its kinda tiring to see posts like "OMG CE TOO HIGH!!! OOO PLZ FIX OR I RAGEQUIT."
I really like posts that people put time into typing it. They at least say why its too high.
please stop raging about CE

Or too blind to notice what is causing the prices to raise. I have a review of the energy market here.
Obviously many other reviews are around, but if we want our community to take its head out of its bu-posterior this thread could act as an index for those reviews for the people who think they were the first to complain and soil their diapers.
For an actual solution I recommend this.

mr. business guy of Cradle,
who do i blame for CE rise? please, use simple english por favor.
more like one word or something.
big wall of text gimme headaches. or confuse meh

Strangers are the Cradle business gentlementlegen. I simply relay that two plus two equals four, not peanut butter.
I make it very clear in my review.
If reading is too complicated or difficult of a feat I recommend looking away from your computer and leaving the building for at least sixty minutes of light exercise, such as going for a walk or gardening.

I posted a rage thread? I was merely just posting about how I feel about the rage posts and Its not rage

energy prices are very high now and thats a fact. most T2 people cant get enough money to even get enough ce to keep on playing. they come to the forums to voice thier opinions. If youre mad of disatisfied you have every right to complain. most of the people who write those threads are newer forumers posting for their first time about how the energy price is to high for them.
if you hear the same complaint more than once their more than likely is some truth to it.

What luguiru said on his post of the size of an old x-box was this, somewhat:
Most people make suggestions about lowering the CE price, but can't into economy.
>What is energy?
Two kinds: Mist energy, which is free and recharges over time, up to 100 points, and crystal energy, which is only obtainable by real money purchases or by trading with other players who do the 1st.
>Uses for energy:
- Elevators - main use
- Unlockable stuff on levels
- Crafting - main use
- Creating guilds
- Revivals
- Unbinding
- Buying equipment, upgrades and keys on Supply depot.
>Energy is 3expensive5me, i want to complain about it!
1st, there's a thing called supply/demand. The higher the supply and/or the lower is the demand, the higher the CE prices will be. The problem is that the demanders outnumber the suppliers, which results on inflation. And not just that, he says too that the income of crowns is very large, which it mostly goes to the market (I can blame FSC for this, really...)
Not to mention not every p2per will sell his energy. some just keep it for their selves so they can do other things such as crafting. But of course they shouldn't be forced to sell it, just like f2pers shouldn't be penalized on any other way either.
He also said 4 general ways to lower the prices:
>Lower the rate crowns are introduced into the market - by that he meant to reduce the income, which is not a good idea, because not only it would take the same, if not more effort to get the same pack of energy, but also everything that is bought by crowns would take more effort aswell... Only place i'd actually agree on putting this idea to work would be on FSC.
>Incentive for premium players to sell their energy to other players - That means cosmetic stuff rewarded for energy sellers, which it's actually a nice idea, but not so sure if it works on long term though...
>Incentive to buy energy packs without introducing another energy sink - Accessories again, but that's a short term solution, as many have noticed. Imo, a better value for energy would be a better idea, and that if it's not just done as a promotion.
>Introduce a feature which consumes crowns - Punch is the best when it comes to be a crown sink, but it's only appealing for those who got loads of crowns to burn. It needs to be more appealing in order to people to use them more frequently. Honestly, imo, since crafting is one of the two main uses for energy (for a f2per that is), we could just be able to craft without the need of energy. If done properly, it would be a super effective crown sink, and removes the need for a f2per clutter the market with crowns in order to get his precious energy to make stuff.
This is entirely done with the selfishness of the community in mind without creating another "pay to win" issue.
Or at least this is how I understood (also added a couple of stuff on my own).

thank you. thats what i needed. a rundown of economy

Post like this is like Shooting someone on the head and tell them not to die :3
If you haven't noticed Ce was like 2kcr back then now its 9kcr -.-

When the Guild Hall update comes out, upgraded guild halls will cost crowns to keep the upgrades. That will be a MASSIVE crownsink, and I would be willing to bet it will lower prices back to 8K, if not more.

Making threads like these don't work. My masterpiece will be coming soon!

I said this again..The problem of ce ragers is that the economy is unstable..If the ce was more stable then they wouldnt rage..They would accept the game difficulty and if they liked the game they would continue to play.But now that they know that the market is controlled they make thoughts in their head like this ''why they dont sell it a little cheaper so we can play too''they rage!The stability is the key here..I am not expert at economics but many players suggested solutions how the ce price would be more stable!
Second.The rage shows that they react & they are not passive..Law of nature my friend action==>reaction.I personally dont rage i try to find other ways..but rage is part of this unstable economy..What do you expect that the ce sellers would sell 10-15k and the f2p would be happy about that?
Third what would happened if no one raged?And i dont mean only the rage threads but in the game also..The price would be skyrocketed..Maybe rage threads and rage never decreased or solved a problem but i think that many times put a stop on the ce price...
@Soultaker you maybe tired to see these posts i understand that but they are tired too playing 20 times the jk to buy ce to craft a 3 star gear(when they know that the situation can be better or worse)Every society needs stability.Whenthe ce price was a month before 7k and then it went to 9k it cofuses the player.
To sum up you must accept their right to rage!If you dont like dont read it simply!
And consider their place too before you judge..Think why they rage do they have a reason?(its obvious they have)or they are mentally crazy?

But we all understand CE prices are high. The only thing ragers accomplish is to infuriate their fellow players, and make the forums a more negative place than usual.
dont you hate it when some one rages and makes a topic about ppl who rage about CE and all that causes is a flame war?
please, refrain from postin things that will tick other ppl off.