۞ Aeternus Imortalitas ۞---Forever In Happiness~Now Recruiting
wow... i just posted one thing... and it stopped :D WOOT!
Applying, chances are I won't get accepted. Said chances are 99.9%.
Whats your In-Game Name?
How often do you play Spiral Knights?
I play it frequently.
Have you ever done a full FSC run? a full shadow lair?
I've done a full FSC run tons of times and I've conquered the Snarbolax Shadow Lair.
How often do you play Lockdown? Blast Network?
I rarely play lockdown, but might get into it, and I might start playing Blast Network.
Why do you want to join Aeternus Imortalitas?
I want to join a guild because it will let me into a society, where I can make friends, enjoy the game and have fun.
Tell us about yourself.
I'm an indie gamer with aspergers syndrome.
Art must've dropped the thread on accident... I'll just pick it up and put it on the top of the page...
Whats your in-game name?
How often do you play spiral knights?
-I play early in the evening on weekdays.
Have you ever done a full FSC run? A full shadow lair?
-I'm a 2-star, so I don't do FSC runs or shadow lairs.
How often do you play lockdown? Blast network?
-I like playing lockdown every now and then, but I don't play blast network.
Why do you want to join Aeternus Imortalitias?
-I want to become a part of a guild that has a lot of features, and has members that are social and active, and this guild seems to have both.
Tell us about yourself.
- I'm a person who hates devillites. My character in spiral knights is a guardian. I also hate gremlins.
well the thread needed a little help. In other news, I have a OS upgrade on my laptop. (windows 8)
Im thinking about closing the forums page recruitment for a bit just so we can all get our acts together around this Christmastime and get to know each other better. Also because Im too lazy to keep up with the thread.
I really hope this thread didn't close temporarily because I really would like to join :D
Anyways, here it goes...
Whats your In-Game Name?
How often do you play Spiral Knights?
Mostly on the weekends, I'm on a lot on the weekdays but I mostly hang around in Haven instead of doing runs then
Have you ever done a full FSC run? a full shadow lair?
I've done much more FSC than I'd like :l
I've done the Rabid Snarby shadow lair before (no ce revs! woot!) and I am going to do Ice Queen in about a week.
How often do you play Lockdown? Blast Network?
I play LD occasionally for the tokens, and Blast Network rarely, though I do enjoy it.
Why do you want to join Aeternus Imortalitas?
After being in several guilds where the guildmasters recruited 5*s and other people just because of gear, I decided I wanted to join a guild based more on fun, personality, etc.
Tell us about yourself.
Ice cream is yummy. I like to eat it. Yum. I'd say I'm pretty easy to get along with, I like running around in Haven randomly, telling people I spilled sauce on my pants today.
But feel free to contact us ingame, as we are still recruiting people in the game.
Art you dropped your baby! Here I'll pick it up for ya.
Whats your In-Game Name?
How often do you play Spiral Knights?
every so often
Have you ever done a full FSC run? a full shadow lair?
How often do you play Lockdown? Blast Network?
Haven't yet because i never seem to have crowns
Why do you want to join Aeternus Imortalitas?
to have sone people to quest around with in the clockworks
Tell us about yourself.
I just got this game about a month ago so i am not really that good yet, but i aim to get better :).
Hey guys. Recruitment is back and running!
Whats your In-Game Name?
How often do you play Spiral Knights?
Every so and then
Have you ever done a full FSC run? a full shadow lair?
yes on FSC and yes on SL
How often do you play Lockdown? Blast Network?
I hate it but i try as much as i can to play it to get the voltedge recipe
Why do you want to join Aeternus Imortalitas?
because im guildless (no duh) and im not sure all i want is a guild <------(worst answer ever)
Tell us about yourself.
i started a long way back which was like a week after the full release came out(not that long ago) and so far im just trying to have fun =D
P.S. i raged quitted a lot so i sold many of my stuff and had to start over.... (3 times)
Congratulations to our new officers, Blurange and Trabias! And a BIG congratulations to our new Guild master, Redchoccy!
./clap yay
and i have to thank damascus (is this how u spell it?) for recruiting me
Hello i would like to join Aeternus Imortalitas.
Ign: Svanto
I play spiral knights often, about everyday...
I did play lockdown and the bomb-it thing often on my other account. (that got abandoned)
I wanna join this guild since i wanna join one and this one is accepting all tiers...
Im a full-day gamer that basicly plays games all day.
