You never told us. What's your new years resolution?

And you never told us what Iamnoone's New Year's resolution is either! =O

I did! Look to the previous post!
Yeah! Iamnoone should tell us!
- mod calibrator generator is broken until further notice, therefore there won't be any mod calibrators until it has been fixed -

I always forgot to use the edit, sorry :<
If you're still busy you can just rest from the topic and continue whatever you're currently busy on.

No, I'm quite free these months.
But this year, it determines my future.

I stopped making them long ago. I saw them as nothing more than a novelty, meant to be broken, with the purpose of making us better people or at least looking that way to others. A notion rather trivial to a perfectionist. So, I stopped making them one year with a final resolution to continued on in my life's pursuit of perfection, everyday in everything I do. Something never to quit or forget about. Fully embracing it. Knowing it will be forever more.
~fast forward time to last year with all it's changes~
I resolved to stop the abuse, to not allow myself to become homeless by it and to fully recover from it, (financially, emotionally, physically and to replace all the appliances, furniture, and my truck that were damaged in the process. :/
~fast forward another year~
(With all that done)
I resolve to hostility buy out the MF from the property we co-own. Something I initially thought would start somewhere around June and as late as October but it has already begun. xD
Happy New Year everyone. :D

Nice to hear ye're sharing that to us, but I don't get what ye said somewhat. 0.0
Happy New Year! :D

Every house fires a volley of fireworks............and when I say volley I mean like 50. Tis so noisy XD

Why do I think Hawxindanite is Psychodestroyer and Psychodestroyer is Hawxindanite?

Yeah, the same here 0_0
What is so special about this year to you Thunderbog?

"Watson, I just had the most peculiar dream. You and Mary and Gladstone and I were at a restaurant. There was a satanic pony. It had a fork in its hoove and it was laughing at me!"
"Gosh those food and stuffs must be nice.
I had western food for christmas. :D" -Thunderbog
Well, we had the usual 'northern' food that everyone has up here.
Good stuff, good stuff. Eatalot and got fat.
"i don't drink alcohol drinks please stop it"
I jest, I jest.
Though, this vodka stuff is pretty funny. Hahaha.
"- mod calibrator generator is broken until further notice, therefore there won't be any mod calibrators until it has been fixed -"
... Can't you just flip a coin, wouldn't that serve the same purpose?
Also, I owe you a FSC run.

When I changed my avatar I forgot it was also Psychodestroyer's XD

Can you be my slave >B)
P.S you must say yes or you will suffer........and by slave, you must give me 69 cr weekly

Riddle me this- why, even though there are seven other classes, does everyone in Lockdown play Scout/Spy? It's even worse in Blast Network; nothing but Demomen, not even a Soldier.

Dang Sebastianseb. I wish I thought of asking that.
Mr Thunderbog, when are you coming back? I miss you.

30 more posts to go!
People! Post more! Almost there!

/sees no sign of movement
I think he's dead. :(
Yes, we're almost at 1k posts, and Thunderbawg goes bye bye.
R.I.P. Thunderbuggy. *Sniff sniff*

The new game
Where's the philosodragon (Wally's pet)

Where are you Boggy? Your dragon blood soul is getting cold...
We miss you :<

/delivers the flowers for the funeral
Someone needs to write Thunderbog's obituary.

I hereby sign that after I die I'm giving everything I own to Fallconn, My dearest friend who I've only met 4 times.

Sorry for the long hiatus. But here's a short note before I go somewhere else in need of studies.
I've been playing another game! And the doors seems fun, hm.
To be honest, 2 years ago this game existed until last year it died away and came back this end of the year.
I used to name this 'Thunderbog's [plowing, ahem] Diary' because some of the characters like a mage girl seems half exposed.
And Fallconn...
/e gives a superman's ho slap <69

Don't take this the wrong way, but that screenshot makes my brain hurt. O_O PIxEls

You shall no longer confuse me for Psychodestroyer XD

Oh well double post... But I will make use of the accident XD
LOL, studies getting in the way of everything. Actually, I'm in the middle of an examination period and I'm still active in the forums
Oh well, its been like this for the previous exams...... And I still get 90% IN MATH =D, hope tis better this quarter.

Where are you? If you're on a hiatus don't let it end like HOTD :<

Thunderbog, what happens when you poke Luguiru? Benightz?

I go 1st.
He is in a valley in the Himalayan Mountains.

Time to play epic action music

With my little eye.... That Thunderbog is hiding inside Iamnoone's closet!

/runs out of the house
/runs in the house
/locks the closet door
He's all mine. =)

/e shudders at the thought of the belly rubbing that will ensue

Actually... I remembered someone posting about locking someone in the closet...
He never feed that person, never gave him anything to wear (yup, he's naked) and never cared for him. When he gave that person a cheddar single he gobbled it like it was the best food he had ever eaten.
Please don't make Thunderbog like that :<
If you love something, let it free. Well unless it's something special don't >_>

/finds the handcuffs and shackles
/gets the rope
Boggy's not going anywhere and he'll be naked and belly rubbed soon enough.

Are snipes are mind controlling the strangers?
"/finds the handcuffs and shackles
/gets the rope
Boggy's not going anywhere and he'll be naked and belly rubbed soon enough." -Iamnoone
Oh... This might get ugly.
Oh well, since Thinglebog has been kidnapped by sinister pink rabbits from the underdark or whatever, I say it is our duty to push this thread the last five posts to 1k posts / 20 pages!

Only 2 post left to reach 1k post.

Hey Thunderbog... I heard slenderman likes bashing face into keyboaegkgrfydgukeygukek.