Overall, I am very very happy with this promotion. It coincided with the new danger mission, and is a huge step in the right direction of "promos+updates" that valve has mastered so well. Is it there? Not quite, but even so, it makes sense and almost does it correctly. Maybe I'll write my thoughts about that later.
Hack into a Surge Prize Box!
Not buying this because I want my rose regalia. Although I might get my hands on one of them flak jackets....
Okay, this aura is seeming more and more appealing as I find out more. MEWANTMEWANTMEWAAAAAAANT.
Oh man you 'fixed' the aura name. :( oh well.
Would be nice if they released these items one by one, one item every day or something. I'm not a big fan of variant tickets and accessories :D, I want those armor re-skins and auras =) Also I'm curious, why do the new energy bonuses always have a chance of getting an item out of about 50 items? What happened to those energy bonuses such as the Rose Regelia redux and Vakyrie wing energy bonus? They only had the item which the title specified and didn't give you other items which you didn't want.
Just curious, please don't take it too seriously
So your saying my argument has no validity what so ever, and I should just "Deal with it " that I didn't buy CE when the promo started and thus couldn't get this bonus content ? I would like some advertising of promos so you know next time when people start buying CE they can wait for it and then buy it .But apparently that's too much to ask , I suppose we wound't want the lowly peons having the same stuff we do now would we and hurting our profit margins when we sell them for millions of crowns rite!
so yeah I'm annoyed I had to shell out more money to get more CE for these items.
Oh and by the way they're all selling this stuff for above 500 k cr and up to 1.5 million CR so of course certain people wouldn't want others to know about it before hand, so those that cant afford to buy CE with promo packs all the time could help flood the market with these items. and it would even be a worst travesty if any sort of compensation was given to people for being a day or two too early for it. Because then the ones who bought it on the same day would see their profit margins will fall and then they couldn't price gouge and sell these items for exorbitant amounts of crowns.
$$$$ Am I rite?
The hacked aura is epic. I dont care what your saying bout promo.
Imma get it.