In the year and a half that SK has been around, many things have changed. The so-called "balancing" has made certain gears overpowered and certain monsters extremely weak. In addition, the challenge that marked early versions of the game is gone, giving players a hugely unfair advantage above the monsters and completely destroying the experience. I now provide a list of "balancing" that is causing SK's downfall:
Nerfed Monsters:
-Gun Puppies
OP Gear:
-Wolver line
-Brandish line
-Flourish line
-Owlite line
Inferior Gear:
-Troika line
-Calibur line
-Angelic line
-Chroma line
-Cobalt line
As you can clearly see, the game, especially in T3, is becoming monotonous and far less challenging. What happened to the risk of dying in the forlorn Aurora Isles or the deathly Devilish Drudgery? Where did our challenge go?
So please, OOO, do something about this. Take a look at your patch notes, and check where you nerfed or buffed. Then, fix it. Make it like it was in the old days. Give this game a real challenge.
-Soarel Fyrex von Krone-Schtauffen
I like this idea but, sometimes stuff should be balanced. Things should always be balanced now because we can't make it unfair.
The owlite shields are not Over powered. All shields are created evenly or differently. The wolver line is not OP'ed. The Skolver is a bit more powerful than the vog cub. So I would suggest balancing the Skolver and vog cub gear as the Skolver is over powered.
I support this idea though. 1+