People quit SK because when they complain about the CE prices they are told to be quiet. So they feel as if nothing is getting done and leave. The price is increasing as we speak! Don't buy CE until there is enough and the price is lowered.
This is why people quit SK

People quit SK because when they complain about the CE prices they are told to be quiet.
Um that would be a total of about 100 players

Was stuck on T2 for over a year due to laziness, not bothering of getting gear and idle playing.
Tier doesn't affect the problem. I could quit because I'm having a hard time getting 4* and 5* gear(400ce and 800ce respectivly for prices).

The harsh truth:
What do you do when a store has high prices? You go elsewhere.
Will the shopkeeper care about you as long as he has tons of other clients that still pay? Nope.
So... sorry but the door is open.

I hope you learn a thing or two from this:
We've had enough of CE-Rage threads. It's almost like those threads in CoD about the OP guns, or in SSBB about Meta Knight.
Edit: And please stop spamming your hate of CE on every thread. Thanks!

Sure, he was a little OP, but Sonic was just ridiculous. Normally he was fine, but his smash ball move was INCREDIBLY OP. Like, look at Pikachu's smash move.... it does not compete with Sonics. If Sonic got the smash ball, all 3 other players can say goodbye to their life.
Also... someone needs a waffle.
/e gives Spinex a waffle
Serell gives Spinex a waffle

True, but this game would be awesome, cool and amazing if the price of CE was cheap. I won't walk out.

I never found any character really OP, Serell. Even Sonic wasn't too bad. You should see him in Super Smash Flash 2! I just spam the special move and always win against low level CPUs. I love playing as Zelda though :3 Best range and close-combat fighter in the game!

Except for the occasional 15% bonus energy promotion, CE prices haven't changed since they first started selling CE. it's ~$10/3500ce.
The dirty secret of free to play is that if you're not paying money, you're not a customer- you're a feature whose role is to keep paying players company. You may make great contributions to the community, or you may not. But the cost of your play is subsidized, and there are only so many players that can be subsidized before there's not enough CE sold to support them all.

It's his smash move that is incredibly OP. Seriously, try pikachu's smash move, and then Sonics (there smash's are the most identical). Pikachu is harder to control, and doesn't do as much damage. Where as sonic you have complete control (though it is supere sensetive) and does way more damage.
Also, Peach was my favorite :3 Though I was so good with her, my friends banned me from ever using her x.x So I mostly play as Pikachu, cuz Pikachu sho cute ^^

You know, if you press B during pikachu's smash move, it causes a huge shock wave that covers almost all the screen.

" this game would be awesome, cool and amazing if the price of CE was cheap"
So... you're saying if you got CE easily without having to work for it, THEN the game would be good? Not because of the style, enemies, strategy, art, story, community and actual gameplay, but because the market - note that this is just one of the many concepts of the game, and such concept does not need to be changed for progression in the game - isn't easy enough? Do you want us to just give you every achievement, give you all the best gear and allow you to beat every enemy in one hit? Is that what will make the game "awesome, cool and amazing" ? Then go on Minecraft, set it to Creative mode, and play that instead.
C'mon, there's a good reason the market is going up, and there are many answers and solutions to get it to work more easily for you, and all other CE ragers, but of course instead of taking our advice on what's going on with it, and how you can manipulate it, you instead decide to continue thinking that those tactic don't work and instead argue about it.
And all this time you could have been doing clockwork runs and managing your CR and CE in game, but nope.

Still doesn't compete with Sonic. All 3 other players can say goodbye to their life.

If I ever leave it'll be because I can't get over the difficulty curve of earning good crowns and buying enough CE to actually do anything in this game. (The Hall of Heroes roadblocks are particularly annoying)
But, I have a roleplaying community to nurture first :3

The new guy posts thinking he knows everything about the community of an MMO.
Stop speaking for every player like you know what they think, if you think that CE prices are too high, thats fine. But you are talking for every F2P player here, and I know that some woont agree with you.
Unless by some miraculous promo the energy price goes down to 6000 and stays there (Or they nerf the KoA MISSION not clockworks) then energy is going to stay where it is.

Spinex, you're asking people to buy ce and sell it to you for cheap.
The market is player driven. If you're not willing to buy CE, why are you demanding that others buy ce with cash and sell it to you in game for less than market price?
If OOO locked the price of CE on the exchange, people would use trade chat to get their own market price, based on demand and supply.
Promos increase the supply of CE in the game because that is when everyone buys. (Prices go down.)
Right now, there are no promos, so people are not buying CE. Also, in anticipation of the prices going back up, everyone is buying ce (which pushes prices up more.) This explains why prices went up ~500cr/100ce hours after the promo ended.
Finally, the market is so large that an individual under normal circumstances can't effect the market. If one person spends $50, buys 20k ce and dumps it into the market, the price in the market will hardly budge. On the converse, rallying a few people to not buy CE doesn't lower the price either.

