I want an actual answer. Although I know I wont get it.
Was this an oversight? Did you not think people would exploit this? Do you really not care as long as you get money?
We were supposed to get Compensation for having these bombs by [By definition: something given or received as an EQUIVALENT for services, debt, loss, injury, suffering, lack, etc.]. The isn't really what happened, while yes us RSS/ISB owners did get tickets, so did EVERYONE ELSE. Say someone spent 1,000,000 crowns rolling their RSS for that perfect CTR VH/Undead VH and used it religiously, then OOO snatches it up, something they paid for, and all they got in return was a 3 UV ticket (I fail to see how this is equivalent). While on the other hand a rather wealthy player who has never touched either bombs in their life gets an an announcement saying he will be rewarded with UV tickets for crystal bombs. So he goes and rage crafts 5,000 CE worth of them an hour before the reboot and gets his 100 tickets in the mail (What was his loss/injury? The 50ce he spent well knowing he would get a ticket. Thats called a willing exchange of goods, not a loss). How is this fair? I find this rather offensive. Why was this decided to be a good idea?
Note: I am not upset that people took advantage of this, I am upset that OOO let it happen.
I sincerely just want to know... Why?
It was a gift, nothing more and nothing less. They can't compensate everyone equally because there's no way of knowing how much people invested in a particular bomb. It's not meant to be a reimbursement. Yeah, the UV ticket thing was kind of exploited and they probably shouldn't have mentioned it before the patch happened but it's not a big enough deal to really matter in the long run. The amount of theoretical money made/loss from it is a tiny blip in the big picture given how many people play and how much money must run through the economy over time.