With your logic Twitter and Facebook shows a player base which should be noticed as well. I am not saying the forum player base is not important only saying you can't base or throw any weight into many of the complaint threads here since it does not show over a 50% of the overall player base. Majority of the forum players argued that unbinding prices are very high, argued that due to items not being able to unbind (due to another patch) it will kill this game. (if the dev's listened to the majority of the forum topics then we wouldn't have spiral knights since this game should of been dead).
Providence's Posting Propriety Protocol

Yep, they should; all player feedback should be noticed to tell the truth (and checked, as of course not every feedback is useful or good). I wouldn't say dead, only different maybe even better but we will never know (we probably would still have tortodrone and vog for example, although it's just a guess since I wasn't playing by the time that it got removed); as for the unbind value being cheaper it would be almost as game breaking to me as the bomb is to you (no flying trucks given), but sure extremes like "ONOOOES THAT WILL KILL DA GAME" are annoying either way.

providence's perfect use of alliteration is amazingly awesome.

You're right that no one platform provides a full picture of player's desires, but that's for OOO to worry about, not us. I don't see the point in constantly second-guessing myself--"Ooh, I think X, and most other forumers agree, but what if all the Twitterers think Y?" Why not just express our own differing opinions and let the devs sort out what weight to give to each? (As, in fact, they must; it's not like we can do it for them no matter how much we second-guess ourselves.)

I don't think the issue he has is people expressing their view. I think the issue he has is people stating that the majority of the players agree with their view.
Honestly it doesn't matter how many people agree or disagree with something. Numbers doesn't make a case good or bad. This is why the majority don't dictate a lot of things (among them, game design). Though I don't think any of us are particularly worried that Three Rings is going to suddenly listen to bad ideas simply because a lot of people seem to push it. What annoys some of us is people spouting out their ideas and then claiming everyone agrees with them. Or simply spouting opinions off as fact.
Edit: Oh, but more related to this thread's actual subject... don't think the forums represent the player base.

Sigh, the two core fourming algorithms that I dislike the most;
1) player-made fourm policies (though this isn't the worst I've seen, it has some valid but obvious points)
2) acting as if the fourms aren't the largest source of player feedback
Not using the fourms is like not voting. If you don't feel the need to express your opinion, you don't feel all that strongly about anything.
NJ is acting as if she belives that everyone who isn't using the fourms is the complete oppisite of anyone who does. What would make you think that any non-fourmer is pro or con for an issue? The only thing that comes to mind for me would be the 'spiral surveys'. On the fourms, pretty much everyone hated pets aside from those who posted a pet topic and ran. So, OOO decided to see if the rest of the game shared the fourms opinion, and, ta-dah! we don't have pets. All that was taken out of those threads were pet-cessories, that most people on the fourms said were OK. The FOURMS. The only difference between a fourmer and a non-fourmer is how much they care about the game, and how well they write perhaps. Non fourmers might like the RSS, they might hate it, noone can tell, so don't use them to your advantage. If someone says 'the majority', its fairly safe to assume they mean 'the majority of people who have spoken'. Them not posting only means that they don't really care about a video game that much, and good for them.
Twitter/facebook aren't going to get more feedback than the fourms, and those who do use those pages are most likely fourmers themselves.
The forums don't represent the whole player base's opinion that's true, but as I said it's one of the few communication channels that we have with the devs so it should represent it in some way. But sure, I will not bring friends or "forumer's" (I'm not a native english speaker, so I'm sorry if this word doesn't exist I just didn't know exactly which word to use) opinions as arguments anymore. :)
Nah, to tell you the truth I don't really like this CE discussion either I even skip most posts on that thread. It's just that this certain case where I put an offer and in less than a minute 1647 offers covered mine with the same paying price was kinda obvious that someone (or a group) was if not manipulating at least trying to do it (oh, and today the CE's price got higher, even with a CE promo... coincidence?).