True that.
Angry opinions are the least readable opinions, in my opinion.
True that.
Angry opinions are the least readable opinions, in my opinion.
I like to read the fun things and sometimes if I miss the general emotional state I'd have from reading the responses of angry people I just sneer at my computer screen. It's almost the same but without the ulcer!
I still have the ulcer though.
I'll be glad to explain again in TL;DR Njthug:
ToS : "Spamming is not acceptable in any form" ; EoS : Spamming forums.
OOO forgives EoS then
OOO breaks its ToS;
I am not angry or anything. But the ToS are a contract; I sometimes disrespected it and I payed the fair price, so did hundreds of other players. EoS shall NOT be exempt from punishment. You could simply have all those threads graveyarded and humbly apologize for the disturbance, rather than discussing the indiscussable and disturbing even more the forums "peace".
Ah okay bro, like many of us said if Three Rings wishes to punish us it is cool, but regardless all of us acted separately not influenced by one another just posted for our own enjoyment and in our personal view which might not side with yours we made the forums become fun again. Anyways, we will wait and see what happens. Enjoy the forums <69.
The ToS are a contract that can be amended at any time and can be interpreted many ways. They should NOT be amended to excuse our behavior, however, they do not take into account every possible scenario. What we've done doesn't fit its definitions 100%, it needs some clarifying.
Basically, we don't have to admit you're right until a moderator says we violated the ToS.
And this, ladies and gents, is what happens when the mods are asleep. At least we're not posting ponies.
Either way, you didn't earn the "forums approval" for such action. If you want forums to be the funny and enjoyable place you describe, make sure it is for everyone, not just you. Even if only the moderators' opinion is worth something, respecting other users also matters.
Only got a few kids upset from the looks of it, but then again every topic on the forum is an argument, so didn't do much damage we just gave you guys some love. Lol....respecting other users that is funny I don't think you read the forums.
I've actually been around forums for over a year and that's the first time I see EoS getting blamed, I'm no expert but usually you get an universal consent when you make actions, I'm not gonna take example around, everyone knows what I'm talking about. There's probably of strong remainder of hate against you specifically because you decided to show the abnormal rewards you received lately (TBH I was extremely mad when I saw that; players like I saw some people obtaining in one update 3 times the wealth I obtained in 50 days of playing, it was rough), and it would have been wiser to let it cool down. Because the latest threads were mostly about those events and how they were managed. I don't want to act messiah-ish but this is probably the general feeling around forums now.
What I'll say next isn't really nice but I think some forumers right now didn't needed your love, but explanations, which they'll never have so there is some kind of frustration around here....
I keep adding layers but I don't mean to insult you or what you did, just show there might have been a bad timing.
Just took the most wonderful bathdrowning and shower of my life. Came back to check on the forums and booha not sure what's right or sideways.
If I actually offended ANYONE with my inhumanity, I sincerely apologize. I moved my thread to GC a while back, but I was still a bit buzzed so I'll probably throw it in graveyard later unless a moderator does it first.
@Thoran I get what you're saying, man. But from my point of view, ONE guy online at the time had his thread bumped down some. Then a few choice people just kind of came out of no where and started bashing for seemingly no reason beyond us filling the front page and making their life more difficult because they had to load page 2 to find their threads. Which I'm sure they do every morning. Threads get bumped down. It happens. Yes, all of those threads that replaced the first page were ours, yes we broke a pattern that has been repeated continuously for over a year. Thinking on it, it may have been bad timing, and for that I'm only a tad sorry. I just don't have much sympathy for people whining about something that they can pay or not pay for by their own choice, or a bomb that people have known for quite some time was going to change, even if it WAS a drastic change.
As for the UV tickets, Nj's reward was an absurd amount, yes. There are others who profited just as much, yes. Hell, if I was online at the time I would have done the same, like with the Haze Bomb craze last year. I STILL have haze bombs. I may be a bit biased since I hang out with these guys, but I honestly don't give an F that they profited from this. Money kind of stays with money in this game. They are rich, they will always be rich, and people will ALWAYS be finding new ways to get rich. I know I'm a dick for saying that, but I'm saying it.
Also: These "love" threads were actually meant mostly for OOO. I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it already or not. For the few people who joined in with us, thanks! It was fun from what little I can actually remember.
I'm certainly not representing EoS here (nor with my earlier drunken posts) even though I share some opinions of other members concerning this.
Edit: Just want to add that I hope this whole ride winds down nice and calmly. Lord knows this place doesn't need more drama
I love how people think EoS should be respected.
What is a EoS and why should I respect it ?
A guild of 12-year-olds ?
I don't care how much money they spent getting those tickets. It's the fact for me how there was no goddamn fineprint saying what the limits on tickets were, instead it was just open to interpretation and some people just went ahead and craft anyway with no strategy whatsoever or punishment. And I was misinformed by someone(which I wish I had the screenshots for and thought I did) thinking that there was only 1 UV ticket per star level of bomb you owned.
In my year-ish time in SK, I never really knew what EoS was. Now I know I shouldn't even consider joining them.
