First the legion of almire now this monstrosity? poison + fire really? OOO your gonna loose players from this everyone likes a challenge but this is hellish
Danger missions too hard

That's the whole point, captain obvious.
If you suck major balls at this, then don't play it. It's for the people who want callenge.

The only reason why people solo it is because they have no lifes and they play this way too much indoors and as a result have a mineral D defiency from lack of sun

When did I say that? Who bought that into the converation?
Why are you trying to say i have no life? That people who want to solo have no lifes? That the community has no life?
I don't even play much!
Everyone else have lives.
If you complain about something that's supposed to be hard, get over it.
Stop taking your rage out on others little boy.

Or because they have the skill you seem to lack to solo the mission? I'm able to solo all but the last wave of LoA (almost beat it last time) because I psyche myself out. I can beat it, and I've barely done the mission. I don't have perfect gear, yet I have the ability to solo it. The point of the game is to be team-based, so solo'ing isn't encouraged, but it doesn't mean the person has no life. I haven't done the mission yet, as I'm saving it for tomorrow (or the next day), but from all that I've seen/heard: This is not impossible to solo. People who solo FSC may have a life, but you shouldn't categorize people. I can solo it, and I've done 8+ hours of exercise this week since Monday outside, but does that show my in-game skill? No. Please stop whining. It doesn't suit you.

and why doesn't it suit me? Also spiral knights is a relative child friendly game for 13 year olds at the minimum anyone wanna explain to me how you expcet a 13 year old to do these missions?

Honestly? My ce level dropped by about 100 before I said 'enough, I'm calling in back up' and that takes some serious beatdown. I still have yet to actually BEAT the danger mission. But I love that I can't. Why? Because that means there is something (actually slime related) that I can't beat. That and I love that rocket grems have FINALLY made an entry into non-P2P content and are semi-common.
If you feel the danger missions are too hard, then really... you shouldn't do them until you develop the skill to deal with the charging compound 42 oilers of wonder.

I seriously dought this batmanrocks is 13+
I mean... what kind of name is batmanrocks? Everyone knows spider man is the best.

I'm 13. I can do them fine. It's because you suck at them. Simple. Just try again. Practice makes perfect.
Or go play one of those children's games for 3 year olds since you said "How do you expect a 13 year old to do these missions"
Your attitde makes me think of you as someone who is 5.

Whining doesn't suit anyone. However, you're the one doing all of it, and it's looking pretty... sad.
There are smart 13 year olds, and truthfully, OOO hasn't put anything truly ridiculous in this game (in terms of difficulty). Again, if a 13 year old can't do it (and I can't see why they can't), they can always buddy up with someone. Also, it's a danger mission. Note the word "danger", like Psycho said. If it weren't dangerous, why would it be called that? OOO has already nerfed the game to the point a 10 year old with basic knowledge can do it.

Trust me on that knowledge....
EDIT: Who even uses the word "wasteman" any more? Also, this show that you can't handle arguements on the internet.
Grow a pair please.
"anyone wanna explain to me how you expcet a 13 year old to do these missions?"
Are you even listening? No-one EXPECTS ANYONE to do ANYTHING. The Danger Mission is for people who are CONFIDENT in their own ability (which is GOOD ability btw) and feel they are GOOD ENOUGH to complete it.
There's no point it making it 'Hack-and-slash ftw', because then where's the 'DANGER' element?
EDIT: "lol wasteman"
Why do you make so little sense? Saying things not even relevant/not even having valid arguments?
'Omg ppl no agree wth meh all dem haf no livs must b stoopid nerds who play silly games n a dark room all day.'

Tohru, I know it's off topic. However, I applaud you with your posts and your grammar. You show that there are 13 year olds who play this game with the reasoning and strategic thinking of someone older. Thank you for that (I'm not 13, but I still am appreciative). You give me hope.

Prestige Danger Missions are supposed to be hellish hard, for the amount of prestige they give. Now some would say it's not worth the amount of crowns but these missions aren't about crowns they're about prestige. That's why you can't just waltz into a danger mission with any ol' armor and weapon set you would use for FSC or whatever boss/clockwork levels you're accustomed to grinding. You really have to prepare yourself when taking on these missions. Even if LOA, is loads "easier" than C42. (Which it's not; the difficulty is that same if you're pugging since generally most of the random knights are underprepared..) Now I suppose a lot of players of the SK community say prestige is worthless and no one cares so why make danger missions hard? Well for those few knights that are trying to reach that huge 45k prestige badge by just doing missions prestige is serious business to them. Also Shivermist helps makes the mission somewhat beariable depending on how the other party members preform.

Its fun to have something challenging in the game.
When i was new to it all, and was looking at the daunting task of finally taking on the Fire Storm Citadel, it created a level of excitement, trepidation, dread, and wonder. Once i finally did beat it, it felt like quite the accomplishment, a source of pride, and I looked forward to telling my brother that i had beat Vanaduke O.o
(nevermind that i just laid on the ground dead the whole time while my unity teammates took down the duke). Anywho, i find the Legion of Almire to be tougher than the new compound 42. To solo that is. But both are fun, a challenge, and breathe new life into the game. Rommil approves.

