Dark Harvest Festival - will it return?

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Sorry about that, the excitement is just tooo...........................exciting?

Yes Papaya you are truely correct!!!!
Go out and SAVE NOW!!!

I would rather save for a monster pocket if there is going to be one. If I get to choose, I'll want a chroma monster pocket, though I doubt they would have one.

I'm really looking forward to the Dark Harvest Festival coming back, this year. I had a lot of fun last time and I can't wait to see what that ol' Punkin King has up his sleeves. (not to mention I really want one of those masks)
Hopefully it won't be too Mission-Oriented...A daily prestiege or two would be okay, but I'd prefer looking for him in the Clockworks.

The old halloween items really shouldn't be brought back. Sure they didn't say they were dark harvest 2011 items but then again, the didn't say the Rose Regalia items were one time items. http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/5957
They just said you had until a certain date to obtain them, similar to the Dark Harvest items, which you had until November first to get.
The fact that Rose Regalia was part of a energy promotion doesn't change anything. People didn't pay extra to get the Rose Regalia, they just had to buy energy like normal.

- Sure they didn't say they were dark harvest 2011 items but then again, the didn't say the Rose Regalia items were one time items.
Actually, yes they did:
"There are three chapeaus and three tabards in all, so this is your last chance to collect all six!"

I know it sounds selfish, but I do not want the masks to be re-introduced. I worked hard to get them, under the assumption that these costume items would be proof that I was around for the first Dark Harvest festival. It's a status symbol, and one that would be cheapened significantly if it were re-released this year

^ and thats the reason why i dont want a Token Mission for this event, people would say to save "Mist energy" but giving a token mission for this event will make only people unable to make friendships like the way we did when we tried to find the pumking nest. wasnt so hard to ask friends or guildies "hey did you found a nest".
giving us a token mission for this event will ruin it a lot the fun of the event was trying to find the lair of that pumking, if there would be a mission i hope it rewards would be just prestige and a good story about the origin of the DHF, nothing about tokens. we did an effort to get our masks the last year trying to find the nest and i want to be the same thing as the previous year, not mission tokens that really will decreased the value of our effort the last year.

I know what you mean. I wear my Pumpkin Bomb Bandolier proudly, even to this day.
However, I do feel everyone who wants to deserves a chance to go out there, collect tokens and maybe reap the rewards. After all, it only comes once a year.
I would like to see more variety in Dark Harvest costume pieces, though. We got masks last year...maybe they'll add something more for this event? Like armor or something.

Dang it, I wont be here from the 19th-30th. Gonna be on a family vacation, and I'm gonna miss the entire event 0_0 AGAIN

"Short answer for the original question: yes."
whats the long answer?

@Aget "Short answer for the original question: yes."
whats the long answer?"
The long answer: Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. Did I mention "yes"? =)

Remember guys, he's just saying "Yes" to the event coming back. But not the original rewards or even the original tokens. It's quite possible they're working on new rewards.

"The fact that Rose Regalia was part of a energy promotion doesn't change anything. People didn't pay extra to get the Rose Regalia, they just had to buy energy like normal."
In practice, we all know that promo items are an enticement for people who wouldn't otherwise buy, or who would buy less. That's why OOO finds promos worth doing.

@Glacies Wait, then doesn't that mean that this years Dark Harvest Festival might be COMPLETELY different to last years? That ain't good, it could be an energy promo, it could be much shorter, the tokens required could be much more............................................................... *Shivers slightly*
Does anybody know if the Festival's date will be the same as last year? (19th of October-28th)
Community: "Oh noes! It might be EXACTLY the same as last year and we can't be hipsters anymore!"
Community: "Oh NOES! What if it is TOTALLY different from last year and ruins entire Spiral Knights!"
Lawl. Things like this makes me happy for not working at Three Rings from time to time, hahaha. I almost feel sorry for you guys over there. ^^

Oh wow, different people want different things! No one could have anticipated that. I'm sure you won't have problems with conflicting interests wherever you're working/will work in future, right?
Your amusement is misplaced.

Weed has a funny point. That is actually true all the time. There is always two main groups: one for and one against some change. Also rarely there is a third group who is only against a small part and are asking for that part to be a tad different. (I try to be in this one. :P)

@Derpules, The same can be used to describe obtaining candy, and inevitably, Dark Harvest masks. People didn't pay extra for their masks, (unless they were lazy and bought candy). The Pumpkin King just enticed people to run (a lot) more clockwork tunnel themed areas. The Pumpkin King caused people that would normally not run those levels, or would not run very many, into doing a lot of them.