Most people stop playing because they hit endgame and have nothing left to do...

The largest group of players that "leave" try the game out, hit the pay-wall, and then say 'screw this' and leave. They are not bored for end game content, they are not that great at the game, they just don't like it.
And if you don't like the price of energy, why don't you fix it? You want to boycott? Organize it, go for it. Study up on economics, and make something happen. No one is stopping you. But I can already tell you that people on the forums won't help you easily. I'd suggest beginning by earning some street cred. People are more likely to listen to you if you're Njthug, or the likes, and if thats the only way, then go at it.

I just want the price to go down a bit and the difficulty level of the game should remain the same!

As someone who has watched the game develop since before release I can confidently say more people quit because of changes to the core game mechanics than they do energy prices.

You're the dude who just started playing the game, right? You shouldn't even be complaining yet. Play a little, then come back.
Oh, and your other threads are mad enjoyable. I can't even tell if you're trolling or just 12 years old. +1

The CE market isn't meant to be accomodating, it's meant to precisely inconvenient enough to get you to buy CE.
I'm sure they have more people buying CE now than they ever did when it was 6k. And people were still complaining about the price back then.

Even if CE was 4k there still isn't much content to actually do anything with it. There is literally nothing to sink crowns or even CE into. It wouldn't make the game anymore enjoyable due to the lack of any new content.
Also, if you don't like CE prices, sink $1000 into CE and post 40,000 offers of what you think is a good price. I'm pretty sure people wouldn't argue with you.

There is literally nothing to sink crowns or even CE into.
That's a lie, there's tons of Featured Auctions, there's also Silver Keys, Shadow Lairs and UV rolling.

I'm more or less talking about things that... you know... aren't Accessories. I completely forgot about Shadow Key for some reason and UVs are kinda... meh.

With or without OP characters, I'll always play as Kirby, ALWAYS!

I'm more or less talking about things that... you know... aren't Accessories.
Yeah man, only the biggest Crown and CE sink in the game.
How could that possibly count?

People quit SK because they weren't getting enough virtual money so now they are off to find a better game that gives more virtual money to them because that is the moral of video games.

People quit SK because they feel a lack of achievement on the game. Their failure at growth may be due to the inflating CE prices, however dedication and hard work like 'most' players allows them to achieve tier three with pride!

You have made your first post complaining about CE prices! Here's your commemorative shedding of a facetious tear:

It's a combination of several things:
Empty Promises of NEW and exciting content
., Nope sorry I have heard that for the last year and and half, and Nothing.
We were promised a REAL adventure, Instead, the OP's have made this game more about form, than function.
Many will say But, it takes time to develop and release new content,,- blah blah blah,-
Seriously? When the company sits in the epicenter of Silicon Valley, the center of technology and Innovation.
The quality of the game has deteriorated
First the nerfing of the crown payouts, also the fact that they deny the fact that they have no control over the CE market.
Then why, when they set Featured auctions, why not make them affordable?
Remember when the level "Rise-or fall" paid just under 7K crowns?
Why in the world in the battle of the Royal jelly, Why was a Fence added? It wasn't there before.
And last but not least- that God awful prize wheel- WOOOOOO! I got 10 Crowns !! ( Yeah right..)
Now to grind the levels you barely make enough crowns to purchase 100 CE, or for that matter, enough to craft a 4* or even a 5* weapon.
And it's not even the end-game thingy.
It's more like- 3 rings is the biggest troll,
And in my opinion, these are just some examples.

People complained about meta-knight?
Heck, I grabbed sonic and nobody wanted to play again....
*small view in the world of me playing SSBB with friend*
"You can only attack me after the first smashball comes"
*5 mins in*
*insane launching and sonic noises*
"How'd you launch me offstage that many times?"
"Cause I'm OP that way"
"You're taking metaknight next."
"BUT HE SUCKS! C'mon i'll take ganondorf/luigi over him."
"You're... taking... metaknight"
anyway... yeah... ce whining... totally gonna work this thread... and the other derpbillion ones were just not worthy of the fame of turning the prices around.
That's not the MAIN reason. It's not even a really large factor, to the point of OOO fixing it.
Most people leave because:
Lack of content.
Boredom at Endgame.