Their money, let them do what they want with it. Especially if it provides a contribution to supporting this game.
Rose Regalia Discussion
My main concern is if people decide the horde them then sell them for silly prices down the line, Runescape party hats anyone?
"I have like 160k CR at the moment... should I a huge chunk of that to CE due to the lowered rate? since it's possibly temporary"
Well, we have seen 3750, and the fall looks to be slowing slightly. Then again, people are also gonna be going offline for the night...
It's not the worst possible time to buy in (If you have to pay 4100, for example, that's too much), and quite likely a good-ish one. Whether or not it's the best? I couldn't say; the price might still drop further, or might not. I don't think any of us have the information to be truly sure.
My personal wild-guess-advice?
Convert about 1/4 of your current holdings to bids, spaced out over a range, say: 3750, 3740, 3730, 3720, 3710. I wouldn't convert the load, because it could go lower yet. But a chunk, so that if we do see recovery over the next little day of so, you get at least a little piece of the action.
That's wild-guess-advice, though.

I'm not in a position to spend money on this at the moment(I've hit my budget for games for the moment) but I hope they bring this promotion back at some point. Seasonal would be a good way to do it, long enough that the items have value but if you stick with it you have a chance at them again.

I like the idea, and they look good, and they will make a lot of money off this. If this becomes a monthly thing or something, I hope they lower the price to $5 or something, especially since its costume only.
@bakaman93 Totally agree! As a free player (so far anyways) I'm happy to see any marketing campaign that brings new CE into the economy. It means new customers to sell things to for CE, and CE prices low enough that one can buy more CE with farmed gold. Without them prices of CE would rise to the point where I couldn't go on playing for free.
I don't mind that paying players get a free costume. It's only fair, since they are sustaining the economy, plus it's just a costume and it can be traded. Besides, paying players already get a huge advantage in this game. With enough energy one could just buy all 5* equips from other players and have a top level toon in a day. It's the ultimate pay-to-level game. I don't mind it - I like the challenge of getting through the game slowly. I just don't see what all the fuss is over a tradable promo costume. If you don't want paying players to have an advantage you are in the wrong game.

I really like the looks of Rose Regalia - especially chapeaus (I've got a soft spot for feathered hats really :-D)
I feel a little bad that such nice designs were "wasted" on costume items instead of regular items though.
Agreed, I'd have liked the rose regalia to be a craftable armour set myself. Maybe a shadow/piercing set like the silvermail.
For an event that requires you to spend money and that the reward is random is a bit inconvenient for such a short timespan. If the event was extended to a month or recurring that would be far better and easier on budgets. I would find this a much better solution considering the amount you pay for one random item, compared to what you gain from games with the same price or less.

For an event that requires you to spend money and that the reward is random is a bit inconvenient for such a short timespan. If the event was extended to a month or recurring that would be far better and easier on budgets. I would find this a much better solution considering the amount you pay for one random item, compared to what you gain from games with the same price or less.
Took me about three minutes to trade the one I didn't want for the one I did.
The event being short is perfectly fine by me. It'll keep people coming back to see what's around the bend next month.
I like the look, and I am (at times) an obsessive collector, but this is really putting me into a painful quandary for both my head and my wallet.
The pre-release events for New Phyrexia (Magic: The Gathering for the less-informed) starts this weekend. Unfortunately, like everything in this world, it'll cost money to participate. If I want their alternate art pre-release promo cards (and a head start on using new cards in my decks) I'll need to participate in the pre-release party events. I suppose I can skip the events and just buy them from resellers at a much, much later date and price if I get lucky. Unfortunately, it costs money to participate.
The Rose Regalia promo event only lasts until Friday. Unfortunately, that also costs money. Once it's over, it's really over, and I'll have to pay crowns through the nose if I want a set, provided someone is still willing to offer it. Add to the argument that this is just a costume set and not something actually tangible and you see my foolish little predicament. And, also unfortunately, it costs money to get. Money that I would otherwise be spending on cards...
So... help me make up my mind?
Also, uproarious lulz at guys with 100k CE buying $50 more CE for costume items.