I'm not quite getting the argument above ^^^ XD

You're right. But surely very, very few of those people forked out real cash in order to run more levels. The situations are still not analogous.
I also don't buy the idea that people would have acted differently if they'd been told that the masks would return next year. "Oh cool, I'll just wait a whole year then. No rush." Really? This is a game that isn't even two years old. Having an item *one year in advance* of everyone else is surely reward enough for a few days of runs.
Derpules, it's just the funny perception I get from this community.
As Autofire pointed out, there's rarely ever any major 'middleground'-group it seems (for me at least). Which, most likely, is annoying for the guys at Three Rings, and which in turn amuses me.

Every issue in the world is like this: two or more camps of outspoken supporters or critics, and a contingent (of varying size) of people who don't care so much and say little. There is nothing special about this community in that regard--it is like every other community in existence.
Have you not noticed this yet?
So you're trying to say that there is no community that agrees on any middleground ever? Eeeeehem... How about no?
This isn't a black and white world.
Haven't you noticed?

I like being a hipster. Not many people has a phantom on their heads. Now all I need is a darkfang...

Please return to my post above and, for "issue", insert instead "contentious issue". Then let me know if you still disagree.
I merely stated that I find it amusing how Three Rings won't be able to please everyone here, or even more than 50%, because no noticeable group ever resorts to the middle ground in any of the discussions, and the outcome will most likely be QQ'ing kids in a couple of threads, maybe some 'old players' leaving complaining about how evil Three Rings is. As usual. The end.
Also, I believe you can find a reasonable sum of people on the middle ground in most discussions, maybe not always as many as any of the definitive sides, but we can't really know that now, can we? This would differ from discussion to discussion, and where we find them. I, in all probability, do not discuss at the same places you do, and probably have a different perception of this.
If you so dearly want to dissect my comments before ripping the point out of them, please do it on one of my more serious comments, because this is just ridiculous...

Yes, there's often "a reasonable sum of people on the middle ground". This would be the "contingent (of varying size) of people who don't care so much and say little" that I mentioned in my initial criticism of your post.

@Derpules, If people had known that the masks would return next year, they probably would not have rushed as much to get them. They probably would have been less compelled to get them, due to the masks no longer having a "I was here for DH 2011" effect. In that case, most people would only have gotten them becaue they liked the way a specific mask looked. I'm not sure what else I could possibly say to convince you.
@Weedalot, Most of the group tends to be in the middle ground. The forums represrent a very small portion of the SK community, and even then, many players don't even know what the Dark Harvest Festival was.
When I say middle grounders, I don't talk about people that are uninterested in the discussion or hardly a part of it...
I am talking about people like Autofire. Active in the discussion, but tries to stay in the middle ground, like he said. Hell, he even started this thread.

If the date is the same as last year, 9 more days to go =) (Still not getting the argument above ^^^)

wasnt it october 11 when DF came out?

well DHF comes the last year on october 19 along with the Shadow Lair update.
you can check it here: http://forums.spiralknights.com/es/node/29852
so its pretty possible they will bring DHF the same date or around those days.

It's fine to say what you're hoping for, but there's not much point in arguing about the implementation before the fact. Personally I think chances are very good that: a.) no matter what, there will be an accompanying ce promo, b.) it will be based in the clockworks, but with the addition of a daily mission (as per cakes), and c.) the masks from last year will be available in some form. Not saying good/bad, just the way I think it will shake out.

Another wednesday goes by, another week without a patch. Looks like OOO is gonna drop the guild hall update with Dark Harvest. Just like what they did with shadow lairs. I hope this one turns out better than the SL update.

I do hope that you can earn tokens from the clockworks and not just from daily missions. That would really suck since it be very easy to miss out due to various reasons, I'm guessing that there wasn't an elevator pass during the Dark Harvest Festival, am I correct? One question, during the Dark Harvest Festival and Caketastrophe event, did the special monsters (pumking and creep cakes) have a 100% chance of appearing at least ONCE during the run?

they have like a 50/50 chance to appear a special nest on clockworks (i guess were clockworks and mechanized mile) like the danger rooms you will notice a special part that wasnt normal in the map and eureka you find the Pumpking / cake nest. i dont remember if we have elevator pass when DFH come the first time but was pretty possible to farm the tokens with friends help and arcade because sometimes Tier 1 Tier 2 and Tier 3 firsts depths always have a Clockwork or mechanized mile for farming token purposes. so there not excuses that "arcade runs its pretty imposible to farm the tokens and missions help with that".

> Dark Harvest Festival - will it return?
Yes. :)

never never never! would i have expected a GM to necro stuff on page 2 :)
players like me, yes. GM chicks like Eury, no.

Thanks for the Bump Eury, but didn't Nick already give that same exact info?
Would you care to add the something new to the conversation? 8)