Sorry, didn't mean to lowball you.
I just got back from a 1 year hiatus, so my grasp on prices is still pretty terrible.
What's a reasonable offer?
Sorry, didn't mean to lowball you.
I just got back from a 1 year hiatus, so my grasp on prices is still pretty terrible.
What's a reasonable offer?
Too many despicable people searching forums for people to rip off, sorry bout that. Boxes have been going for around 400k-ish on the AH, but I am still waiting for the value of the Stormy Boxes to increase and would prefer to wait to sell. If you really want to buy a box, I'd be willing to sell one for 375k cr. However, if you'd like to save yourself the risk of opening them, I'd also be willing to sell you some of the Storm costumes inside (Dragon, Crusader, Champion, or Avenger). Thanks.
mm tempting offer, but I'll pass for now, thanks :)
sold Forge Box and added cheap SL mats!
Can I buy the stormy prize box for divine valk wings
My: IGN is Motiha
updated prices on Surge accessories & added Moorcroft Box
bit low, I'll pass for now, thanks
sold Moorcroft box & Hallow Vertical Vents & Prismatic Dapper
Heavy Dragon Wings have found a new home :) also sold Avenger Helm and added Mirrored
70k cr for Toasty Eye of Fury.
IGN Kimahsonite
err actually, that one's been reserved, sorry. I also just got a Volcanic yesterday, if you're interested in that.
Humpty Bumpty sat on a wall...
sold Surge Helm-Mounted Display, Volcanic Eye of Fury, and Mirrored Lockbox
added Crest of Winter & Volcanic Helm Guards
Edit: that was fast. sold dem Guards!
bumper cars! added another pair of Dragon Wings
How much for all 5 stormy boxes ?? :) if we can get a good deal ill open right in front of you 👌
Not planning to sell them right now, although I do believe Raptor-Zy is selling his for 5.5k ce each. If you want them that badly, feel free to make a similar offer. Thanks!
A loud ominous bump echoed from behind the wall of the empty closet...
Edit: sold Crest of Winter
It's a bird! No, it's a plane! No, it's a BUMP!
Edit: added Mirrored Lockbox & Heavy Scarf & Sprinklezzz
Someone rudely bumped into me and continued on their way, leaving me staring forlornly at my now-empty cone and my scoop of ice cream on the floor.
Edit: sold Sprinkle
CAn i buy 2 stormy prize box for a surge dapper combo
lol what is it with you and my Storm Boxes? And no thanks, I noticed you had a c/o of 100k on your Combo anyway.
added Prismatic Valks
i was wondering could i buy the frosty scarf i would like to pay a bit less then 150k if thats alright pm me in game IGN Minato-namakaze
Buyout Crest Of Summer - ING- Mister-Chilled
Goldilocks sat down on Mama Bear's chair and broke it with a loud BUMP.
sold CoS, thanks Mister-Chilled~
Also sold Frosty Scarf & added another Mirrored
bumpity bump bump, over the hills of snow~
Added Storm Avenger Helm, sold 1 Mirrored. Also added things for Rebel-Ex, do me a favor and buy them :)
leeorwd pcire on Ageenvr Hlem EEVN MROE. Aeddd Wtihe Cehf Hat :D
Slod Wthie Cehf Hat adalrey lololol. Aeddd Rgael Lnog Faheter, Tsoaty Vtricael Vnets, and Slkpirne Arua :D
Just had the time of my life reading your bumps XD
sold Sprinkle Aura
updated Rebel's stuff, sold Dusker Cap Ele Max, added Delicate Eyes & Prism Halo
traded for Rebel's Prism Halo, looking for offers
saving 'em, unless you'd like to leave an offer
tbh i don't even know how much they're worth
last I checked, Raptor-Zy was selling his for 5.5k ce but I recall someone selling his for 6k ce several weeks ago. Up to you.
Gotta bump 'em all!
Sold Prismatic Halo & Rebel's Dusker Coat, lowered price on Heavy Scarf~
sold Red Chef Coat, traded Heavy Scarf for Divine Plume, added Owlite Shield
extremely low offer. no thank you. if you really want the boxes, at least try to make a reasonable offer...