I would like to call all bombers or anyone who loved the now dead RSS/ISB to please meet with me in the garden area on Saturday August 11th at 3:00pm EST
I would like to get a group screenshot to show OOO just how many people have been slighted by this change (many I am sure).
The fact that OOO is now giving out UV tickets is because the know many player did not like this change.
Today we have lost:
A whole bombing playstyle.
A great bomb
Over half of the original RSS damage output against single targets
A counter to polaris spam in lockdown.
An elemental damage bomb.
The last spilt special damage weapon.
The fastest bomb, bar none.
A bomb for turrets,zombies and trojans.
In return we get a want-to-be DBB/nitro that sucks in comparison.
Please join me and ask everyone who feels the same way to join.
Cool, enjoy your tickets secretly though while maintaining your honor and such. Just kidding. You might be serious. But I doubt you would give up tickets or protest others to give theirs up to get your bomb rolled back to the way it was.