No? I don't either.
Do you remember when these forums could be taken seriously?
I just wasted 30 seconds of my life opening and reading this thread.
I'm sure the forum community cares Pokenuevo.
@Tantarian I skimmed most of that thread you linked, was nice to see some Devs posting in it. I think I skipped most of that BehindCurtai dudes post though :V
....People take these topics seriously? I thought we were suppose to post here in an attempt on filling the void upon realizing that nobody cares... U_U'
Tan, why!? I had repressed that thread and now it's back!
I remember trying to reason with that guy. I remember his old-as-the-hills Macs. Auuuuuugh.
We shall forever remember the events of wizardry that transpired on the 17th of November.
To forget them would be lack of respect towards the brave men that melted their brains for the good of discussion that day.
Curtain really wasn't that bad. Sure, his arguments were often wrong- and in the most detailed way possible... but he did get points for making an effort. Whether you disagreed with him passively or vigorously, his threads weren't one-sentence rehashes of an idea that had already been expressed three times that day.
Do you remember when everybody was complaining about how terrible the forum community was but literally nobody was doing anything about it except complaining?
Oh wait, that's right now.
General Discussion has become a joke. No really, everyone is trying to make excuses for their spamming/flaming/trolling and even the excuses they make have become a joke.
So then basically GD is the second Gremlin Chatter, except in GD we talk about stuff about the game, however random.
It was the year 2010, the month November, we took off our hats and bowed before our new overlord BehindCurtai