Hello and welcome to the fashion department in the Spiral Knights Olympics!
Yours hosts will be Tersakoff (that's me), Raphael-Sabrewing and Aquillion, fancy gentlemen with a vast fashion experience.
"Oh another mess of a fashion contest where we won't even be able to move around from lag or we'd have to leave our guilds that I'll probably miss because I live in an obscure timezone..."
Actually, no! This time, the fashion contest won't be actually held in a Haven. This time, everything is done right here on the forums! Trough the use of pictures.
Here's the rules and how it works:
-Once you have been selected by your Guild Master to participate, you have to take a picture or more of your knight and submit them here, with the word "SUBMISSION" written in caps before the link. !IF YOU DON'T WRITE THAT YOU SUBMISSION WILL BE IGNORED
-Your submission should look something like this. It MUST include: At least 1 inspect view of your knight with the "Allow Full Inspect" text visible. If it is not present you are disqualified. At least 1 haven view. Your knight name anywhere on the picture, or in your post. The more pictures the merrier. Just follow the example and you should be fine, but adding more doesn't hurt.
-You MUST own the costume at the time when you submit the picture. If you are found to not have it, you will be disqualified and FIVE GUILD POINTS will be substracted from your guild's score for cheating.
-Don't know how to crop?, Don't have anything to crop with? Those links should get you set I believe. Your submission doesn't have to be art, just make sure we have enough views of your costume.
-DO NOT over-edit your image. A very minor texture or such over it is okay, but it doesn't bring you anything extra so no point in doing that. However, if your edit touched the constrast/brightness/saturation and such, thus making your costume look different than the original, you will be PENALIZED. It's just not cool, mmkay?
-If, for whatever reason, you REALLY can't figure out to do a simple crop and put-together, you can take multiple screenshots of your costume from different angles and haven view and upload them separately as they are.
-Each guild may send maximum 7 people, but you DON'T HAVE TO send that many.
-Each of the judges will give you a score from 0 to 10 and I will make an even of the scores, that will be your final score. The judges will be talking in a private chat. We will try to do this as quick as possible.
-There are no categories, just one big main one.
-There will be 1st and 2nd place, and 3 wildcard favorite choices, one per judge, that will all be counted as 3rd place.
-At 2 PM PST, 11 August 2012, the three judges will be present in Haven 11's Arcade, near Sullivan, and I will announce scores as we get them, like this: "PARTICIPANT A has obtained a score of 6.7" After all the scores have been announced, I will shout the two big winners. Afterwards, each judge will shout the name of their favorite. That favorite must not have won 1st or 2nd place. Results will be posted here shortly afterwards. This will take very little as all scores the judges gave will be known!
-Participants DON'T have to be there at the judging. Nobody HAS to be.
-Submissions close on 12 PM PST, 11 August 2012. Any submissions posted after that date are considered NULL.
That should be it! Just make sure you read it all and understood it, and you're all set. If you have any questions, go on and ask.
Here's all the signed up participants with their submissions and their respective guilds:
http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/61063#comment-455842 Asukalan - Imprevious
http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/61063#comment-456079 Milkywai - Big Family
http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/61063#comment-456206 Balderus - Aequitas
http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/61063#comment-459217 Redfevrier - Knights and Day
http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/61063#comment-457183 Jade-Rabbit - Echo of Silence
http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/61063#comment-457360 Vawdrey - Echo of Silence
http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/61063#comment-457504 Hadn - Echo of Silence
http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/61063#comment-457558 Muppet - Echo of Silence
http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/61063#comment-457634 Thrillhaus & Meixmei - Aequitas (to be rated separately )
http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/61063#comment-457960 Strikerk - Reign of Fire
http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/61063#comment-458103 Pokenuevo - Alis Aquilae
http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/61063#comment-458411 Lostillusion - Knights and day
http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/61063#comment-461456 Michaelb - Valkyrie Knights
http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/61063#comment-461535 Spooskalot - Echo Of Silence
question: can a person submit more then one of their costumes?