I love helping out 2-3* players on JK or RT runs and sometimes add them. The thing is that they see I have 5* and go like "OMFG SUPER BAD@SS PRO HERE!" I always resist the temptation to kick them and going solo. I end up having to carry them while they barely do anything. Even though it's nice helping out them, I feel like that they are too used to having a 5* carrying them. Another thing is that if I add them, they keep asking me if I can invite them to vanaduke, or if I rephrase that, "CARRY ME IN VANA PLZZZZZZ UNTIL I CAN GET MAH FANG OF VOG!!!" by then I delete them and consider them as a true noob. It's not nice getting spammed by purple text.
IMO, experienced players not only do their own things, but help out other the the new players. But the new players have to learn their own skills, in T3 when you first do vanaduke you cant just do nothing and let other players do all the work. EVERYBODY needs to cooperate to make a run successful and quick. This is not a rage thread, just something I've been thinking about for awhile. It would be awesome if sometimes the player says thanks or something.
Wear a costume and use 3* equips