back into SK after a long break because of IRL commitments. Hopefully I'm getting back into the swing of things again and I'd love to meet up with some fellow RP folks. I generally play SK in character as much as the world and the others around me allow. No problems aside from occasional real world references or running dungeons with very coordinated teams (also over controlling members).
So, Bio thing. Tomorrow? I'm off to sleep now.

That's awesome! Rintos and I actually met up in-game for the first time today, but didn't end up RPing. I'm pretty excited to see another new face on the thread. I certainly hope you're able to start playing with us soon, Kraken.
I was thinking maybe we could organize an in-character meetup here at some point, if that meshed with everyone else.

Well, luckily for you guys, I was planning on buying the Starter Pack today, and I could make a guild for us. Good idea? Cause if I did, we could have a Guild Hall to meet up at.

I'm terribly sorry to interrupt, so.. knockie knock. ;u;
It's... late here and quite, tiring I suppose, reading that wall of text of yers. :o
I suppose ye could help me out by tl;dr some stuffs I would need to apply for this role-playing community project? Like, name, gender, species and then bio etc.
I'm not sure, but people all have different stories, so I assume some might come into one place as well. It's just that I'm troubled on that I don't know how this story will go, as this all might be canon to the game? :o
I'm sorry again for the extra troubles, but if ye are willing to help me out, I might take a little time along with magnificence coffee to sip and generate my profound and unique character(of what I think I would be very, but everyone is).

Well, yes. We really make our bios and then, once we have enough people for us to start our little project, we get together and RP. So, as long as you add the basic things such as: Name, Rank, Age, Gender, Battle Style, and a Backstory, then you'll be ok. But, keep in mind, you really don't have to make a Bio. You COULD just tell us what you look like all simple and shtuff. So, if you DO make a bio, have fun, and welcome to the community.

A lot of roleplaying happens on the fly. Sometimes you don't know your own character until you play him or her and are faced with decisions.
So for example, my character, Kraken. I don't know everything about him. I don't know how I will play the character in interactions with others. What I understand so far is this:
Kraken is also shy (probably because I am shy, at least in game). I don't know how to approach other players so I tend to hang back. Strangely enough, his official position was (is?) in the Skylark Signal Corps as communications system operator.
[Edit: by game standards I am a Squire since I haven't been doing the Prestige missions. Also there was a large gap in play time (see below).]
Kraken's rank is a knight, for moderate fighting ability with sword and gun. He has been around Haven and the Clockworks enough to earn his way into Tier 2. Just don't give him a bomb, he'll just run around swinging it wildly. He tried working with Haze bombs for a while after arriving in Haven. It was like trying to juggle sticky bowling balls. That explode. His constitution just couldn't handle it in the confusion of the Clockworks.
Kraken has not taken well to this new planet. All of his training has gone out the window as the world he knew fell apart. (or fell from the sky). His confidence waxes and wanes. Shortly after his pod crashed and tumbled him onto the grassy earth outside the Rescue Camp he developed an unhealthy obsession with the undead creatures found in the Clockworks... and then he disappeared for seven months, stumbling back into Haven on the eve of the Dark Harvest Festival.
I'm on Eastern US time, so I tend to be on afternoons or evenings then. But my schedule is a bit wonky for the next month or so. I also have two guilds, though I don't know if they are appropriate for all y'all. "Cake or Death" doesn't fit into RP. "Atlantean Knights" might work if we can handle the Atlantis reference.

As the Commander looks to the Dossier of the Knight Elite, Arzar, so called he cannot wonder why he is so strange. He reads it out to himself.
Alias: Arzar.
Personality: Outgoing, Curious and Helpful, Arzar is an alright Striker. His speed in battle is unmatched, even by his wit. Unfortunately he has the terrible weakness that he is afraid of Freeze. Petrified by being frozen he avoid Freeze at all costs.He also has a weakness to the HQ that he is a rebel. He has deleted his own Dossier five times. He is also a tailor and a Smith and has crafted a strange skull-shaped mask and a hood. He wears them at all times.
Armor. Armor: Vog Cub Coat. Helmet: ???. Shield: Grey Owlite. Weapons: Dread Venom Striker. Volcanic Pepperbox.
Biography: Arzar was born on Cradle his father, whom is deceased, taught him how to weild a blade and shoot a gun. His mother, taught him how to smith an item and tailor a suit. They loved him but his father was strict. He would not allow Arzar out after dark. At the age of 14 he left the warm embrace of his home out into Cradle. He swiftly got lost and was attacked by Freeze monsters. He miraculously survived hadn't it been for a small fire he huddled close to he would have been frozen. He has been afra-d of Freeze since. After the incident he had shown and affinity to Flames. His Father hadn't liked thi-
The Commander curses as the Dossier glitches. He kicks the computer a few times and turns around. Arzar smiles at him. "Greetings, Commander." He says to the Commander. The Commander's jaw drops. "Why do you wish to find out about me? I'm just a normal Knight?" Arzar asks with a smirk. "Uh..." "No worries, Commander. Oh, by the way that's the sixth edition I had to delete just then. I quite like my anonymity." The Commander looks at Arzar in shock. "Deleting HQ profiles is against the law, Arzar! Come with me for a fair trial." Arzar spins around. "You cannot take me, Commander. For I am just like you." The Commander scoffs at Arzar. "Disobeying orders is a serious crime, Arzar. Come and we can get you sorted." Arzar mutters under his breath. "No." He follows the Commander, anyway. As the slide into the Elevator and raise to Haven the Commander attempts to engage in a conversation with Arzar who ignores. As the Elevator reaches Haven Arzar slips into the crowds to escape the Commander.
OOC Stuff: Yay for me introducing my character! I personally love RP and will RP with you when I can.