To a minor extent I'm siding with Ters on this one. I'm not sure if it's really punishable, all that spam, but it's certainly annoying to sift through. The intent was to spam, so regardless if the posts were technically spam or not, action might still be taken. To be fair, though, that would also require the mods to take care of all of the other threads with similar structure- same ideas and little individual input, like the large amount of rage threads and minimal-thought suggestions.
How frustrating.
In my year-ish time in SK, I never really knew what EoS was. Now I know I must do everything in my power to join them.
What a lovely time for me to join Spiral Knights and its forums. *sarcasm*
Oh wow haha.
I sure was mad earlier. Naps calm people down though. Some more calm and well-mannered gentlemen already explained my point. :)
Apologizes for my generally aggressive attitude earlier, but when I get mad, I tell things roughly and forget any sense of politeness.
Now I think this whole thing is just silly, lol. EoS may hate me now and they have all the reasons to do so because of the attitude I took, however, EoS' actions were no better.
You guys wanted to show OOO love, yes? Well you did it wrong. By making so many topics with no apparent reason you just gave them a mess to clean up. A single topic where you all would've actually told them you love the game rather than having chit-chats, would've been much better. No, a single topic wouldn't have been ignored. Just like Nj asked to collect all the RSS rage in one thread, you should've done that with your love instead of being a hypocrite. TL;DR : Spamming is bad and doesn't show love. Heartfelt messages do. A more tolerant member of EoS explained your motivation to me.
..and its best not to post when drunk
If you really wanted to show love to OOO you'd graveyard all your threads now and apologize to them in a single one. Just my suggestion.
We don't hate you. We don't hate people, it's not in our character.
Maybe this isn't the way that you would go about showing love for OOO and that's fine. Honestly, there is no mess to clean up. Pretty much all the Love threads are falling off the front pages naturally.
Again, Njthug wasn't drunk.
Tersakaff, we don't hate you, we just think you're wasting your time arguing with us. We're wasting our time arguing with you because we're bored and this is something to do. I understand that you think we should have consolidated all the threads, and I think we would have done so if there were other threads struggling to survive on the front page, but the forum was pretty dead at the time. The whole thing lasted about 6 hours and then everyone got bored, just like I said they would.
Also, most of our love threads were also posted when drunk. Mine wasn't, which is why I had the good sense to move it when I was bored with it, but as for everyone else...I think we've all learned an important lesson about combining alcohol and the internet: don't.
EDIT: Yes, Nj wasn't drunk. But there were other people who were. But we all saw it and ran with it. It's how we do.
I don't hate you Tersa or even dislike you, I just wish you could take levity to heart. I didn't take a venomous or aggressive tone with you the entire time. But I do think you might have felt slighted about your thread which was only a coincidental victim and was not intentionally targeted by a small bit of random posting. There are no diabolical masterminds in our guild, or if there are they are incredibly competent.
But good idea, we'll get started on that monolithic thread or just revive the old one if it hasn't been necro too long.
As for the mess, the majority of it is on the second page. And for a good portion of the others they were already moved to GC by the posters. But if you know that we're being hypocritical by being satirical that means you must at least recognize how it's hypocritical to denounce us for the same thing so many of those other people did too right? That those people that were doing it before should be in just as much trouble and hadn't despite the hate spam and the multitude of threads about the exact same thing or off posting in GD (fashion threads, bug reports, etc). Which occurs every day.
In for a penny and in for a pound.
You have a good day though sir.
I'm sure those posts about cookies were very loving towards OOO.
Oh, that part where you called every other thread around now useless, and less important than those love threads.
I'm also sure that OOO will smile at this, then you know, get mad because they have to 'clean up' after this 'wonderful party'.
Those threads aren't going to delete themselves, are they?
Why delete them, just let them get buried, most of them are already. Even if they did go to the trouble of deleting/locking/graveyarding them it would take all of what? Ten minutes? What a travesty...
...They're also not going to bump themselves, are they?
Let them sink into the depths of the forum and don't bump them. Most users will be none the wiser for it. Maybe the authors will wake up and move them, maybe not. It's hard to tell other people what to do.
Krab, for a regular forum goer you certainly don't seem to be inured to this kind of thing. Feeling krabby perhaps? :3
Because you shouldn't be allowed to do this just because "they'll get buried". Spamming is spamming, and you shouldn't be looked over because your guild sent OOO some stuff. :)
Again with the bleeding cake.
-Cake does not get us special treatment and it never will
-Send a cake yourself if you really think it'd make a difference
Saying they will get buried was not being used as justification for what we did, I'm saying that there isn't all this horrible "clean up" you keep mentioning.
Krab, people in our guild already said we were ready for the consequences but people have done far worse and stayed around far longer than they should have. When we get our warnings which will happen I will still stand by my decision for what happened. Last I checked the people who were the most upset were the same people who complain constantly and were watching this go down might see a little of their own hypocrisy. But realize then that all the other people who were posting spam threads about the same exact thing should receive warnings as well.
