Part of me wants to rant about Spiral Knights, and the other part of me that's saying "who cares?" doesn't.
I guess I'll feel better if I do, so enjoy.
I'll start off with what's relevant at the moment: the update. Silly forum goers, no matter how many threads you make about how awfully upset you are about how your precious RSS got "nerfed," it's not going to change. RSS was changed into something far more appropriate, an actual bomb. It was basically a gun that you charged up and shot in all different directions. Only difference in the two was you had to sit RSS down. True, RSS is nothing like it was, but really, it was never meant to be like that.
This update didn't upset near as many people as this one did (not that most of you even knew about that update). But guess what? Nothing changed then either. Honestly, this update is basically just another "Advanced Training Hall" update. Nothing was lost, except a bomb that wasn't meant to be, and the only things we gained were more junk bombs that will just be put into that weapon pile labeled "why was this made again?"
Secondly, I'd like to touch on all these hate thread spammers in general. If you're going to make ten different threads about the same junk, at least use originality and don't just regurgitate what someone else has said god knows how many times.
Lastly, the ONLY part that upsets me.
I've been with Spiral Knights for a long while now (beta). Not once in my time that I've been here has OOO been generally unfair to players (P2P and F2P alike). However, which ever [silly billy] thought it was a good idea to inform (only on the forum none-the-less) everyone that they would be awarded at least a 20k CR (~250 CE) for every 400 CR and 50 CE (~60 CE with mats) bomb that they decided to spam within the hour or so time they had before the patch was ACTUALLY pushed out, needs to seriously have their job evaluated. I mean really, wtf. This alone proves how stupid the idea was.
But alas, just as so many times before, not a damn thing will be done about it.
OOO, I enjoy your game, I really do. But honestly, why so ignorant?
Part of the fun of playing a game is to find new and unorthadox ways to use a weapon. Having that taken away really hurts.
The bomb/gun divide doesn't make sense. Polaris, catalyzer, seald swords, and brandish all cross the divide.
I will admit though that it is too early to know whether the new shard bombs will be any good.
While OOO played with a perfectly good bomb, they gave a half hearted update on a weapon that is clearly broken. That just adds salt on the wound.
And lastly the UV fiasco.
All in one update.