Flip those tables! (game)

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Woopydoo's picture
I flip the table

I flip the table because people should have the dignity to clean their boogies themselves.

I hug my cat.

Thunderbog's picture
I flip the table because ye

I flip the table because ye are giving animal cruelty. (paedophile o.o)

*no comment specified*

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table and look

I flip the table and look under it for a comment. No comment found. Gets mad and flips the table again.

I hug Woopydoo's cat.

Thunderbog's picture
I flip the table because

I flip the table because ye're giving someone's animal an animal cruelty again.

*generic comment*

Varminttwotwothree's picture

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ because theres nothing special of a generic comment.

I (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ on the next poster

Epiclazer's picture

I flip the table off of me and at Thunderbog because he is being too defensive.

I wonder what caused the Big Bang.

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table and look at

I flip the table and look at Epiclazer quite confused because the bag bang came from the table being flipped.

I open a bag of Dove chocolates and hand them out to everyone.

Abyssal-Flamberge's picture
I flip the table cause you

I flip the table cause you should give me more than just one, not two, not three, but infinite numbers.

I make a rage comic.

Thunderbog's picture
I flip the table because ye

I flip the table because ye made a dolan duck.

I batch slap Epiclazer.

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table because of

I flip the table because of you use of violence.

/hands you a machete
Here this might do a better job on Epiclazer.

Thunderbog's picture
I flip the table and say

I flip the table and say thank ye.

/hacks Epiclazer with machete

Dmatter's picture
i flip a table that has three

i flip a table that has three legs because it has 3 legs!
i stare intimidatingly at another table with 3 legs...

Epiclazer's picture

starting from Thunderbog.

I flip a table and take cover behind it because Thunderbog is acting like a homicidal maniac.

i stare at the same table along with Dmatter.

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table so

I flip the table so Thunderbog can continue his attack.

I wonder how the table came to have 3 legs.

Epiclazer's picture

I flip the table at Thunderbog and he gets knocked out.

i realize we are all looking at an enlarged stool...

I filp the table because the

I filp the table because the machine broke down after 5 seconds.

I eat a house.

Epiclazer's picture
i flip a table because i have

i flip a table because i have no idea what you're talking about.

i find a new video game.

Thunderbog's picture
I flip the table because all

I flip the table because all of ye guys are messing up the reference.

I made Iamnoone, Wolomaster, Epiclazer STARE AT THE WEIRD FURNITURES ALL TOGETHER.

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table because

I flip the table because after days of staring, the furniture doesn't seem so weird anymore.

I glue the 4th leg back on the table.

Epiclazer's picture

i flip a table because it was supposed to be a STOOL!

the game i mentioned earlier was the game "Slender"

The-Ark's picture
I flip the table because im

I flip the table because im slenderman

Stop looking for my diary pages.

Takaseme's picture
i flip the table thinking why

i flip the table thinking why do you need a diary

i look at my dog that is being cute by sleeping at the moment

Mindfreaked's picture

I flip the table because I'm not a cute animal.

I look at my stale hotdog and cry..

Kitty-Softpaws's picture
What's going on here? (・`ω´・)

What's going on here? (・`ω´・)

Autofire's picture
I'M BAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!1!!!!!1111

I flip the table Kitty is standing on because he didn't flip a table.

I laugh with glee.

Grittle's picture
i flip the table cause you

i flip the table cause you stole my laugh

i sneezed

Epiclazer's picture

i flip a table because i don't wanna get sick.

i run away from Grittle.

Grittle's picture
i flip the table because you

i flip the table because you didn't wlk away, you ran

gabe newell, creator of valve creates half life 3

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table looking for

I flip the table looking for the rest of the sentence.

I learned something new this week.

Autofire's picture

I flip the table because I'm too young to play M rated games.

I wish my divine dragon wings were toasty.

Thunderbog's picture
I flip the table because ye

I flip the table because ye do not like whine stuffs, but barberque stuffs.

I ask Autofire to give me those wings.

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table because he

I flip the table because he promised them to me.

I steal Thunderbog's fancy hat.

Thunderbog's picture
I flip the table because

I flip the table because Iamnoone stole my fancy hat again.

I claim back my fancy hat once more.

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table and run away

I flip the table and run away with the fancy hat.

"it's my hat now"

Thunderbog's picture
OBJECTION! I flip the table


I flip the table at Iamnoone so I can knock him down on the ground.

That hat is mine, I owned it!

Iamnoone's picture
I jump up out of the way of

I jump up out of the way of the table then flip it back.

Correction, it is my hat now. Possession is 9 tenths of the law. My hat. :D

Thunderbog's picture
I put my guard up and stopped

I put my guard up and stopped the table and flip it back at Iamnoone again.

I have prove that is my fancy hat! Ye have no rights to steal it!

Autofire's picture

I flip the table because it is counterfit.

I say it is mine and I was going to give it to Arnyunit to go with the suit I gave him before. *Swipes hat and then runs off in Army's direction*

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table and poop in

I flip the table and poop in the hat.

You're right. I have no right to steal.
/puts the hat back on your head.

Thunderbog's picture
I flip the table because ye

I flip the table because ye pooped at my hat!!!!


Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table and beg you

I flip the table and beg you to kill me.

I was stupid and agreed to work 12 to 14 hours a day 6 days a week.

Thunderbog's picture
I hyper-combo flip the table

I hyper-combo flip the table at Iamnoone and K.O him.

Now Iamnoone will not steal my fancy hat anymore, and thus I got a laundry to do. (;n;)

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table and stop

I flip the table and stop trying to steal your fancy hat.

I steal your laundry detergent.

Thunderbog's picture
I flip the table because

I flip the table because Iamnoone stole my laundry detergent.

I used Plan B to wash my fancy hat.

Iamnoone's picture
I flip the table and give you

I flip the table and give you back your laundry detergent.
Can't have you in stinky clothing.

Wishes you a goodnight/day. It's been fun.

Thunderbog's picture
I flip the table and say

I flip the table and say thank ye and goodnight.

I put my hat under the sun and let it dry.

Autofire's picture

I flip the table in no one's face because he didn't wish me a goodnight. Oops, it's hard to flip a table in someone's face when that person is no one. o.o

I smash the table using my face because I couldn't hit somebody's face using it.

Autofire's picture
Double post


Thunderbog's picture
I fllip Autofire's table

I fllip Autofire's table because he looks desperate.

In fact, ye just hit yer face!
Thunderbog giggles.

Iamnoone's picture
Sorry Autofire. I thought you

Sorry Autofire. I thought you already left us.

I flip the table to see if Autofire's face print was left on the table.

I giggle when I find it.