Scintilating Sun Shards! WTF!!!!!!!!

So is the new plan to totally screw current owners of the RSS.
Logged in today to find that new RSS is still 4* and Scintilating Sun Shards will be the 5* version.
To those of you who already own and love RSS,
Not only is OOO neutering the crap out of you, but now you don't even get an upgrade for your troubles.
It is pretty sad when the Shivermist does more damage than the 5* RSS.
When trying to destroy the wheel machines in FSC Shivermist causes 181 while SSS does only 26 on initial, and 24 on shards.
Pretty pitiful.

Yes, RSS is pierce only. And wheels are constructs. So you need to compare the energy shards to Shivermist, on the damage against wheels.

Thanks for the link Duke.
Missed that completely.
After reading the thread, I am not sure whether I should rage harder........
or just hang my head in disappointment.
If the devs don't pull their collective heads out and realize that NO ONE wants this change....
It will be a sad day when the patch comes out.
LEAVE the current bombs alone.
CREATE new line of bombs with the cluster mechanics.
EXPAND the arsenal = more crafting (players spending CE)
NEUTER the arsenal = rage quitting (losing paying player base)
Uhmm... I thought the RSS line was changed to be piercing only... so it makes sense that you're doing very little damage to constructs?