In lockdown, these bombs suck. In the clockworks, RSS deals a PUNY 79 dmg and pathetic stun. I know, the animation looks cool, but these are extremely underpowered. For me, this is a crushing blow. I used to have 4 weapons (Gran faust, RSS, acheron, FF) but then I had to sell my GF. Now I only have RSS, Acheron, and FF. Now, I have to get by with only my acheron and FF. How can I do FSC? These tickets are no consolation for losing a beloved friend. *cries*
The new RSS line is horrible.

Animation: Awesome.
Damage: Terrible.

I agree.
The damage is just... "WHAAAT?"
The mechanics... "WHAAAT?"
As someone said, exploding bird crap.

If it were tweaked in the right direction, it could become just as good, if not better, than the old ones. I seriously don't understand all of the crying here. We need to at least give this a chance. Who knows what could happen?

meh. Really, why not grab a nitronome and change damage types?
"it could become just as good, if not better, than the old ones"
1-hitting anything but burning oilers when using mad bomber? I'm worried i wont see that again.

I like and enjoy the new weapons. But I don't like losing RSS in the least.
I'm still testing and looking at the nRSS bombs, but they do look relatively promising. Not as promising as the old one, but still promising in the way that the brandishes look promising next to WRH.

The Bomb's damage are terrible, with max damage and max CTR I don't feel I can outdamage a brandish/DA charge attack user in a cluster of enemies. They didnt follow "any" of the suggestions from the test server forum at all

Poke, chances of them changing the bombs as they are now are less than 1%.
They'll stay bird crap.

at the very least we should get to choose if our RSS goes the way of the new pierce or the new elem bomb..

Radiant Sun Shard = Cutter
The similarity,
Animation : Awesome.
Damage : Trolling.

You people are calling the artwork awesome?! Maybe the blast itself, but the artwork for the bomb looks like a plasticky, glittery, little piece of trash. One must ask oneself: Did they have to do it in a hurry or did they let the same people who did the sonic costume set draw it? :o

Well the design looks awesome, and the models are great, the material they use for the crystal parts is terrible, almost a solid-colour. needs soem actual TEXTURE... like, look at ancient plate mail..
the blast animation and shards look soo cool, but the texture of the bomb ITSELF is kinda trashy.
Also turn off attack damage when using it, the solution for seeing low damage.

When I tried RSS on actual devilites and greavers I was doing roughly 129 on the initial explosion, and 170-190 on the following explosions. Instead of being a multi-purpose bomb it became a specialized bomb.
I've yet to try SSS on fiends, however.
you're not it the lagzone right xD, im aussie and shielding against fiends is NOTHING, despite predicting and estimating their pattern 60% of time I still get smacked in my shield, so using that bomb on fiends is like comitting suicide x)
I'd rather FF them, at least AA always leads you to the right direction.

"artwork: awesome
functionality: a VASE"
functionality: bird crap simulator

this bomb is really terrible at inflicting status and doing damage, the status "boost" really doesnt do much. the first blast radius is as small as the 1* bombs b4 they got that radius buff, and unless u r literally right on top on the 2nd blast, you will most likely wont be damaged.
fun fact about the shard bombs, in order to get inflicted by the status one must get hit by the shards

Oh naw, this new bomb is just SWELL. After all, the last bomb was "too gunlike". We should nerf the polaris since it's too bomblike, let's make it shoot out birdcrap. The catalyzer should also shoot out only birdcrap. Oh, and the barandish charges, also should be birdcrap. Wait no, charge attacks are for bombs. Brandishes should simply have no charge at all. Spur is just too gunlike, let's just make the actual sword into birdcrap. Every time you attack you just blow up.

Hehe. Actually, I'm really enraged right now. OOO has made 0 posts of their own concerning the new update with shard bombs.They just don't seem to care that they've screwed over a fourth of SK's population. For their stupid "balance" updates. Why don't we all send Nick a nice friendly mail asking him if he'll water down the pulsar, catalyzer, spur, sealed sword, and brandish lines. Unless OOO is biased, which they appear to be.

It's because by doing so, they've actualy turned CE into crowns. CE is used to make bomb; bomb is removed, so CE is removed; compensated with UV tickets; UV tickets cost crowns, so crowns are added. If CE is removed and crowns are added, you're turning CE into crowns. Totaly not market manipulation.

According to Nick, Polaris is perfectly gun-like. He said, "guns fire bullets", so anything that shoots something is a gun. Polaris may do AoE, but it shoots bullets so it's all good -_- Not that I think Polaris should be changed. Nicks logic is just unfair. "Guns fire bullets, bombs create areas of damage, and swords do a mix of the two". Why can't bomb do explosions and swords just whack stuff? So, guns can do ANYTHING as long as it shoots something, while bombs must STRICTLY be AoE only...
Also, saying swords are a mix of the two make no sense. Cutter is horrible at AoE and there are A LOT of swords that don't shoot bullets....
Care to clarify a few things, Nick?

@Serell: That's what annoys me. Nick and other developers aren't replying at all! What gives, OOO?
Yeah the only good thing is the animation :P
I do lose a beloved friend but welcome a(soon to be i hope)new one :D