This is a bit of a long post, and I know there have been many threads like it throughout the game's history, but these are things that I would like to share with everyone and see what you think. They’re not even loosely based on the official forum rules or Terms of Service, it’s just all stuff I’ve observed and deduced. Following these rough guidelines has helped me survive life on the forums and life in general--they’re kind of a set of personal rules.
What do y’all think about them?
- This video game does not belong to you; you are not entitled to have every little thing you want, but you ARE entitled to complain about it on the forums so long as you keep it clean and civil.
- You are not entitled to not have people complain about you for complaining. A lot of players find the constant complaint threads to be annoying, so be prepared to explain why your complaint is special and good.
- If someone complains about your complaining, being mean to them is not going to stop the complaining, it’s going to create more complaining. Snarkily pointing out a reason why they’re wrong----even if they ARE wrong----makes you look like the bad guy. Don’t be the bad guy. The way you speak is much more important than what you say most of the time, even if you are right.
- Do not assume everyone will know why your complaint is special and good. You should provide detailed evidence for why something is bugged/unbalanced/unfair, even if you feel everyone should already know why. Because some people don’t know. They just don’t. A post that says “X is broken, fix it now!!!!” doesn’t provide any information and isn’t useful feedback.
- Don’t forget that sometimes your “complaint” is actually a suggestion, a commentary on what you want instead of something that actually exists.
- DO assume that OOO reads all complaints, but DO NOT assume that you are entitled to a response to every single complaint. Remember, every second they waste replying to a bunch of threads about the same topic is another second they’re not working on the game. Leave your feedback and then let them work.
- Do not assume that if OOO gives a release date for something, that date is set in stone. Things happen, plans don’t work sometimes; trust that OOO will wait to release things when they are ready, not when you want them. Remember that once an update is finished, it needs to be tested, and that takes varying amounts of time----sometimes a bug gets found and the whole update gets scrapped. Sometimes an update gets released and it’s not optimal and needs tweaking afterwards.
- When something is released that you don’t like immediately, go and play with it first. Don’t be that guy that hates new things because they’re different; try it out for a bit or your complaints will have no factual basis and nobody will listen to your special and good complaint.
- Do not assume that because you are on the forums, you are seeing the true opinions of all players. The forums make up maybe 5% of the total player population of Spiral Knights; it is NOT and never will be a representative sample of the playerbase.
- Do not assume that the moderators have time for every single violation of the ToS. They are human, they have food they need to eat and stuff they need to sleep on. They cannot be here 24/7, every waking second, just waiting for someone to mess up.
- Do not assume that silence on the part of OOO indicates that they are “hiding” or trying to avoid your questions or demands. Sometimes they’re busy. Sometimes your demands aren’t reasonable. Sometimes they’ve just made a decision that they’re going to stick to their guns, and they don’t feel like saying it again.
- Do not assume that you know what counts as a ToS violation. Obey it to the best of your abilities, but note that the ToS can be amended at any time, and OOO ultimately has the power to define any and all terms within it. What counts as “personal attacks” or “spam” to you might be something very different to a moderator.
- Do not confuse GMs with Devs, Mods with Devs, Sega with Devs.
- Three Rings or OOO or 000 is the company developing this game. Within the company, there is the Spiral Knights development team. It is a small team made up of nice dudes.
- Game Masters do not have anything to do with the development of the game. They cannot fix bugs, but they CAN and will get you out of bugged situations to the best of their abilities; again, they are human. They can’t be everywhere 24/7, and they can't help you unless you call them.
- Forum Moderators do not have anything to do with the development of the game. They read the forums and forward things that look important, but you can’t get a bug fixed by yelling at a Mod. Eurydice is our Community Manager; she manages our community or something but basically she’s the boss of ToS.
- SEGA is the company that bought Three Rings a while back, after Spiral Knights was well on its way to being a thing. SEGA has almost nothing to do with the development of Spiral Knights; complaining to SEGA about a bug will probably get that complaint thrown into a large bin of things SEGA probably won’t bother to forward to Three Rings. I dunno you could try it I guess but I don't think they'll be very keen on it.
- Near as anyone can figure, The Board that determines what content gets made and how much it needs to cost, if any at all. The Board is mostly made up of people from SEGA. The Dev team has control over making the game and actually doing stuff but The Board, and therefore SEGA, decides how much money needs to be made. Too many promo events, not enough cool game mechanics stuff? Don’t blame OOO too much, they have to do it because SEGA owns them.
- Keep minimodding to a minimum. You’re not a moderator, and neither am I. It’s cool to suggest that somebody move their thread to a more appropriate section where it will get more interest, but say it nicely. Don’t accuse people of violating the ToS on the forums. If you really think they’ve broken the rules, you should have enough evidence to file an official complaint, right? Do that instead. I’ve found that people who minimod get minimodded by other people, who in turn get minimodded by somebody’s a bad spiral. Note that I am minimodding right now, in a sense, so there will be massive amounts of complaints about this thread---but I felt like I wanted to share this to see what the reaction is.
- Do not assume that this forum will be free from trolls. If you are trolled, remain calm. Feeding the trolls will result in a huge thread that will quickly devolve into nonsense.
- Using proper spelling and grammar will help you avoid trolls because people will know what you're trying to tell them. I'm not saying you need to use 100% Board Certified Queen's English™ but complete sentences and punctuation will help you avoid a lot of confusion.
- If you edit your posts, you should note that you edited them. If you edit without noting that you have done so, you’re probably going to get called out on it. Don’t be that guy that constantly edits their stuff when they realize they’ve said something dumb. Acknowledge your goof up and be a cool kid about it.
- Do not assume that you always know better than the dev team. Yes, you are the customer, but the customer is not always right. They know way more about the game than you ever will, and if they don’t implement your suggestions or demands, it’s probably because your suggestions/demands won’t work. Also remember that you are just one of many, many players; your opinion does matter, but it is not the most important one ever. OOO must balance your desires with everyone else’s. The devs are nice dudes, so they probably haven’t told you as much because they don’t want to make you feel bad.
- Remember that this is a game with hundreds of items----not everything can be the best thing ever. If item X is not as good as item Y, that doesn’t mean all things need to be as good as item Y. If that were the case, all the equipment would be the same and the game wouldn’t be fun. If something gets nerfed, there is always something else still available that can do the job. It’s not the end of the world, it’s an opportunity to try something new.
- Finally, don’t take the forums too seriously. It’s a discussion forum for a video game, for crying out loud. If you want 100% serious business discussion, you’re barking up the wrong tree.
I’m bored.
I give you a cookie. Enjoy!