Also how do you get those furom character pictures :P
Whats your In-Game Name?
How often do you play Spiral Knights?
As often as everyday 1-2 hours, least twice a week.
Have you ever done a full FSC run? a full shadow lair?
Completed full FSC, only one revive needed for first stage, rest no deaths at all. No shadow lairs, because I can't afford them yet.
How often do you play Lockdown? Blast Network?
Pretty often. As much as one whole game day, or about 3 battles minimum. I don't play Blast Network because it's too laggy for me.
Why do you want to join Aeternus Imortalitas?
I want to experience a new guild, because my previous leader left and the guild was in default. I think I was a veteran, but it didn't matter since there were only so few people on at the same time.
Tell us about yourself.
In Clockworks, I try to stay alive but also destroy monsters without losing as much HP as possible. In worst cases, I lag and die easily, but 80% of the time, I don't die and play as the resurrector and warrior. I can maneuver with guns, charge and strike into mobs with swords, and mob control with status bombs. In terms of LD, I win 80% games I play. The 20% is because of video streaming lag (my relatives using other computers). 50% of my wins, I do have some lag, but I manage to win. I have up to T2 OCH items, but I don't use them often, unless my team needs it. I am normally a decent player in bomberman games, but particular for BN, the alignment is not as smooth, causing me to die when I'm not supposed to.
I cannot access the game at the moment and probably won't be able to for the rest of today and maybe tomorrow as well. I trust Redchoccy and Dammasta will keep you all in line, and help Trabias and Blurange get comfortable in their new officer spots. Yes, this does mean I won't be on until like Saturday, but never fear. You all are in good hands. :)
Im upgrading to Windows 7 so I can only access the forums on my phone.
Things are going quicker than expected. I might be able to get on by tonight.
So I can help with recruiting here too.
We went on an SL run today:
Edited: http://s1309.beta.photobucket.com/user/Artistbma/media/spiral_2013-01-05...
Unedited: http://s1309.beta.photobucket.com/user/Artistbma/media/spiral_2013-01-05...
I quit SK today. Sorry for leaving a few days after I became an officer. When Red asked me "Will you stay with us?" before the meeting and I answered "Yes", I really didn't know that I was gonna click that "Delete" button after a week. There are two reasons that made me quit the game.
1- I want my life and grades back :/
2- The game is too boring compared to how it was in Feb-May 2012.
Thanks to all the members for making the guild a great community, and I apologize for all the rank difference I made that day, and for not staying with the guild. And don't worry, I compensated for my destruction in the mist well.
Bye! Blurange bids everyone farewell.
Someone else left, time for me to go on another recruiting spree. :P
Blu, you will be sorely missed. :(
2)I am playing spiral knights every day.
4)It is good guild.
I am friendly,good gamer.I want to be in this guild very much.
first of all, i need to know if theres ppl in the guild to do FSC runs by the time im on, as its been a problem for me (last guild i joined had nobody online at the time i was).
i play at nigh/dawn here (after midnight). basically near 11PM at server time till 11AM.
right now its 12AM, so its 1h ahead forum timer.
I'll be on an extended holiday from main server SK till battle sprites arrive
If yeh guys wanna contract me post it here.
Whats your In-Game Name?: Unstable-Ordinance
How often do you play Spiral Knights?: Every day, most days for about an hour.
Have you ever done a full FSC run? a full shadow lair?: No I haven't, but I'll be willing to try once I get the appropriate gear!
How often do you play Lockdown? Blast Network?: In my main account Neonguard (see below), I played a lot of lockdown and tried Blast Network a few times. In this account, I will likely be the same and play Lockdown when I run out of mist for the day.
Why do you want to join Aeternus Imortalitas?: I'm going on a journey to collect every single 5* bomb in Spiral Knights (besides Dark Retribution because I am strictly F2P), and I feel that the backing of a good guild to help me with runs and such will help me, and this seems to be the best guild there is! (Also because I enjoy reading Artistbma's fanfictions)
Tell us about yourself: Although I'm only wearing proto armour now (started this account today), I'm actually an alt account for Neonguard, which is why he won't be around anymore on the forums and in-game.
Hey Art and Red, I won't be very active anymore due to school really taking most of my time now and having to spend my weekends doing homework and whatnot. Not sure when I'll be active again, sorry for the inconvenience.
just thought I'd stop by to say Hi.
I don't know you guys but today is free bump day.
OK I MIGHT come back to Aeternus Imortalitas Now that this !@#$ is over...