Why am I not mentioned? JK, JK.
۞ Aeternus Imortalitas ۞---Forever In Happiness~Now Recruiting

One can only hope. One can only hope. One can only hope.

One can only hope you're not planning to use us in a scheme to kill guilds.

Kill wuuuut?!? I aa-absolutly dont know what the heck your talking about?

We know it's you. Stop stealing from Nj/laylla you both made the same mistake you posted as your alt on your account then switched it to a different one.

:O Whoa Art, I see your Guild is booming. You even got Fehzor to join! :3 Congrats. :D
I see what you're doing here... >:3

uh no Fehzor's in ITJ.
@night-rove I'd wager he's LoN's alt.

Or was it Forever in Happiness. I'm too lazy to check, and I know something bad will happen if I do, something always does. :I *Looks around the corner* Anyways, I bid thee good fortune on thy journey...
Woah... where did that come from?...

Give IT some time to cool off. I think IT's been having too much candy.

Oh I know Ise isnt you. I've known Ise a bit longer than I've known you, Ice.

Bump cause Art is an awesome friend. :3
And Ice... I AM DISAPPOINT. How can you not know who's alt I am yet? >:O

lol finally figured out what LoN stood for didn't you?

Yeah he can necro everything except his own page. LoN y u no give us new chapter?

And i still needz to make chapter 37. D: But so much school work.
'The first time I came back to Aegis team and into your guild.
(When I saw Lon in your guild)"
Wait wat

We need a new recruitment campaign, maybe.
ART. Tell us the secret to your sucess!

Its true, I have many secrets. Some that you guys would never guess.

I opened one and got this: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/938132498044032371/85D60CD7DA54F3E9449...
After I opened trade requests came in. Ill wait it out.

Hey guys we should make a guild promotion video :3 Got the idea after seeing Aegis team's. :s

I'm up for making it c: its just the timing for those who are going to be in particular parts of the video though. But we're active anyways so its all good. :)

Whats your In-Game Name?
How often do you play Spiral Knights?
IDK. i cant count.
Have you ever done a full FSC run? a full shadow lair?
i forget. wats FSC?
How often do you play Lockdown? Blast Network?
All day every day. :)
Why do you want to join Aeternus Imortalitas?
im so lonely..
Tell us about yourself.

By Varm:
"I opened one and got this: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/938132498044032371/85D60CD7DA54F3E9449..."
Hey! I'm in that picture :D
@Shineep: Contact Shadowpizza, Artistbma, Varmittwotwothree, or Redchoccy ( I think thats how you spell Red's name) Btw, I don't think such a video is allowed on the forums, please retain yourself from using to much profanity when you join our little family ;)

Lol, I always had your side and backed you up Art... I always had faith in you...
Aegis Team is scrapping the alliance with Fan-Art. Think of this as a symbolic gesture.
Anyways, I'm still good friends with you.=)
This action was done on behalf of AT, not me. I'm still on your side Art, defending your reputation. If it wasn't for me, you'd be... Nvm. XD

Whats your In-Game Name?
How often do you play Spiral Knights?
Almost every day, elevator pass and lots of CE makes that lovely idea possible
Have you ever done a full FSC run? a full shadow lair?
Neither but i will be once i finish getting all my gear to 5*
How often do you play Lockdown? Blast Network?
Havent done much PvP yet. Looking to get into it soon
Why do you want to join Aeternus Imortalitas?
I'm just looking for an active guild, and this one seems decent.
Tell us about yourself.
All 4* i do lots of random runs and i will help just about anyone with anything.

Contact me, Redchoccy, Shadowpizza, or Artistbma.

Sorry I got stuck in the moment. Ice, Chriz, I'd like to help get you guys back on track. Will you accept my help?
If you do, come to Haven 12 Garden 6:15 ESTish.
Dammy cant play the game for a few months, so its just me and my officer Shadowpizza (Applesausy on forums). And oh yes, we also have Varmintwotwotthree, well we used to have Benightz... and uh some other peeps and this one member who keeps giving me like 1kce every once and a while for some reason (Me thinks he wants to be officer)