Flip those tables! (game)

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Autofire's picture

Ok, how this will work is one person does something, and the next one explains why he flipped the table(s) about it. Then you must say what you do. The chain goes on like that. Here are some examples:

Person 1: I eat a cookie
Person 2: I flip the table because I wanted it.

Person 2: I take a deep breath of air.
Person 3: I flip the table because I had told you to stop breathing.

And so on and so forth.

Ok, I guess I'll start:

I flip the table because I have to reason to.
I walk across an empty street.

Armyunit's picture
I flip a table because you

I flip a table because you were supposed to be running! >:O

I play Spiral Knights.

Epiclazer's picture

I flip a table because you won't stop playing.

I got a new phone.

Autofire's picture

I the flip the table because I think you stole mine.

I am happy that I can finally play as Chung in Elsword Online. (Google it if you don't know about it.)

Artistbma's picture
I flip a table because I

I flip a table because I don't know what that is and I'm too lazy to google it.

I sit on the table.

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table and make Art

I flip the table and make Art go flying in the air.

I stole Autofire's phone.

Varminttwotwothree's picture

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Because you broke the law.

I sit on a 20 ton table that is bolted on a ship :3

EDIT: your bumping down my Frag-Fest thread. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Warriorrogue's picture

I flip the table, ripping it of the ship and causing it to sink, becuase you made it sound like a challenge

I give myself no subject bar

The-Ark's picture

I flip the table because I do that.

I solo Legion of Almire.

Gronstifer's picture

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ I flip a table because you proclaim your l33t-ness.

I hate the Supreme Court for upholding Obamacare.

Autofire's picture
I flip the table because you

I flip the table because you are hating our government. :P

I flip another table.

Supernovaemerald's picture
I flip the table because you

I flip the table because you flip the autotable.

I eat a cookie

Iamnoone's picture
I flip that table back. I

I flip that table back.

I hate the Supreme Court for upholding Obamacare.
I hate Obama.
I hate that Obama thinks any of Hillary's ideas are good.
I hate that people with insurance think the uninsured are the problem. The problem is all those insured people wanting everything for nothing and believing that others should pay for it, be in the system to pay for them and those doctors who fly around in private jets and live on multi-million dollar estates by way of their patients wallets. The problem is those doctors, medical facilities etc refusing goods and services to those who don't have others paying for them. The problem is insurance is anti-free market. Prices usually only go as high as the market would bare. It bares any and all when you aren't the one paying it. Those doctors and medical facilities could never get the prices they do now if people actually had to pull cash out of their pockets and pay up. Then those doctors would be driving regular people cars and live in normal houses like the rest of us. And don't say we wouldn't get new drugs. Our governmental robber barons who own stock in the pharmaceutical use our tax dollars to develop them and allow those high prices claiming the cost of development to the companies. STOP INSURANCE FRAUD. STOP OBAMACAREFORSELF.

/thinks Obama needs to be (deleted so the CIA and FBI won't come looking to arrest me)

Autofire's picture
I flip the table because you

I flip the table because you must be Hitler II. DX

I have some ice cream.


I flip the table because that flavor of the ice cream was chocolate.

I attempt to trade 2 Refined Metal to Demopan for a Stout Shako.

Autofire's picture
What is that?

I flip the table because you never told me what that is. D:

I put a china bowl on a/the table.

Armyunit's picture
I flip the table because

I flip the table because smashy smash goes the china.

I accidentally shock myself while fixing a laptop power cable :L

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table because the

I flip the table because the power cable wasn't broken.

I hunt rabbits.

Autofire's picture

I flip the table AT YOU because you don't have a license.

I place a glass table.

Thunderbog's picture
I flip the table because it

I flip the table because it hurts my eyes to see reflections that I don't desire.

I flipped a table to a table and to a table and to a table.

Varminttwotwothree's picture

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) because your making a chain.

I get mad and (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) and think, "why noone else is doing this (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)"

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table because that

I flip the table because that hurt my brain.

I bring back Autofire's glass table.

Thunderbog's picture
I flip the table because I

I flip the table because I want that table gone out of my sight.