Compound 42 is a new Danger Mission, intended for skilled players.
It's in the patch note. All that needs to be said.
On a somewhat related note though; I still think Legion of Almire is some frustrating bullbarnacle.

It's pretty nice, the last part could always be buffed, I'd like the big guys to have some rad moves that could actually scare me. I did die some but since I was traveling with guys from In The Jelly, we kicked major Lichen butt without having to use any energy on reviving.
If it's hard, get some good guildies to help you out until you're good enough at it to beat it without assistance.
Also, taking time out of your lifespan to tell someone who plays the same game you do that they have no life is not a good way to show that you have a life. People can be good at a game and still have a life. Please try to be a little understanding that although some challenges are available to you, you should wait until you can take them on before accepting such challenges.

Sad that this "danger" mission is not require any skills to finish it. All you need is only shadow weapon and dragon scale set + one poison trinket (100tokens) and one fire trinket (100tokens). Get this loadout and feel your awesomeness in this poor update.

Meh, Heart of Ice relies less on status for its challenge, so I think you'll enjoy it more.

This topic beat all other supid topics.

Funny, that's exactly how I feel about Legion of Almire right now. It's stupidly hard to solo unless you have a way to quickly kill the Deadnaughts.
And I am looking forward to Heart of Ice a lot. I haven't read much about it but there seems to be so much positive feedback for it.

Still this topic doesn't beat any of your posts I mean you darling are owning with silly posts keep it up.

Oh what else i could expect that OOO 'fanboy' would write...

Not to come between you two lovebirds but I never really understood why people thought being a fan of the game they are playing or the company that runs it was an insult. If you don't like the game/company itself, why... why are you even here? *scratches head*

i didn't get to play it yet. i bet my snarby with max fire and divine veil will take care of the status effects, but peircing damage will probably kill me. :D Yay for danger missions! Now i don't have to save up for SLs for a fun challange!
They call it DANGER missions theyr suppose to be hellish and God damn hard man, first of all LoA isn't hard at all once you've done it over and over again, secondly c42 is just easy as T1 arena if you have proper gear (DS set+poison low fire low uv, or trinket, or combination of both) i went through it carrying 2 ppl. so easy. IMHO the gauntlet arena is harder

1.Skilled players don't have a life.
3.How do you expect kids to do these missions?
Made my day! This kid is cute...

Hahahahah oh my god OP, you so funny.
They're impossible for me too, but that's because I'm the problem- I'm just bad at things. : (
But there's many players our there that know what they're doing, for which it's a challenge. Well maybe there's a bit of hell and OPness on the monster side slipped that cannot be compensated by any skill but I guess there's nothing we can do about that eh.

The danger missions live up to their name and are exactly what they were designed to be... hard. There has been a large group of players, myself included, that have wanted challenging content (that doesn't cost 1700 CE per trip) for a while now. The danger missions give it in spades. They start out a little tougher then FSC and quickly reach Shadow Lair difficulty. Fire/Poison is a nasty combination, not as bad as UIMF's Fire/Shock, but plenty potent.
"OOO your gonna loose players from this everyone likes a challenge but this is hellish"
On the contrary, they will keep players if they keep the current danger missions, and any future ones, at this difficulty. The skilled players are tired of content they can punch right through because nothing has any bite. The Toxoil have the Oiler's old dash back along with a Toxigel's spin attack, making their threat level very big, and that's just one of the things in the new missions. If anything nerfing the difficulty would get players to leave.
Oh... that reminds me. OOO, can we get names for the new enemies? We have a Bio-Oiler, Bio-Oiler Baron, Pyro-Caustic Polyp, and the Giant Gremlin Scorcher... or that is what I'm calling them until we have official names. Thankies! [edit] I swear to the Goddess I do not remember the enemies being named in the mail, names are Toxoil, Giant Toxoil, Compound Polyp, and Gremlin Incinerator.

How is this too hard? Seems to be very manageable using vog set and bts shield with acheron and 1 gun. The only times I ever saw my shield shatter was if I was under very heavy attacks or screwed up and found myself hit by a wave of fire from those side vents.

As a fun point of comparison, obviously the OP hasn't seen the old Compound 42 on the test server before nerfs. Now THAT was hard.

Accomplished with roughly close to 200+ CE, I had my Chaos Cloak on, full party. Best gear to get? DRAGON SCALE. Other than that, the threat is not the poison but the oil being on fire. Walk over the poison and avoid fire at all costs, don't waste your shield on the toxic. Attack monsters together, it's the best option when poisoned. You can get someone to tank & taunt the oilers while the other party members do the DPS.

I believe all of the Danger Missions should be extremely, superbly difficult.
Legion of Almire was very difficult for me at first, so I changed my equipment - and after running quite a few times now, I find it a bit too easy.
I hope C42 continues to be challenging for me, for a while yet.
OP, I would appreciate it if you took your obvious trolling away from the subject of danger mission difficulty. The rest of the game has been nerfed to hell, and I would rather not give the developers any reason to continue doing so. Especially not over a mission that's entirely gear based. =/

The best & funniest part about C42 vs Kitty's Party is how fire vs fire is definitely a great tactic. My Volcanic Pepperbox ftw, it does great normal damage & mid-range was a great idea. They're already on fire, all I'm doing is hitting them with high normal damage. I have CTR max & Damage Bonus on Med.
(this is for boss)

That's probably because things get easier as you get used to them and learn tricks and tips for the area or in general.

