So I got this paint app I liked for the iPad. I've been drawing things I need for a French project at school. I want to get a little better at drawing so don't expect anything pro please. I do not charge anything this is all free for the drawings will just be more like a practice for me. It would be much easier to turn in a requested work through skype, so add me if you can. "thechickenugget"
What can go wrong with a free piece of "art" :d tell me what you would like nothing too complicated plawkz. :)
I love free practice drawings!
Picture of my knight, if you want?~ This or this (sorry, didn't have a better pic of me in my flak jacket xD).
If you aren't looking for knights, I'd like to see your attempt at a geckie (chromalisk) also! The tier1 normal ones =)