How much would you like for them?
Dark's Devilishly Tempting Deals, Coronatine Edition! ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽ
Also interested in the prismatic halo.
How much?
Lol I think I'm going to hold off on selling those for a while, prices are still kinda low. Thanks for the interest, though.
Hi there Dark. I am interested in buying any 5 star geared Kat cowl/hats. I would also make a deal on any halo's. I have 19.5k ce to spend, so if we can make a good deal, I would be very happy. Or if you don't have these items, pls tell me if you know anyone who does. Mail me on my IGN: Demete.
Hope to hear soon from you,
How much is the prismatic halo worth now?
Was going to offer you the halo and 3kce (maybe less depending on the price) for my snarby coat. Tell me if you reconsider selling it.
Thanks :D
Somewhere around 500k cr, I believe. Not entirely sure. And thanks but I really don't need such a costume, already got all the gear that I need and want ^__^
Hey How much would you take for the Crest of Storms? I can do 2kE maybe?
Can you give me a price for the Crest that your willing to sell it for?
Nah sorry, only have one left right now so I'd really prefer not to sell it just yet. If you want it that badly, I could sell it for 300k, I suppose, but there are lower offers out there. Cheers~
Hey there Dark,
I've decided to wear the Snarby Coat myself. Thanks for putting it there though. My shop is still open for other things!
i saw an obsidian hood of influence go for 56k on auction house 62k cr for it?
Nahh I'll pass, thanks; it only went for 56k because there wasn't a bid war for it.
Lol you'd be short 20k. I'll hold on to the Halo for now, if that's the case, sorry.
Ok, then I guess it's 500k for it then. I thought the ce market was high, guess i haven't checked recently.
added Regal Eye of Fury, Hood of Rituals, & Polar Twilight Wolf Hood, lowered price on Nemesis Box
added Golden Laurel, Polar Wolf Hood, Jelly Mail Fire High, Heavy Extra Vertical Vents
Ima hold on to the Laurel for a while since a bunch of them seem to be popping up on the market; you can, however, get some for 60k cr in the AH. As for the Extra Vertical Vents, b/o is 250k but I'm willing to lower the price a bit considering our past merching history :)
Added Polar Day & Night Wolf Hoods
I'll pay 200k for them!
Also, I'll also take one of those Shadow Party hats.
Sure, Vents offer sounds fine. I can do 150k for one of the Shadow Hats.
Edit: Traded Prize Box, waiting for payment. Sonic Mask is no longer reserved...people are flakes...
How does 300kcr sound for both?
How does 300kcr sound for both?
I can do 325k for both. If not, I'd rather just sell the Vents and save the Hat
Also contact Kenalien for the shadow party hat :)
added Polar Night Hood & Rebel-Ex's inventory, traded Fancy Valks for Volcanic Dragon Wings
what are the stuffs u have on sale now? (inclusive of weapons)
Everything under the WTS section. If you're interested in anything that's under the Inventory section, feel free to make an offer.
added Fancy Drags, price lowered on Extra Vertis
hey dark im ready in game for the fancy wings could we do 400k or something similar to that we can talk about it ingame
sold Fancy Dragon Wings & Sonic Mask, added b/o on Jelly Mail, started selling Storm Dragon Helms
added Kat Claw Hood & Mirrored Lockbox, reserved Toasty Scarf, sold Verti Vents
added Closed Eyes, Volcanic Long Feathers, Iron Wolf Armor, updated thread
Mirrored Lockbox. I'll buy 3 if you have them :)
nah got one and opened it yesterday, sorry. Only selling whatever's listed on the first page.
added Polar Wings, Crest of Summer, & Iron Wolf Helm, sold Obsidian Hood of Influence
Know anyone who'd do 210k for a Polar Night Wolf Coat?
Nope, last one I saw went for 250k breh.
Sold Crest of Storms, added Iron Dragon Helm
added Fancy Valk Wings, Kat Eye Cowl, & Nemesis Box
also added something for Superior-Mike