I, as well as many others, have noticed this not so good change...

...and i want it reversed back.
i find myself never using piercing swords in pve when there is no fiend/beast - levels. This used to be my favourite sword.
Why did it have to get nerfed by shorten range?
I dont care for players who cant defeat ff/btb pros in LD. I want the range on ff/btb back for pve purpose.

I use FF in PvE all the time and the miniscule change to range effects nothing. It is so small most people don't even notice it.

I, as well as many other are happy with the change.

...change? What change?
I see no change.

If they did the same to foil/rapier swords as shard bombs, they would probably have these kinds of changes made:
- Basic and charge damage reduction by 30%
- No longer interrupts attacks
- First basic swing changed to be the same as the second basic swing
If they were in a good mood, seeing as Three Rings is biased to sword users.
Realistically, if that quarter space matters to you, you are the problem. That thing in your hand is a sword, not a baby rattle.

@darkshadow (but spelled wrong)
If you think i "suck", then you could not be any more wrong. I dont have a clue about your skill, but judging from your stupid
post, you seem to not over shine me or any knight in my friend list. I, unlike you, use swords to their full potential.
I used to smack enemies at max range.
And now, with no message from OOO, its been nerfed.
This caused me smacking air all the time. Tell me how you can say i "suck".
I also said clearly that this thread has NOTHING to do with me wanting range back for LD purposes. If you did not notice that, notice this. Im still more than fine in PVP
Edit: I can still do more than fine in PVE with my FF, but i rage at times i miss that ONE hit that didnt even mather.
In what way has bombers become stronger with this bug/test-nerf? please tell, i really wanna know.
2nd edit: i forgive darkshaodw because he understands me.

The toothpick change is barely noticeable, and not large enough to matter. Honestly, you're the first person in the 2 weeks since it's been implemented that actually cares all that much. It's still an extremely effective sword, just now its range matches the animation.

Hello friendly player, thank you for NOT acting like a ****head
I know most players dont/arent gonna notice this nerf.
The difference is HUUGE if u hit once and should have damaged 200-400 something but do 0 cuz of nerfed range.
And now you can no longer hit with first 2 swings. only the first swing will do damage.

Tell me how PVE for swordsmen using ff must be ruined/messed up to "benefit" bombers in PVP? Bombers are as bad at dealing damage in LD as ever.

The only time I've noticed the change in the course of regular play is when cutting grass and opening treasure boxes. It has no noticeable effect on fighting monsters. It has no noticeable effect on PvP. The difference in the ranges is so small that the number of attacks that actually fall within that distance is pretty much negligible.
It's not a big deal.

...then the trojans, then the devilites.
EVERYONE i saw in LD first week was "hittin' air" twice as much as usual, when facing each other 1v1.
I still DONT think PVP is broken because of this...

They were recently nerfed, as you likely know, and now Bombers have very little damage capability. Sure, we have Nitro and DBB, but nobody walks into those, preferring to stand outside with their obnoxious Polaris. (BTW, where's the "bug" that'll lower the radius of Polaris explosions? It's a bit overdue.)
Anyway, the FF and BTB lines still have the speed to hit (and, as a result, interrupt) a Devilite or Greaver. People have done well against those suckers with much worse match-ups. As for beasts, they're simple to take down, a little less range ain't gonna hurt.
EDIT: Non-weak enemies? Undead should be weaker to Elemental swords anyway (plus, FF is still fast for your Kat-jousting purposes), and as for Gremlins, the FF and BTB lines likely still work for them. They're still fast, they still knock down gremlins. And obviously you won't use them on Constructs or Slimes.

I dont use polaris nor do i own one.
bombing is a support class, not weapons of massive destruction. it has never been meant to kill fast with bombs. You may have noticed the charge needed to use them?

> it has never been meant to kill fast with bombs
It was also never meant for BTB/FF to hit that far, or haven't you noticed their animation? ;)

(I didn't know whether you did or did not use Polaris, just brought it up because I felt like it. I didn't mean to insinuate that you used Polaris, nor did I mean to insinuate that you didn't.)
Oh yeah, Bombs can rip things to bits in the Clockworks. You haven't seen a well-placed Dark Retribution chain do its work, have you? Blends up those slimes in mass quantities, hurts Gremlins too if you kite 'em through. And Dark Briar Barrage? Tears up them Fiends. The only reason bombs don't work against players is because they're predictable. Sun Shards weren't (as) predictable, and naturally, people griped. I am aware the range was too much, but the simple solution is to just lower the range, not invent a totally new (and totally wimpy) bomb line.
Yes, I notice the charge. I notice Bombs only have Charge Attacks where swords and guns have Charge and Standard attacks. And Sword charge attacks can do more damage than a bomb's charge attack (Brandish, DA, and such), as can gun charge attacks (Blitz, Drivers). We need a bomb with a fuse as short as the old Shards, or bomb damage radii simply need to be hidden from the enemy team in Lockdown, to match up to the old power we had.
Back to the FF/BTB, yeah, like I said, the range is fine as it is if it matches the animation. The Flourish is not as big as the Troika, so naturally it shouldn't have the same swing radius.