And I think you're playing a bit of the boy who cried wolf saying that this kind of thing was so incredibly reprehensible that it shattered your life.
That's 10 minutes away from all of the wonderful work they're doing, what with all the
-Bringing Tortodrone back
-Reintroducing sleep as a whole
-Fixing stun
-Balances where absolutely needed
-Guild Hall updates
-New combat changes
-Fixing alchemer hits not registering
they've been busy with. No reasons to be anything less than completely in love at all, nope.
Forum moderators don't directly affect gameplay changes. I think you need to reassess your statement because you're confusing development team with forum moderation...
Yes, because Eury works on any of the projects you just mentioned.
I'm bored with this, I'm going back to playing the game and ignoring the forums because quite frankly, they are not a pleasant place.
So that gives you the green light to bother them?
I also don't get this act you guys are doing. No regrets, saluting and taking your punishments, blah blah blah. Am I supposed to salute you? I can't fathom this ever sounding like a good idea, unless the people involved think that the so-called 'haters' are ready to storm their office with torches and pitchforks.
It's hard to take you seriously ever since your shadow lair thread. I try to take you at face value but it's really hard.
Imagine for a moment that at your place of work all you have are apoplexy faced rageaholics yelling at you all day. That wouldn't get old at all? Because the people who enjoy the game are too busy playing and having fun to come onto the forums and post a diatribe about how things are "so incredibly terrible" (I'm looking at you). All that happened was a bit of entropic fun followed by the threads going away with HOPEFULLY some of those same hate spewers being aware that it's inane to post 2 full pages of hate.
You know, I still don't see the point why people are all worked up over this...
I mean, the front pages were spammed about how much people hated the economy and the RSS changes, and some people even joined into those threads too. (Not sure if anyone in this thread did however, and I'm not saying that you/he/she/whatever did) How come all the hate when suddenly the topic changes?
This is all crae crae.
I dunno, but when several kids start throwing sand at one kid because said kid yelled at them for making a mess in his favorite playground, it does seem like that.
"Pretty much all the Love threads are falling off the front pages naturally."
But behind them there are many threads that instantly got buried. I shall go forward and read them and probably reply, fixing some off the mess.
"Again, Njthug wasn't drunk."
"Yes, Nj wasn't drunk. "
"we just think you're wasting your time arguing with us"
I do, too, now, but not back when I was really mad at this. :P
"-Cake does not get us special treatment and it never will"
This is to be seen.
I'm pleasantly surprised by the mature attitude some EoS members took. Some.
I shall let this thread die now together with the spam. Unless krabby decides to keep bumping it in which case I'll just graveyard. :P
Tersa gets a brofist from me. I'm done with the thread as well, krab for all it's worth it was interesting rhetoric but you win the internet fight due to apathy. I'll help bring the other posts back to the forefront as well.
"It's hard to take you seriously ever since your shadow lair thread. I try to take you at face value but it's really hard."
Do you know how old that thread is?
It's hard to take you seriously now that I know that you're trying to dig up dirt to stick to me. I try to take you at face value but it's really hard.
Be careful, some things are starting to sounds slightly personal. :)
EDIT: That post was submitted as I was submitting mine, so after reading it, I'm done here too. :P
Yeah, we all went to sleep. Give us at least a day to come back. It's Monday, not the weekend anymore.
It doesn't really look that bad to me. It seems we created about twice as many posts in backlash, though. That we may have to take responsibility for. I love how no one has changed at all and is still deadset in their opinions. And Tera, we found your picture pretty funny. By the way, who has gotten banned from the forums? I can only think of Magnus (or was it Chris? I can't tell them apart because I never knew them). Just asking.
I'm sorry, forums. We disregarded your feelings, as your masters have kindly told us. Repeatedly. Before any official response has come. We should take our punishment from these bash threads just as much as OOO has taken its punishment for all the threads bashing it.
Mess fixed, most normal (well, as normal as they get) are back on top.
You're welcome. <3
Well. I honestly thought this would have lasting effects for days with continual bumping of the spamthreads and whatnot.
Never mind, EoS isn't all that bad. Sorry for my own little outburst.
>EoS replying to this
Really guys? Nobody that matters cares about this.
"I honestly thought this would have lasting effects for days with continual bumping of the spamthreads and whatnot."
As far as I know they didn't mean harm.
Btw, as I still see a few getting bumped... let them die.
Stop acting like a moderator you aren't one
Oh and to your original post go send them a cake if you really honestly feel we are treated special....Im sorry that Eos is filled up with players who manage to joke around with the Three Rings staff and have a great time, but we been doing that since beta.
CRAE CRAE for sure
I will forever keep your thread updated its THE BEST THREAD EVER <69.
Sorry =) for misreading, but still don't understand if Three Rings does not "punish Eos" how it would be a case of biasing. Anyways, my defense for what you consider spam is 20 different threads with different viewpoints which may or may not be Sk Related on every post, but is Forum related. Rules say do not spam, but its no different than 5+ players making the same thread talking about a brand-new promo or updates and giving their feedback instead of posting on one topic they made 20 topics to show their point-of-view.