I'm pretty new to SK, only been playing about 7 days, so I never got a chance to use the old shard bombs - in contrast, I'm still new enough that the shard bombs remain out of my reach (then again, I rarely use bombs).
What I'm intersted in knowing is, what exactly did the old bomb do that the new one doesn't?
Shard Bomb - Old and New?
If you're new and bored, you can wander around the wiki:
They deleted the stuff about the old bombs, near as I can figure, but you can learn about the new bombs there.
EDIT: Here's a page about all bombs currently in the game: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Bomb
As you can see, they each have a different function.
The old bomb was the fastest charging, highest damaging against few targets, longest-reaching , most-versatile bomb you could find. It shot far-reaching shards in eight directions.
It also didn't inflict stun.
The new one covers a smaller area and deals less damage than Nitronome, yet serves the same purpose. If you squint at it and make sure you're not hitting a neutral target, the DPS can be argued to be a little bit higher, at a very increased risk.
If you hit the History tab at the top of the wiki articles you can see some of the old information about the bombs. Some of the pictures sill have the older revisions in their file history too so you can see what the old attacks looked like.
But for the most part the biggest change is that you can no longer hit a single target with every single shard.
And the Shards themselves no longer go over small walls.
The old RSS:
-Most cost effective weapon in the game
-Able to snipe turrets
-Able to deal massive single target DPS
-Best bomb for damage to undead, fiends and construct
-Only usable damage bomb in lockdown
The nRSS:
-Elemental and piercing lines worse than DBB for everything but construct; on par with nitronome for construct on the elemental
-Sun shards line deals stun randomly, which glitches enemies into attacking twice.
-Normal line comparable to nitronome, but worse for DPS
-Salt bomb line directly outclasses other dark RSS line; on par with dark retribution, even if barely
-Terrible single target damage
-Unusable in tight spaces due to disapearing shards
"single target damage. IF used effectively. And it was money vs undead and constructs. Our only option to OHKO howlitzers/gunpups."
It also had more range and damage per shard, plus it was cost-effective, probabaly the real reason behind OOO's nerf.
Fehzor hit the nail on the head, but it's not the only damage bomb in LD, I've seen some well used gravitons....
hi jakmad, i made a thread explaining it properly and have some videos here
single target damage. IF used effectively. And it was money vs undead and constructs. Our only option to OHKO howlitzers/gunpups.