so what do you guys think now
we cant rev someone if we only have one heart where as the old one we can split the heart?
i would really like to hear what you guys think about it
Tue, 09/18/2012 - 10:26

Tue, 09/18/2012 - 10:43

It depends.
If you have over 1 whole pip, you can rev
If you have 0.75 of a pip, you can't rev
Unfortunatly, they both show as 1 pip
*EDIT* Ninja'd
Tue, 09/18/2012 - 10:46

If you have 1.5 bars of health you can give them half of a bar.
Apparently health bars/pips are not whole or half, but are actually numerical; according to this each bar/pip of health is about forty health. Defense is also apparently additive.
Tue, 09/18/2012 - 13:12

Everything is numerical, from life values, to attack values, to ARMOR values. In the beta, from old images, you can see that they expressed stats in numbers and not bars. So, if you don't have +1000 life left (or whatever value is) you can't give 500 to the other one, the seemingly minimum requirement, if you know what I mean.
I think you are not very well informed. This is the way it's always been. 1 pip of health represents anything between one full pip and one half pip. The game will only split a the heart if there is enough for each player to have half a pip afterwards (one full pip in total).