Great success!
@ Weedalot
It wasn't the pink rabbits. ;]
/rubs boggy's belly.
Hey guys, do any of you know by any chance Where's Pipipipipi? Ya know, the guy who posted in many gremlin chatter games.
According to my friends list, he's been inactive since Christmas Eve.
Ya think this is somehow related to Thunderbog going missing?
"It wasn't the pink rabbits. ;]" -Iamnoone
OH, riiiight!
Dayum. Don't overdo it now... We still need a bit of Thunderebnog for the thread... That preferably hasn't been rubbed sore.
"Ya think this is somehow related to Thunderbog going missing?" Doom-Xx
Well, it's either the dreaded, evil pink rabbits, or Iamnoone.
... Or a mix of the two. I wouldn't know.
/puts a lock on the closet door
Don't look in there. It's just stuff Santa gave me for Christmas. XD
/opens the closet door a crack and throws in a sandwich
/quickly closes and locks the door
Thunderbog went to study over sees. He said he would be back for several weeks/months. I don't remember.
/kicks the closet door
Be quite.
But he did say he'd be quite busy. I won't worry about him if I were you.
Infernus-Dragneel eats dragons.
Do you need to kill him?
Is it possible to gift an elevator pass? I guess this one is pretty simple :D
Bog "hypothetically" if i got really mad at someone and put cyanide on their toaster strudel, where would I hide the body..? Uh yknow hypothetically :)
C'mon, why would you hide him there? Seriously, the only dragons I come to know in my journey was Thunder, Mawa and Draycos...
It's not like I would eat them... Well Draycos and Thunder is an exception :3
Yes you admit you're eat your own kind in the other post.
I think this thread should be renamed... Here's a couple of suggestions:
"Ask Tuhdnreboggy Anything! (On wild kidnapping adventures)"
"Ask Vodka Queen Anything!"
"Help! Have you seen my missing philosodragon?"
"Missing people thread!"
We will drawl no attention here. Just answer the questions for him
@ Cao-Mau "Is it possible to gift an elevator pass?"
Yes, just give the person your credit card info or paypal account info and they can buy what they want. Best gift ever.
"We will drawl no attention here. Just answer the questions for him" -Iamnoone
Oh. Okay then. Clever.
New thread topic name:
"Ask anyone anything! (Except Thundrebog)"
"Can i make everybody rickrolled?" -Fleet-Miss-Gun
Yes, yes you can.
Go right ahead.
Can i throw into a blackhole that sings rick roll?
Can i throw into a blackhole that sings rick roll?
~Platoon-Hit-Sword you can't...
Can i destroy Nick?
Can i wreck OOO?
Can i invade OOO office?
And yes, I just found my free time just to say hi, just only hi. ;n;
Well, I suppose I am going for another hiatus.. maybe. :x
I read some of the posts, and perhaps I must hug and cuddle Iamnoone and Weedalot so much. <3
*brings them 2 back to my house for threesome* o3o
Who let you out! Get back in the closet!
Wait wut, threeso- B-bb-but I don't even. Oooonononono.
Can anyone answer my question in Answer my question?
*kisses Weedalot*
Prepare thee furry handcuffs. 8D
Morning guys.
Oh my.
Should I do something about this new scheme?
Can I rejoin this thread?
My apology for not posting here for a while.
"Prepare thee furry handcuffs. 8D" -Thundderbogg
Lewd-meter is off the scaleee.
Iamnoone, I need assistance in containing the philosothing!
"Can i destroy Nick?" -Fleet-Miss-Gun
I heard shadow-damage-based weapons are good against Nicks... However, since there are no shadow-damage-based weapons in real life, maybe you could try locking him in a dark closet (at least it has shadows)? I think Iamnoone has experience with locking things in closets...
"Can i wreck OOO?" -Fleet-Miss-Gun
About 30 minutes away from their offices lies the 'Wrecking Ball Coffee'. You could always buy them some coffee, as I'm sure some of them (as most people) would prefer some nice coffee in the morning hours.
"Can i invade OOO office?" -Fleet-Miss-Gun
Yes, go right ahead.
Just remember to bring your squad of coffee bags with you.
"Can I rejoin this thread?" -Gzilla
I think there is a section in the ToS on this...
Yes. It says you have to. No exceptions.
"Do your socks stink?" -Draboar
As all socks do... Eventually.
Anyhow.... Glad to have you back :D
Do you torture snipe in the mean time?
Infernus-Dragneel died.
Everyone died. The end.
He speaks of the furry handcuffs. We must get him back. We don't want it talking. Of course I'll help.
The god-like Nick? The one at the top? The leader of knights? Are you serious? Are you crazy?
Do you think we have the stones to do it?
We'd be the baddest baddens.
I'll clean out another closet and get ready for him.
We'll have to invade the office. ;D
When we get him, we get him while he's holding the ban stick. :P
Can I join the invasion yall?? =O
(You can have the rest of my yogurt if you want!(It helps regulate your bowel movements!))
No thank you. I make it. :)
Yes, you can join us. They have that fancy pants office. Our best chance might be to dress in fancy draperies, stand by the walls and make like windows. Then, when we're sure Nick is there and holding the stick, we bag him in our draperies. We could make him feel like the walls are closing in on him. :P
You can join. But I must learn some spells first before invading.
Does if I have the counter spell and I'm hitten, the power kicks in and kills the hitter?
How do i get my own profile pic?
Finally! A real serious question being answered seriously!
Faith had been restored to this thread!
Guy's I've invaded OOO's office before, I ask you as a friend that you DO NOT EVER IN YOUR LIFE GO IN THERE! EVER!
I'm... Traumatised.
Calls out, "Mr Thunderbog where are you? Mr Thunderbog. Come out, come out where ever you are."
Can I punch Fallconn in the face for setting you free?
Oh... did you find out how Nick produced those everlasting tears and crowns of players into more unbalanced LD gears? Or did you witness a Wolver giving birth to a Rock Jelly? Please tell me more details about it :3
Thunderbog right now, is serving me hot cocoa. Yes, you heard that, he is my slave! >:D
@Infernus - Heh, you're funny. Everyone knows Threenerburgus is locked away in Iam's closet! And trust me, you don't want to know what goes on in there! o_o
Oh... I do know... But graphic violence and innapropriate words hinder me from giving rather crucial information.
I helped Thunder escape in the cost of his freedom :3
I will not start the invasion until someone post a post in my races the game.
"This is the first post on the 21st page!" -Draycos (with minor alterations)