I stole the glass table. 0.0

I flip the glass table

I flip the glass table because you stole it.

I return the glass table.

Autofire's picture
I flip the table because I

I flip the table because I got a new one, and Thunderbog actually just bought it from me. (Or so I think) Ooops, I think I just smashed it.

I give Thunder a new gold-trimmed, glass table as a replacement.

Epiclazer's picture

I flip the new gold-trimmed glass table because you wasted your money. (Thunderbog doesn't like to see his reflection)

I build a robot out of Legos.

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table out of my

I flip the table out of my way and hold a mirror up to Thunderbog's face.

I use my rockem sockem robot to beat up your lego robot.

I turn the plane of almost

I turn the plane of almost completely flat wood with four legs that keep it steady one hundred and eighty degrees on a vertical axis for reasons such as the known fact that the mentioned Lego structure that was made into a slightly humanoid structure that could make functions like us people can do was not prepared to have a critical situation such as the one you have said.

I, myself, make an attempt to mention everything I say in as much Posh English as I may.

Epiclazer's picture

I flip a table because my head hurts because I read all of that.

I build a mecha the size of the Twin Towers to destroy Iamnoone.

Varminttwotwothree's picture
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) because a emp the mecha causing it to explode.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) (thats all)

Autofire's picture

I flip the table back in your face because you have a bad temper.

I eat cheerios.

Shycoboy's picture

I make a huge table... *slams it on your head* MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the hugh table off of

I flip the hugh table off of Autofires head.

I bake and decorate a cake to look like a cookie and put it in the center of the table.

Thunderbog's picture
I flip the table because it

I flip the table because it tastes ugly.

I see my own desirable reflection, so beautiful and elegant. I melted and beg for it to be real.

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table in anger.

I flip the table in anger. "you are beautiful."

I cry because you don't like my cookie cake.

Thunderbog's picture
I flip the table and made a

I flip the table and made a new cookie cake for Iamnoone.

I ask Iamnoone to try my cookie cake.

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table and open my

I flip the table and open my mouth catching the cookie cake. Not a crumb hits the ground.
Thanks, that was good.

I should have saved you some. Steals candy from a baby and offers it to you as an apology.

Thunderbog's picture
I flip the table because the

I flip the table because the candy was half bitten.

I ask Iamnoone to give the candy back to the baby.

Mindfreaked's picture
I flip the table because I

I flip the table because I don't want to get a surgery.

I am ugly.

Thunderbog's picture
I flip the table because ye

I flip the table because ye are ugly.

I help Mindfreaked to do make-ups.

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table and

I flip the table and Mindfreaked's make-ups are done.

I wonder how many times we can flip this table before it breaks.

Mindfreaked's picture
I flip the table because I

I flip the tables a thousand times but it still wont budge.

I made the table bow before me.

Thunderbog's picture
I flip the table because it

I flip the table because it was bowing before Mindfreaked.

I point a Argent Peacemaker at Mindfreaked.

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table because

I flip the table because Thunderbog is pointing at Mindfreaked and mothers always say, "don't point at people."

I take the Argent Peacemaker and start a war with it.

Varminttwotwothree's picture
i flip a table

because you didn't fin me yet...

I hide in plain sight in haven 1... (hint my alt knight has part of my main. :3)

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table because the

I flip the table because the dude from the we have cookies guild must think i'm crazy.

I'll have to find u when i get back from the store.

Autofire's picture
I flip the table because you

I flip the table because you won't ask me where he is. X(

I have fun playing mario kart, and then feel depressed because I know no one who has the game too that I can have as a friend in said game. DX

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table bc maybe

I flip the table bc maybe I'll play there too.

I get lost in game sites and my boss calls and says, "Are you working today?" :D

Thunderbog's picture
I flip the table because ye

I flip the table because ye are not going to work.

I see people licking elbows.

Trobolta's picture
Flip the table because that's

Flip the table because that's not possible.

I pick my nose.

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table because

I flip the table because that's disgusting.
I hope you wash your hands before you go back into our ravine.

I go to the ravine and build a machine that cleans boogies from things.