I want this helm.
And this one
But maybe not this
And.... Ugh....
So... when do we get these new armor sets? <_<
NO WAY. NOt way too cutesy at all. I never understand people who argue against choice. If you don't like it, don't use it.
Great find aeiterealle. Thank you for sharing. The moar armors/costumes the better.
This is mostly a friendly jab at OOO, I know they didn't create those wallpaper assets, but I'd like to see more armor variety in the future.
whatever that thing is, i gotta say the main site looks 110% cooler.
Particularly "girl" helms. I wouldn't use them, but sheesh. Girls have been calling for new girls helms since...Beta. I feel really bad for you guys, err, girls. If u want to be a girl u have to wear one helm???!!!! While us spiral brigands like myself have 10 different tough guy helms to accessorize.
The main site is probably 110% better funded as well.
1. blazebreak set
2. blizzbreak set
3. infernal guardian set
4. one of the cobalt sets
cant you people see the resemblance?
of the pictures...
also read it.
"SEGA,3 RINGS,web game,game cyber"
my question: sega made a asian Versoin of the game? O_o
(i have no problem with it at all cuz im asian =D)
(but i dont know how to read that language)
Those armor sets I don't think will be coming out in this version of three rings, from the looks of it seems like Sega and Three Rings "sold/gave" Game Cyber Spiral Knights for the Asian area, so players in that part of the world can play this great game with proper servers etc., and most likely Sega and Three Rings get a huge part of the profits, but game cyber is more-so like a middle man.
Sega gives Sk ---> game cyber ---> Game cyber then asians it up for their intended market ---> Kids and adults in Asian countries can play this version of Sk, and buy ce etc. ----> Sega profits.
They look terrible and obnoxious.
Go look for the original US boxart for Megaman on the NES.
You are now aware that this is the same kind of horrific localization, apparently complete with 'engrish' too
Closed off servers from the rest of the world, and HORRIFIC Localization!
"Those armor sets I don't think will be coming out in this version of three rings, from the looks of it seems like Sega and Three Rings "sold/gave" Game Cyber Spiral Knights for the Asian area, so players in that part of the world can play this great game with proper servers etc., and most likely Sega and Three Rings get a huge part of the profits, but game cyber is more-so like a middle man.
Sega gives Sk ---> game cyber ---> Game cyber then asians it up for their intended market ---> Kids and adults in Asian countries can play this version of Sk, and buy ce etc. ----> Sega profits."
Awwww heeellll nooo. If players in a different country get awesome costumes that we can't get it, I'm going to punch my computer. And that will not be good, for my dad will rage and beat the crap out of me. And then my mom will start to rage and my dad will have to stop her from killing me. Don't do it, OOO.
They actually do look cooler. If in fact Hector is correct, I will be disappointed.
First: Tailled Helm.
Second: Angelic
Third: Plate with scarf, Patch(Like desna's), Vented visor above the eye area
Fourth: Almarian with plume and vee
What Tohru said. These are overly-japanized versions of our SK.. jesus christ.. I hope OOO got paid GOOD money to let those.. people.. do that to our SK.
It's a county not in any Contient, called Abomiationa.
That company which created those are "An Abomination beyond all hope of Salvation."
I can't even imagine that fitting with SK. Comparing the tailed helm with pink and white to that first pic, makes me sick.
SK isn't Chibi people. No matter how hard we try.....
I normally like anime like stuff.. but those knights. Ew. >.>
The recent trailer is even WORSE than the Teaser. 60% flip between all the options in Character Creation(It's just ours) and the rest is just stock footage from the American trailer. Not even the expected titles and captions from like EVERY SINGLE TRAILER EVER!
I have a hunch that these won't even appear in that localized Server. It's infact going to be a translated SK....
I'm omly hating on this because they're relating this horror show to SK.
Who MAKES these things omg.
When I look at those wallpapers
And trailers
And just.. this.. THING
I can't help but think
Ugh, god. That's way too cutesy for a western audience.