I indeed think rss nerf was unnecessary. i do know DR us good in pve against jelly/gremlin.
i meant for LD, sry if u thought i meant bombs are useless in pve.

2nd and 3rd swing now shows more animation than its aod.

Thank you Doctorspacebar for saying what I was about to yell at Theirillusion. (+9001 to Little-Juances)
I will half agree that bombs are support weapons, but if you look at the way BAB is designed, I would call it a weapon of mass destruction. But its not. That's the problem, bombs are currently the most unbalanced weapon type, hence this thread. Yes bombs are the most unbalanced weapon type, what do they get? A nerf on RSS. Oh, and if you were willing to get a Volc Demo set or Mad Bomber, and used a lvl 10 Nitronome/mist bomb/others with similar charge time (adds up to max CTR), you may notice that the charge time is slightly smaller than fuse. Using my bad estimate of a second, I would guess that's around 1.5-1.7. MUCH smaller than the charges people usually have on their swords/guns. "Usually" because there are always those OP PtP people who have VH CTR and ASI on EVERYTHING.
Oh, and having recently gotten a faust, (adjusting to heavy swords is hard...) I noticed that on light enemies, you can't hit them with the second swing unless you started the combo right in the face of the enemy. This is because of the massive knockback on the first swing, and only having barely enough lunge and range to make up for it. I'm not complaining, it really adds challenge to using that second swing which has a chance of curse, and forces me not to scratch that itch of spamming over place. Please don't complain about an OP weapon getting an insignificant nerf that still makes it OP. Please.
(Oh, and I think that I was using "Oh" way too much, If it sounds sarcastic or harsh, I don't mean it. :D)
When I started typing this the last post was #16, sorry the reiteration. (I get reeeealy distracted....)

Sorry if I was a bit rude, but people need to stop complaining about the small stuff! Us other players don't really notice thr change. I would like to see some evidence about your problem, but it's not really much. Plus, do you know how much damage people would get in ld? Over 30keach time(pun much). Just use some new strategy if your current one in pve doesn't work

have i ever said BaB is a good bomb? have i said ct is too short on bombs?
Faust ammong other heavy swords has always been like that. there is no reason to complain at heavy swords.
and again, i dont in any way post in this thread to change how ff/btb is in LD. ff/btb is not OP in PVE.

i can make any 5* sword work against enemies, but my ff was fun :(
The most anoying part is that this was a secret patch, with no compensation, no announcement.
This could be a bug as far as we know.

now i know for sure that who ever moved this thread knows that this bug/nerf is known to players.
success :D (i hope)

> 2nd and 3rd swing now shows more animation than its aod.
Sorry, it was such a big nerf that I really hadn't noticed. I guess that's what I get for trying to give the answer back, but at least Dr. gave a serious answer.
Now, about the range nerf; with a little research you could have find that they already know about it and are probably trying to fix (even if they take their time to do things, it was already acknowledged from some time ago). A thing that will probably never happen to shard bombs since they don't seen to care. Plus, people weren't saying you are a bomber hater nor anything, it was just that it felt kinda good to see others that didn't care about it, knowing how bombers felt (even if it wasn't even comparable, because if it was FF/BTB would have gotten almost the same nerfs as said in Luguiru's post -if not worse).

I was RIDICULOUSLY happy when this change happened! The patch notes should've said "Now skolvers who use AA can no longer hit you from all the way across the map! YAY!" In my mind at least :P

@ must-destroy-all
with this ff/btb bug also came a increased time of flinch. it benefits combo spammers. i dont see how you this far have experienced ff/btb being less anoying in LD.
Thats good news, i dont read all threads so i hadnt seen that.
how i felt when reading walls of texts defending bombs, was that mentioned bomb defenders think im a noob i LD who cant survive without old range and think bombs are equally good as swords. This is not a "change my lovely RSS back or im quitting" thread.

The toothpick range was stupidly long, reach just as far and wide as the slow, heavy swords. I use it just as well against fiends as before the patch, but then I'm kinda weird and operate in regards to the visual limit of the sword.
Censored for too much happiness