Hello everyone. I've seen people where below their knight name on the forums it says "Legacy Username". I'm just wondering what does that mean? If anyone would be nice enough to tell me I would appreciate it. Thank you and bye!
Legacy Username?

Go away
Thank you
Graveyard this

They are the users who have not changed their names during the forum update.
Have ye noticed the names contains non-capital letters?

I was gonna graveyard after I heard the meaning. -_- Duh.

This topic should not exist. There are answers already when you type in this topic name into search.

Since when Asukalan lashes this much to newbies? Still, I recommend you to move it to the New Recruit area, just so you don't get killed by some people lol

Its beyond any logic when you type in exact topic name into search and you find answer on FIRST PAGE. I can tolerate when you have to change search term or the answer is on second or third etc. page but not when its on FIRST PAGE and it pops out after typing TOPIC NAME

Asukalan's rage against idiots is over nine thousand!
Asukalan is considered a dangerous person! XDD
That means that the name is the name of that persons account, not actual knight. That doesn't happen anymore, (you have to pick a knight now) so youll only see them in older threads.