Good guys! But I just have ONE comment for you Kraken: ... Ok three: 1st, I live in Eastern U.S. Time too, so maybe we can meet up sometime. As for the 2nd thing, you don't really... well... Swing bombs... yeah... And 3rd: Cake or Death reference :D
As for you Arzar: Very well written, and the idea of a rebel is something I don't think many people thought about for this project. Yet: If you're a Spiralian... We crash-landed on cradle, so I'm not really sure how your family might have gotten here first, unless you probably were... exiled from the Skylark and landed on the surface of Cradle? Either way, hopefully you can meet up with the rest of us in-game sometime.
Keep doing your stuff people!
[Side Notes]
I may change my bio time to time based on the accessories I get in-game or when I realize I may have missed something.
P.S. I still don't know what dossier means ( :D )

So, here I am making myself a dossier. I pity the officer that wrote this one.
To Rintos - according to Calebos 'tis a "fancy french word for file".
And yes, I'm "copying" Calebos somewhat. Just the main skeleton. I have to- /slap self Stop making excuses, R- I mean Neretent- I mean-
Oh, very well then. I'll get on with it.
Dossier - Neretentia (alias? real name unknown)
Alias - (Nickname) Tia
Evaluating Officer - Trenil
I should begin this report by admitting that there is little I or any other of my fellow officers know much about this Knight; much less she herself. Facts relating to her are few and far between and all evidence points to loss of memory.
In fact, as she said during an interview with another officer at which I was present, "I can't tell you a thing about myself. I don't know a thing about myself." And I may personally add that she has been proved entirely honest, and there is no reason to doubt her word.
Knight Neretentia has shown an affinity for "support" weapons, namely, guns and bombs. Her skill with them is almost abnormal, considering her lack of "experience", and her (though entirely assumed) rank; inspection of her possessions has proven her to be a low-classed knight among those serving on the Skylark, which brings up another issue with regard to her lack of identity.
It is certain Knight Neretentia served some position on the Skylark; her possessions again are evidence to that effect. Yet attempts to find a knight who recognizes her have been unsuccessful so far. Her memory has recently returned as far as words (speech; other knights?) phrases, and even pictures. Knight Neretentia claims the pictures are "..like dreams, beginning and ending suddenly and hard to remember afterwards". Among these is the name "Tia", which is believed to be her former nickname.
Returning to the matter of her skill, it seems Knight Neretentia has been well informed on the skill of dodging, a skill essential to deal with bombs and perhaps guns. She is fallible and her ability to wield a sword questionable, but a sturdy knight nonetheless. A statement by a knight, "Rhendon", told of a battle in which he fought alone with her and his insistence that she "is a knight worthy of great honour" could be agreed with; a conference with Lieutenant Feron has added the knowledge that "thanks to her, all the knights in one Rescue Camp were saved".
On the other hand, Knight Neretentia is by no means a perfect knight. Her sociality is inconsistant (though it is believed her core is one of shyness) and it appears a side-effect of her loss of memory - no visible injury, however, could be detected in the region of her head.
When faced with these facts, and asked for an explanation of her unnatural actions, namely
[Here the report ends, presumably Officer Trenil was interrupted during her compilation]
I think I put too much detail in. But at least I didn't give away the.. well, not a secret. I think Calebos must have figured it out already.
How'd I do?

Isis here to say that I love the fact that you're jumpstarting this bad-boy up again, and that I would just love joining you peeps on related adventures. :3

Hey guys! I'm really sorry I haven't been on for the past few days; I've had a slew of doctor's appointments, dental checkups, and other miscellaneous nonsense that I've had to attend to, and as such I hadn't much time to log on and unwind with everyone. I should be more active in the days to come, and again I apologize for just sort of disappearing like I did.

Come on, you weren't gone for THAT long... there's no need to apologize! But, I'm glad you care. :D
Edit: YAY post 100, half way to 200 :P
I like the concept of "Assignment" that the last two of you did. I feel I should have done something similar; though Zydrate's jobs are more akin to scattered hobbies. Scattered like her brain.
A decent background, however I feel that kind of colossal mistake (Over a dozen killed) would yield longer lasting consequences. The "Overall" section speaks of loyalty and wits, while the background shows he's either incompetent or stupid.
None of those things are bad by themselves, however! It's a good base, I just felt a bit jarred when I basically read, "Okay, over a dozen people killed and yet his Overall section thinks he's cool?"
There's something wrong there, and you may want to reword some things.
Just an idea :3
Addendum: 'Bout the wrong foot. S'cool, I didn't really feel any hostility from you.