Well, there goes the price of Divine and Volcanic Wings/Halo's. Not that I wouldn't mind a cheap pair, but the prices just dropped by close to 30k CE in some cases. It's a bit ridiculous.
Any thoughts?
The price of Wings and Halo's just went to *@&%
And how exactly is 30k ce cheap? Or maybe im just poor............. :(
~Magnicth the Dragon Mage
I feel sad for my friend who worked really hard for all her wings :c
oh wells
but the prices just dropped by close to 30k CE
I bought a divine halo for 1m crowns. xD
Most Halo's can go for 3m cr +, so you didn't get a bad deal on that.
Well that's is good news for noobs, or those who don't have halos/wings. (have one)
It is quite ridiculous. and btw, 30 k ce is a lot for me. (how do you get that much?)
I don't understand how people can get that much. I think I spend to much on junk.
Tbh, I think those people with 20mil+ just blow $300 at a time on the game. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY could have the patience to farm for that long.
Sure, I spend $5 here and there if I got nothin else to spend it on, but I don't do stuff like that.
That's not the only way to do it. I know some guys who are uber-wealthy, and got that way by playing the AH. They save up for a 5-star unbind, sell a 5-star item, take that money and do it again. All the while running the clockworks to level new equipment for sale.
A brief explaination of how really rich people get rich for those who dunnoe:
Many players have gotten rich by opening a lockbox and getting a really rare and or expencive item. They sell for really high amonts of ce many times.
They roll UV's on weapons. Believe it or not people go crazy and pay biggg amounts for really good uv'd items that go along with the weapon or amor. Such as a ctr uv on the brandish series or asi on flourishes an asi med goes for about 4k ce i believe? People accumulate those earnings and stay in those types of markets of UV/Lockboxes. But trust me unless you have upgraded all your weapons I recommend not to try this (rolling and lockboxes) if you want to get rich. You might end up broke and raging your butt off. But if you have recently won the lottery you might wanna attempt to get rich this way .
This was a big pain to write on iPod but hopefully some people learned something or I helped in some way :)
Cheers , hopefully I can get some divine wings soon :D
EDIT: Those Are some of the ways people get wealthy, there is also grinding and or paying your way with cash to get rich, like cocosnake who spent about 9k $ on dis game
A lot of people do play the market, and a lot of people do get lucky, but a lot of people also spend money. A LOT of money. My friend who no longer plays spent $400 that he got from his birthday on the game. He got a perm ban shortly after for being underage. Poor guy =(
who lets a kid under 13 spend 400 bucks on an online game? X.X
EDIT : Woah woah woah, who gives anyone 400 bucks for his birthday under 13??? I mean, MAYBE if he was a lil bit older, but he's just spoiled x.x
What happen to da monie?
Oh serellel multiple people could have gaven him stuff or he just had other monie saved up already? :0
not even 13 yet... I just....and they let him spend it ALL on one game... ONE game...
lol... I wonder if the parents ever found out he got banned after spending all that money, or what they did after they found out xD
He could be a ginger and have nothin to fear from since tey have no souls
Or his parents are too busy with work and dont care what he does.
Or he could be a rich snotty boy who is rich n is rich n stuff
BUTT I do think that OOO has some heart and they will let him play once he is old enough, after all he did spend 400$ on the game
No idea.
400$ US on a game and got banned.. I feel sad for that little doodle.
The guy who gifted a 400$ to him/her must be very mad. o.o
I mean, it probably wasn't *one* person who gave him $400. Imagine having a very large family (possibly increased even further if your parents have divorced then re-married), everyone gives you cash for your birthday, and 15 different people give you $25 to $30 each. Not too unreasonable.
I want to know too. lol
How am I suppose to know when someone gossips about a man that has no names but his histories?
If OOO bans rich kids, then OOO gets profit but not the rich kid?
Everyone gets to have cool items now. Not cool...
My parents dont let me have a credit card for the reasons above e.e
But back to the topic, i very dislike this promo. People including me have worked hard to get 1st Gen Wings and Halo and now their basically being made so anyone can get them. (Note when i say anyone i mean the general 5* population who are established)
I know what your thinking OOO...do NOT introduce prismatics >< please i beg you my stupid prismatic halo cost 4.6 mil and i wanna at least have something to brag about.
Now my Divine Wings are a little less divine :/
Oh, rarity (the state of availability, not the pony), I knew thee well.
obviously he got $400 from several people. I also think he had saved up 50-100. And his parents... not sure. We never really talk much anymore, but it kinda sucks anyways. If I spent $400 and got perm banned, I would be PISSED.
Also: Why does OOO hand out Permanent bans for underage? Could you not just give them a 1-2 year ban? Make sure that they're of age, or a lot closer?
I would definitely want that kid to come back when is of age xD
But if I was the kid, I would definitely be ticked and never want to come back.
The thing is that OOO is a bunch of money-sucking leeches now, and don't care about the game. They were happy with his $400, and they don't care that he's gone.
Yes, they're just now money-sucking leeches because of the ToS they have that hasn't changed since the game's release. Everyone agrees to it when they sign up for an account and every time they log in. In fact, it could also prove that they aren't money grubbing leeches because they say that money doesn't buy them exception from the ToS.
That was totally unrelated, but okay...
What I said was that they don't care that he's gone, and they were probably waiting for him to spend some money before they got rid of him, meaning that they knew he was underage before they had banned him.
I used to be loaded, but now I'm poor xD
I have 1.2k CE and 15k cr.
"What I said was that they don't care that he's gone, and they were probably waiting for him to spend some money before they got rid of him, meaning that they knew he was underage before they had banned him."
While I can't address any specific case, generally speaking, if we did knowingly allow a child under the age of 13 to play, we'd be in violation of COPPA (the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act). The reason we have an age requirement is to comply with that particular U.S.A. federal law. It's not something we mess around with.
