Today's release notes can be found here:
September 26 Update - Discussion
YAY absolutely nothing we can talk about!
We can talk about how there's nothing to talk about. :D
Give us a clue on how we can prepare, exactly? Then maybe we can /discuss~
There's no way to prove this, but maybe it has something to do with that insane CE market rush we saw a couple hours ago?
I apologize to OOO if I'm actually correct.
They are getting ready for the new Guild Hall Update. Have you guys noticed the worker bots on the East Side of Haven near the alchemy machine. They are expanding haven. Read this: More information on the upcoming Guild Hall update!!!
Here's something to talk about guys!
About the fact that it's just another bloody pathetic excuse from OOO in order to delay the GH Update that is most likely done!
So has anyone noticed anything different in the game that wasn't there before at all? The worker knights in Haven were there after the last patch, so it can't be that.
I'm going to guess that its just them putting in models etc. for the upcoming largish patch that *should* come out next week... or more explicitly, for the promotion that will likely come out alongside the guilds.
it was a small patch. lesss than 2 minues for it to appear.
Found what I think is the promotion.
Can't, forum spoiler policy. Maybe in-game.
That would mean spoilers which are against the forum rules.
Is it more reskinned accessories/costumes or something we would actually want?
Surprising that there aren't even tiny bug fixes like the tiers in spectator display which just needs a +1 somewhere. Ok not really that surprising.
Oh well, also loading up spiral spy
No, not realy. I'm actualy happy with this... somewhat... The new promo is very nice, :D Good job OOO. Though... I have to criticise : Why are you spending valuable time working on more pointless (pun intended considering promo contents) promo's when you should be working on the Guild Hall update!!
It's possible that the Guild Hall update is in a different phase of development than art; if this is the case, then the artists have nothing to do with that and no Guild Hall time is wasted.
We've waited this long for it; what's a day or so, more or less?
Valid point. Though knowing how OOO release updates, every wednesday, people tend ot get dissapointed to wait a whole week and get notting in return. And.. umm.. Wait, if the artists are not working, and judging by the content thats already in here, dose that mean that OOO is actualy working on fixing bugs now !? O_O
They're cosmetic items (obviously, it's a promotion). They seem to use modified versions of existing models, but you wouldn't notice it on first inspection. They all look fresh and, at least to me, very desirable.
I'd prefer a file directory within rsrc. If only so I don't spend several hours clicking every single item in Spiral Spy.
I dunno. Promos seem to get added just whenever, and the game files don't possess the equivalent of shipment dates.
Nick, you tease. My hopes soared sky-high when Spiral Knights started a download...
Have you guys been taking trolling lessons from Valve?
OOO release updates, every wednesday
When the hell did this happen?
Did I warp into bizarro world?
If you look at the wiki, theres a page with a calender with all patches marked. If you look closely you'll see a patern emerging :)
There's a patch every wednesday. I guess we can call it "Patch day"?
Well, not every Wednesday. Just recently, if there's a significant patch coming, it tends to be on a Wednesday. It's not a weekly thing.
There we go, it's a promotion from Steam. You have to buy the Total War Master Collection on Steam to get four different helm.
Noting there are seven games in the pack, five days for the promotion (September 27 - 30 and October 1), and apparently four items, what goes with what? As I already own Empire, Medieval 2, Rome, and Shogun 2, am I set?
Does anyone have any idea about the upcoming guild update's release date ?
@Rewolverine "Does anyone have any idea about the upcoming guild update's release date"
It's not coming in September for sure. Probably early to mid October.
Another prize box or a half priced elevator
They will release:
Another bugfix
Another "just wait there will be guild update" words
Another CE economy ruining update
More lags to Asians and Aussies
Another MSpaint-colored costumes like surge and hunter stuffs
More weapon nerfs
Not being offensive to OOO,but its the truth
Weapon nerfs are a good thing, provided the nerfs are isolated to the 'clone loadout' lines.
YAY absolutely nothing we can talk about!