Hmm, could anybody do a tactics guide for it lmao? Or a video showing how to do it properly. Dunno maybe would help those like me.

Are we talking like a "if you have the optimal gear" sort of tactics guide, or the "if you have generic sets" sort of tactics guide? Either way, lemme actually do a few runs of it, then I can come back to you with an answer.

Generic sets, I want to know HOW to do not IN WHAT to do it.
Thanks. :)

I really have no idea what other people are doing to have trouble so I can't really give solid, certain advice based on that. If I had to guess, I'd say people are shielding too much or not moving enough. Your shield should never break and should never take damage from either poison puddles or any fire (except for the Scorcher's flame wave attack since it just sweeps by). I would probably also try to avoid being in or even near corners. I more or less completely ignored and walked all over poison puddles except when they were on fire (sometimes I still did it anyway to avoid other things) or I needed to heal.
As long as you keep moving though (especially in circles around the room) nothing should be able to hit you except possibly the Polyp doing their Barb Shots. Against Polyps and Scorchers you can run smaller circles around to not have to worry about their ranged attacks as much. I generally go after the Polyps first because I find their Barb Shots to be the biggest threat and it's kind of pointless to kill Oilers when they'll just respawn. Sometimes I'll go for a Mender first but I never had any trouble killing the Polyps through them so I don't really consider them a large issue. Polyps, Menders, Scorchers, everything else.
Fire defense obviously helps a lot but I think if you just buy three remedy capsules ahead of time they're probably not necessary. I kind of felt like poison was a nonissue even though one of my deaths was becuase of it (I blame stupidity moreso though).
Edit: To stress, I think the worst situation you can be in is shielding in fire. The fire probably isn't going anywhere before your shield breaks, and in the meantime you're not moving much and all the monsters are closing in. If you're in such a situation, just take the fire and run.

Dorael, I pretty much figured most of that out, and did apply it. D:
Or well, at first, I kept shielding the puddles, don't they deal fire too? Cause that's what damaged me most tbh.
My problem is the dash of the lichens mainly, because I'm a gunner. A charge and a few shots do kill them, IF I'm not posioned but I usually am, and there's puddles EVERYWHERE.
There was the derp factor too though, of course. Is there anything else?

They deal fire if they're on fire. Otherwise, they're only liable to poison you.
It's definitely a problem if you're shielding the puddles. That's usually what causes broken shields and hilarious blockstun issues.
What sort of guns are we talking about? And I do agree with Dorael that there is a very specific order you need to be killing enemies in, because once the room is covered in poison and on fire, you are seriously screwed without immunes.

I think, but am not certain, that if you don't stay too far from the Toxoils they won't do their dash as much. They were relatively close to me most of the time and I didn't feel like they were dashing that often except when I was trying to get away waiting for poison to fall off to heal. The puddles deal fire when they're on fire, but I was talking about when they're not on fire just ignore them. I think since I did small circles around and the Toxoils stayed somewhat near me they kept grouped together so not too much of the room was ever on fire for me.
One thing I also noticed (someone confirm?) was that coming into contact with a flaming Toxoil didn't set me on fire but did poisoned me. I got this impression after trying to kite them to heal while waiting for the poison to drop off only to get dashed upon and repoisoned. Happened several times, but was never set on fire any of those times. If this is true then it makes it much safer to keep them nearer than one would think as you'd only have to worry about their attacks (which you can see them charging) or the fire they leave behind (which you can avoid by just running in circles or spirals).

Hmm. Well I gave up on shiedling them.
We're talking about alchemers, mostly charged. And yeah I did apply that order mostly.
Being a gunner I mostly stayed pretty far but they still dashed towards me as soon as I had to get closer.

I'm 13 and I did it! Its a danger mission, what do you expect? Its hard? That's the point...

Yes for me too, for some reason, the Danger Missions turned out to be really easy (in terms of not having to ce rev) after the first 2-3 times of doing it. LoA It took me about 3-4 runs to get things right. The first time I ran C42 I was in over my head and I thought I had to make Dragon scale set. Then I went on a duo yesterday and it was ridiculously easy. I believe I wasted my money buying the required recipes. It is easy to get used to hard things in this game. I am not complaining, but for me it is no longer a Dangerous mission anymore.
P.S. I would personally like for even harder missions to come out in return for more prestige :)
That's the POINT. Danger missions are SUPPOSED to be FRIGHTENINGLY HARD. There was a note somewhere saying that the Danger Missions were for players CONFIDENT in their ability, not for the 'faint hearted'.
It wouldn't be a danger mission if it was FSC-grade, I mean, FSC gets pretty predictable, and I havea BIT of trouble with it. Danger missions are for those who find everything too easy, and need a bigger challenge.