(Edited once to make it clearer that COPPA is a law.)
So does that make me a bad person if I literally try to talk people into admiting they are underaged so I can get them banned, or does that make me a helpful person?
I want the Haven streets to be clean from little children. Reviews for this game say "Childish community". My goal is to ELIMINATE THEM because this game is awesome and doesn't deserve a bad reputation.
There will always be people who act childish; *cough* however, that is not a violation as far as I am concerned.
I was not aware of that! Thanks for telling me, I won't assume that you guys are total snakes now =)
And Rawrcake, I've met people who were underage, but were very mature and acted like young adults. Some underage players don't actually affect the game negatively. But then there's the underage players who cry and whine and [tart] and cry and whine and whine and cry all the time. Those guys should be cleared off the streets of SK.
You could still get banned. I'd change that post if I were you.
OOO did not knowingly let somebody underage play in Tohru-Adachi's case. That he outed himself as not being 13+ when he created his account is kind of bad form, but seeing as he is of age now would probably mean he will not get banned for it.
For your friend if he sends a polite appeal on the ban (polite meaning not "Y U BAN ME?! I IS 13 NOWS, GIVE ME BAK MI STUFFS!!!!") when he is 13 then OOO might be able to lift his permaban. He would probably have to send proof (picture of an ID for example) but it might be possible. I do not know all the legal stuff, but it would not hurt to ask... assuming the idea isn't shot down by a GM in here of course.
@Neigh, typically if someone is underaged but acts mature + is internet smart, they wouldn't tell me their age. I have yet to meet someone underaged and mature, because... well... they are smart enough not to tell everyone their age. People that are willing to tell people their age on the internet probably didn't know any better. However, kudos to them, there isn't anything anyone can do about it if they are smart.
However there are also people that meet age requirements but aren't mature. Before you go naming names, unless I am specifically breaking some rule, I am fairly certain that this isn't a violation :3
He already did that xD His appeal was so bad, and I'm surprised OOO didn't laugh in his face. Although you can't expect a 10 year old to be totally mature and polite about something like that.
There was this kid who used his mother's credit card, but when caught and banned, had the funds returned.
He had bought several Visa prepaid credit cards :L
" but the prices just dropped by close to 30k CE in some cases."
I got my prismatic dragon wings for 30k CE long before now. You just gotta harball.
"The reason we have an age requirement is to comply with that particular regulation. It's not something we mess around with."
Be honest with yourself hyper, that regulation was put into place to pervent 12 year olds and under from giving out their age. Noone thinks that you need to be 13 to play SK. I can understand if you don't comment on this.
I agree with his comment on the age restriction thing TBH...
Thank yah. I just rememberd, I did SL snarby with you to get my arcane set. Thanks again I guess.
That law means you need parental permission to access the internet in MOST places where people can communicate with you. If you're under 12, you're not allowed to have open access to private message, chats, forums, etc - it's to protect underage kids. You CAN actually get parental permission forms but it's a huge hassle and very few places even bother with it (I only know these exist because I had a friend who ran a forum which allowed exceptions via forms parents filled out)... I'm not positive that exception still exists, come to think of it. And with larger places like this, it's likely not feasible.
But even still, recoding a section of the game so that only a small percentage of the playerbase can continue playing? It sucks that the one kid lost $400, but it is clear in the ToS and lying on account creation like that... :( We agreed to these terms when we signed up, checked the box saying we're 13 or older. I feel sick imagining that, though. Poor kid.
I knew that name from somewhere! ;D
How did they know he was underage in the first place? Who told them? It's easy to report someone for beeing underage, but there's no way 000 would perma ban you just for a report, as how unreliable it is. So unless he, himself, told them he was underage and sent them and ID copy, I don't see how they could get a proof he was. I think your story is made-up to be honest, but whatever.
You do know they keep chat logs right? He admited it and I guess some douchebag reported him...
Back on topic, folks.
Of course the value or accessories is decreasing. They're just for looks.
They won't bust up an entire enemy team in Lockdown.
They won't take care of the Slag Guards everywhere while facing Vanaduke.
Accessories needed to have a similar purpose to Trinkets, while retaining cosmetic use.
Toasty Wings that boost your speed and resist a bit of fire while looking nice? Sure, I'd buy it.
Sitting there on some armor and never being able to be taken off lest it be destroyed? Forget it.
Just a simple Free-to-Play-game ploy.
In wings, I have:
Divine Dragon Wings
Divine Wings
Volcanic Valkyrie Wings
Volcanic Wings
Prismatic Valkyrie Wings
Cool Dragon Wings
For auras I have:
Flame Aura
That's all I got. Compared to some people that's nothing.
Regarding that COPPA thingy, due to the fact that there are soo many Underaged players, I mean, Do you Honestly think that they would disclose their true age , Not Likely, then they run around haven bragging, " Im 12 years old and Im playing SK"..
And about those rich kids,, well ya,, full access to VISA, MASTERCARD, and AMERICAN EXPRESS,. it's no wonder the Defeciet keeps growing.
All those rich kids Have Multiple accounts under some alias, so they would log-in into 1 account spend like 100$, and then the next one, and so forth.
All the while using the above named credit cards, then - Next month rolls around, and repeat.
Can you imagine.." Hey dad, why the sad face?" ," Oh... it's nothing, i just got another 500$ credit card bill..." -
So now its like ..what do you want for your birthday? Or Christmas? - " Ill just get 50K worth of Ce to play spiral Knights".. ><
So its not like they DONT have money,, at least they should consider some more decent Hosting From Hurricane Electric.
Basically, take The-Rawrcake's plan of rising CE prices very high, and do the same to the house. Problem solved.
It happens.