So many carefully thought out usernames and poignant avatars go unnoticed by the average player. How did you make or pick your username, and how or why did you choose your forum avatar?
I shall start to show what I mean.
I chose my current forum avatar because it bears the closest resemblance to my signature appearance, which is a Cobalt-colored knight with determined eyes and the Gold Rose Regalia set.
My username is a conjoining of two concepts - that I am a thinly-built person who likes games with interactive combat (as opposed to click-to-win combat). It originated from my cousin's nickname, Wee Man, so named for being unusually short for a guy. I tried to use Thinman online, but it was always taken, so I had to use another. Thinslayer seemed like a pretty good, and perhaps more awesome, alternative.
Enough about me. Let's hear your stories!
I chose my forum avatar because it is closest to my Proto gear, which was a dusky spiral culet and spiral tailed helm. Of course now I wear an angelic set, but I still use this avatar for whatever reason.
I named my knight after Yttrium, an element of the periodic table with an atomic number of 39. After seeing the knights technological look and style, I felt obliged to name my knight something scientific. Yttrium just happened to be taken, but I like Yttriu quite a lot more anyways.