An Arcane Halo just recently, don't think I'll be selling or what not. It's fancy but I have no idea what armor to attach it to.
The price of Wings and Halo's just went to *@&%
I wish I could get that lucky 3=
Well, I guess I kinda am. Out of 5 boxes, I've gotten 2 Single UV tickets, Volcanic Valks, Divine Valks, and a Flame Aura :D
I started SK last year, and i was 12 at that time O.O
Thank goodness im 13 now. :P
Wait. I made A Kongregate Account at 7 yrs old. Is that against the law? o.o
It's not against the law. Well, not that I'm aware of. I think it's only if they have an age restriction on the site that it's illegal.
Mind giving some reason? You can't just say "It is against the law" without giving any sort of proof. All I want is for you to actually give some proof/reasoning to your statement.
There are worst things he/she could be doing on the Internet. Drop it people. Stay on topic.
Halos will always be valued at a high price, they'll eventually come down once the fever for them cools.
Age post if i were u >_>
Before eury comes O_O
Volc valk is probably worth a fair bit more than a divine halo now.
We should edit this thread OP and make it discuss about kids playing in this game.
The price of Wings and Halo's just went to *@&%
This thread is misleading.
And here I thought it was the players who controlled the game's economy which in reality, it is three rings with their promos.
"prismatic dragon wings for 30k CE"
>prism dragon wings
>30k ce
Did I miss the post where someone said Prism dragons were worth 30k? o_O
No ersa, Noone said its worth 30k ce, they said its dropped by 30k ce. Silly ersa.'s_Online_Privacy_Protection_Act
There's your proof.
Oh, derp. Misread then.
But I was not referring to OP in that post.
Nobody asked for proof. Nobody denied the legitimacy of it.
- "It is against the law"
- "Wed, 07/18/2012 - 17:12
Neigh-Knocker's picture
Mind giving some reason? You can't just say "It is against the law" without giving any sort of proof. All I want is for you to actually give some proof/reasoning to your statement."
only way to make sense of this is that you call yourself Nobody :P's_Online_Privacy_Protection_Act
Isn't this one proof enough?
That makes no sense in any way, shape, or form.
Yukarie, Yes, that is proof. When did I say it wasn't?
I'm waiting for an intelligent response. Both of those were absolutely illogical and obviously not thought about...
When hunter boxes came out, this happened all over again.
Yep, when this came out, I heard both the Halo and Wing and CE markets crash and burn in a horrible fire.
"When hunter boxes came out, this happened all over again."
Those didn't contain new items. Halos and wings are going up.
"How did they know he was underage in the first place? Who told them? It's easy to report someone for beeing underage, but there's no way 000 would perma ban you just for a report, as how unreliable it is. So unless he, himself, told them he was underage and sent them and ID copy, I don't see how they could get a proof he was. I think your story is made-up to be honest, but whatever."
Precisely. COPPA only affects 12 and under year olds that give out their age personaly. Therefore it's only purpose is most likely to keep 12 and unders from releasing their true age and becoming pedo targets. All it does is prevent people from making usernames or guilds like "Im12", or openly telling people their age. Most little kids aren't afraid of pedos, but they're afraid of having their video game rights revoked.
Now I'm gonna be back on topic. Like keelan said, this was fairly predictable. The very bottom of the price range hasn't actualy fallen, the only thing that's become harder to do is sell it for more than you really should.