Ooooh. Shiny.
Sent you a mail (:
What's the current bid on the Voltedge? Mind if l add you on steam to make things easier?
@fay c/o is 36k ce, and sure, add away. id is uncosung
how much for the blaster with ctr vh and asi med? also how much for the ctr vh and asi high sealed sword? i would like to know the price in cr if possible.
how much for the ctr vh + asi high sealed sword and how much for the ctr vh + asi med blaster? i would like to know the prices in cr.
price for ctr vh + asi high sealed? price for ctr vh + asi med blaster? i would like to know the prices in cr
This dude likes posting.
I'm pretty sure Unco understood the question the first time.
@Marksmen b/o for the sealed is 28k ce, b/o for the blaster is 14k ce, c/o is 7.5k ce. Prices are negotiable
@Reto Updated
Also interested in an ASI High Blaster. *_* Bump for the shiny shop! Let me know what the price range for it is.
Anybody know where i can find a Max Fire Magic Cloak?
what is the lowest you would go for the sealed?
@leekcoco b/o is at 14k ce, prices negotiable and offers accepted!
@marksmen ctr vh+asi high sealed sword has been sold for b/o
@Dandit, Normal Max wolver cap is currently on hold, will message you if it frees up.
@Bookmarkmayne post updated!
Please let me know as soon as you can.
What is the lowest you would go for the ctr VH + as I med blaster?
@marksmen the c/o is 9k ce by Hellohippo. If you can beat that, feel free to make an offer. The b/o is 14k ce
How much are you willing to part with you asi high sealed sword for?
@Martial the b/o for the asi high is 15k ce, but prices are negotiable. Feel free to make an offer here or send a mail ingame to Uncosung
@Martial sounds good, if nobody else bids within a few days or so, we can talk again then =)
I would be happy to, but I may be unable as I am shopping for a BKC...
If I am can't find one, then my offer stands.
Need another Asi med blaster if you have any in stock. Same price (150k) but in ce
@jzthree b/o has been raised a bit, will contact in game
I'll be on tomorrow 4:00 EST and on and off until 8:00 or so
Do you have a B/O on ASI H blaster?
(edit) And how much is b/o on ASI H antigua too?
ASI high Blaster
10kE on 1 blaster.
IGN: krns
@Grim blaster b/o is 14k ce, antigua is 15k ce, prices negotiable, hit me up in game buddy
@Krns Offer saved, if nobody outbids for a few days we can talk
Hm, a bit much for me atm but if I change my mind I'll contact you; thanks.
A friendly nudge bump! :D
Also reserving one of the ASI Med Antiguas; I think I'll be able to buy it on Tuesday.
hi uncooo, so when you say do you have 5 free blasters does that mean i can have five blasters for free :O
omahgosh unco you so nice
unco > ret
but seriously unco you are really nice :) gl selling yo stuffs
and i might be interested in some of the accessories and costumes you have laying around so lets talk ingame sometime
Just curious how much is the Asi high antigua?
MSG me in game plz. IGN: Xx-Shuriken-Xx
Another bump, added Stun max, shock+poison high wolver cap
Stun+Poison max, Shock high Wolver Coat
Normal Max Wolver Cap
Pierce High Wolver Caps
Stun Max+Normal High Wolver Cap